ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    16 December 2022, Volume 56 Issue 12 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Peaceful Development and the Building of a New Type of International Relations
    Fang Changping
    2022, 56 (12):  5-13. 
    Abstract ( 459 )   PDF (6595KB) ( 312 )  
    In the report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again calls upon all countries to hold dear humanity's common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom. Peaceful development has different meanings in different contexts. In the early stage of reform and opening-up, peace and development are the theme of the times. At the beginning of the 21st century, peaceful development is regarded as a development path. Since entering the new era, peace and development are among the common values of humanity advocated by General Secretary Xi Jinping. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the theory and practice of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics, particularly the theory and practice of the new type of international relations, have clearly reflected the common values of peace and development.

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    Reforms of the Global Governance System Guided by the Principle of Fairness and Justice
    Yuan Zhengqing
    2022, 56 (12):  14-23. 
    Abstract ( 564 )   PDF (7008KB) ( 159 )  
    At present, changes of the world, of our times and of history are unfolding in ways like never before, and human society is facing unprecedented challenges. The Chinese nation has ushered in a great leap forward from standing up and getting rich to becoming strong, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process. General Secretary Xi Jinping has stood at the forefront of the times, grasped the pulse of the times, and led China's diplomacy to fulfill its duties for serving national rejuvenation and promoting the progress of humanity. Fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom are the common values of all mankind, and we must jointly address global threats and challenges. The common values of all mankind meet the requirements of the times and reflect the aspirations of emerging economies and developing countries. China leads the reforms of the global governance system with the common values of all mankind, and it is a staunch force for a fair and just world for all. The common values of all mankind, together with global development initiatives and global security initiatives, constitute a threeinone approach to China's global governance, providing a solid conceptual support for creating a new form of human civilization.
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    The Common Values of All Mankind and the Chinese Practice of Democratization of International Relations
    Dai Changzheng
    2022, 56 (12):  24-34. 
    Abstract ( 503 )   PDF (7670KB) ( 301 )  
    Entering the new era, in the face of major changes unseen in a century and the overall strategy of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, General Secretary Xi Jinping has emphasized on many important occasions that China should vigorously advocate peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom, which are the common values of all mankind. The report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China further calls upon all countries to hold dear humanity's common values and jointly address various global challenges. As important common values of all mankind, the concepts of freedom and democracy, which integrate the Western concepts, Chinese culture and the connotations of the times, are the philosophical foundation of the practice of majorcountry diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. The democratization of international relations that centers on the ideas of sovereign equality, rationalization and fairness is a way to realize the common values of all mankind. Opposing all forms of hegemony, building a solid social foundation, and enhancing diplomatic practice in various fields are practical measures to build a new form of human civilization.

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    The Reconstruction of the Relationship between “Market Rationality” and “Social Rationality” and the New Form of Human Civilization
    He Lai, Zheng Linlin
    2022, 56 (12):  35-43. 
    Abstract ( 568 )  
    An important prerequisite to understanding the rich connotations of the new form of human civilization is a solid grasp of the major difficulties and contradictions encountered in the development of human civilization. The idea of “new” in the “new form of human civilization” is demonstrated in the investigation and detangling of these major difficulties and contradictions, among which the issue on the relationship between “market rationality” and “social rationality” is of great significance. An indepth exploration of and an adequate response to the contradictions between “market rationality” and “social rationality” are important starting points for Marxist philosophy to reflect on modern civilization and explore its future development. Marxist philosophy has consciously realized that the transgression of “market rationality” over “social rationality” is a major contradiction of modern civilization, and has made indepth reflections on its consequences. Based on the understanding of “social rationality”, reconstructing the relationship between “market rationality” and “social rationality” represents a major breakthrough for Marxist philosophy to reflect on modern civilization and seek the development direction of human civilization. It provides the following implications: coordinating and balancing the contradictory relationship between “market rationality” and “social rationality” properly is an important topic and core content in understanding the new form of human civilization, and also remains an important growth point for the advancement of contemporary Marxist philosophy.

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    The Crisis of “Gattung” and the Generative Logic of Social Relations
    Wei Bo
    2022, 56 (12):  44-53. 
    Abstract ( 383 )   PDF (7540KB) ( )  
    The establishment of the concept of social relations is seen as a sign that Marx's “new worldview” transcends Feuerbach's philosophy of “Gattung”. In order to grasp the formation process of social relations and its logical mechanisms, it is necessary to re-examine the ideological connotation of Theses on Feuerbach in the context of the crisis of “Gattung”. In his famous work The Essence of Christianity, Feuerbach attempted to integrate self-alienation and intersubjectivity into the concept of “Gattung” in order to accomplish the task of liberating the real man from theology. Feuerbach's philosophy of “Gattung” was soon criticized by Stirner and Hess and fell into crisis. In order to overcome the crisis of “Gattung”, Marx elaborated the mechanism of the interrelationship of “objective activity-social relations” in Theses on Feuerbach, thereby proposing a new scheme beyond Feuerbach's philosophy of “Gattung”.

