ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    Understanding “Marxism Works When It Is Adapted to the Chinese Context and the Needs of Our Times” from the Perspective of “Changing the World”
    Jia Limin, Guo Lurong
    Teaching and Research    2023, 57 (12): 5-15.  
    Abstract456)      PDF (8402KB)(206)       Save
    As a “thorough theory”, Marxism adapted to the Chinese context and the needs of our times is rooted on the experience and practice and aligned with the fundamental essence of man. It responds to practical concerns and contains the value purpose and practical orientation of “changing the world”. The Communist Party of China has played a vital role in promoting the understanding of the theory among the people, through which Marxism adapted to the Chinese context and the needs of our times has further touched the real world by effectively leveraging the key role of the people and material practice, changed China and the world in the process of being transformed into “material power”, and demonstrated the power of truth, great vitality and infinite vibrancy of Marxism in the 21st century. It has been proven through practice that “Marxism works when it is adapted to the Chinese context and the needs of our times”.

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    The Historical Evolution of the Communist Party of China's Concept of Party Spirit
    Wu Wenlong
    Teaching and Research    2023, 57 (8): 81-89.  
    Abstract429)      PDF (6324KB)(89)       Save
    Since the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the understanding and expression of Party spirit have shown different patterns in different periods. During the Yanan period, the concept of Party spirit of the CPC was initially formed, and the establishment of the Party being a proletariat party was emphasized as the core connotation of Party spirit. During the period of socialist revolution and construction, the focus of the CPCs discourse on Party spirit changed, and the concept of “keeping the people firmly in mind” and the spirit of seeking truth from facts became the central content of Chinese Communists interpretation of Party spirit. In the new era of reform and opening up and socialist modernization, the CPC has put forward a series of new ideas, viewpoints and conclusions in terms of the construction of organizational discipline and the shaping of ideological concepts, thus further extending its concept of Party spirit. Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, the concept of Party spirit of the CPC has achieved innovative development. The historical changes in the CPCs conception of Party spirit are of great significance to the correct interpretation and the clarification of ambiguous understanding of the connotation of Party spirit, and the promotion of the construction of the discourse system of the discipline of Chinese Communist Party history and Party building.

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    Common Features and Chinese Characteristics of Chinese-style Modernization
    Zhou Wen