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    An Analysis of Data Ownership Structure from  the Perspective of Marxism
    Liu Zhen, Zhang Lirong
    2022, 56 (12):  54-65. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (9183KB) ( )  
    The special nature of data as a factor of production and its importance in the digital economy have gradually attracted attention from all walks of life, but its ownership is still unclear. At present, the data in the Internet space are owned by the corresponding enterprises by default, which has led to many social problems. Combining the unique attributes of data with the social status quo of some private data, this paper proposes a model of data ownership structure from a Marxist perspective: the original data are classified and protected, the data infrastructure is publicly owned as a means of production, and data products are owned by all workers as labor products. We can refer to the different development stages of land ownership in the transformation of data ownership, in which the common ownership of the means of production by all laborers can be realized. China's practical experience on ownership issues will help to explore a data ownership structure that is more feasible and sustainable, and contribute Chinese wisdom and solutions to global data governance.
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    On the Source of Independence of the Discipline of Ideological and Political Education 
    Liu Jianjun
    2022, 56 (12):  66-73. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (6073KB) ( )  
    Since the establishment of the discipline of ideological and political education, there have always been certain implicit or explicit doubts about the independence and values of the discipline. This is related not only to the self-identity of scholars in ideological and political education, but also to the public's evaluation of the discipline. To respond to these doubts theoretically is the basic requirement for the construction and development of the discipline of ideological and political education. The discipline of ideological and political education is indispensable; it has its own independent existence and unique values, and its objects, foundation, systems, and values are all unique and irreplaceable.

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    Exploration and Compliance of Discipline Construction Rules of Ideological and Political Education
    Zhang Yaocan, Sun Qinghua
    2022, 56 (12):  74-82. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (6950KB) ( )  
    As an independent discipline, ideological and political education has been developing and growing since its establishment in 1984. To some extent, it benefits from carrying on the fine tradition of paying due attention to the exploration and compliance of the rules in the discipline construction of ideological and political education. Reviewing the history of discipline construction in the past 40 years, it is necessary to refine and elucidate the valuable understanding of discipline construction rules. To be specific, in the discipline construction of ideological and political education, we should accurately grasp the nature of the discipline and adhere to the correct positioning of the discipline, following the laws of direction guarantee, clear positioning, and double services; we should improve and innovate the theoretical system and research paradigm of the discipline, following the laws of comprehensive construction, crossintegration and paradigm development; we should strengthen the construction of high-quality teams and coordinate the promotion of talent training, following the laws of echelon improvement, collaborative progress, and system construction. In all aspects of discipline construction, we should always adhere to the combination of inheritance and innovation and face the times, practices and the masses on the basis of continuing and carrying forward the fine tradition.

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    On the Development of the Ideological and Political Education Discipline
    Li Hui
    2022, 56 (12):  83-92. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (7575KB) ( )  
    The developmental attribute of the ideological and political education discipline is assessed by studying its development, which is one of the basic attributes of the ideological and political education discipline. The developmental attribute of the ideological and political education discipline is a reflective proposition with the development as its core concept and the clarification of the spatial and temporal boundaries of the discipline as the key. Understanding the phased characteristics of development is conducive to an objective understanding of the history of the discipline and the strengthening of self-confidence in relation to the discipline. The internal driving force for the development of the discipline of ideological and political education is the contradiction between the practice of ideological and political education and the status of the discipline, and the external cause is the change of the development conditions of the discipline. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in the context of socialism with Chinese characteristics in a new era, the development of ideological and political education discipline has gained new opportunities, in which strategic development, holistic development, and leading development have become new trends.

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    A Political Economy Analysis of the Expanding Gap of the Wealth Distribution in the United States: From a Three-dimensional Perspective of Market, Government and Households
    Chen Bo, Zhang Quan
    2022, 56 (12):  93-108. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (12686KB) ( )  
    Thomas Piketty has made outstanding contributions to the measurement of wealth distribution, but the model to explain the wealth distribution gap in his well-known book is essentially a simplified heterogeneous agent Ramsey model. The heterogeneous agent Ramsey model attributes the wealth distribution to the utility maximization of household decisions while ignoring long-term changes in the economic environment. Neo-Schumpeterians investigate the wealth distribution within the framework in which technology interacts with the institution while ignoring the impact of economic policies on the wealth distribution. Based on the Marxist political economy, this paper analyzes the continuous expansion of the wealth distribution gap in the United States since the 1970s from a perspective that the market, government and households interact with each other. The increasing wealth distribution gap in the United States can be explained as follows: under the institutional framework with the capitalist state power and the market economy based on the capitalist private ownership, the capital-biased institutional system further accelerates the disorderly and excessive expansion of capital and aggravates the continuous expansion of the income and wealth distribution gap, and thus the trend of economic polarization has become increasingly prominent; economic polarization intensifies political polarization, which enables the monopoly capitalist class to strengthen the capital-biased institutional system, forming a positive feedback closed loop; the wide distribution gap is transmitted between generations through physical capital, human capital, and social capital factors, which is called “patrimonial capitalism” by Piketty.

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    A Study on the Origin and Evolution of Discourse of“Chinese Path to Modernization”
    Hu Guosheng
    2022, 56 (12):  109-117. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (6732KB) ( )  
    Chinese Path to Modernization, led by the Communist Party of China(CPC), based on China's reality,is a socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics,which is different from Western modernization and has expanded the way for developing countries to achieve modernization.“Chinese Path to Modernization” is a historical concept ,originated from Marxist modernization theory, first explored in the revolutionary situation of the CPC, conceived in the construction practice of the Four Modernizations during the socialist revolution and construction period , generated in the construction practice of the reform and opening-up and socialist modernization, and shaped in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics.The evolution of the concept of “Chinese Path to Modernization” reveals the historical track of the CPC's goal of building a great modern socialist country in an all-round way, and clearly presents the path chosen by the CPC to create a new model for human advancement at the level of theoretical innovation and practical breakthroughs.

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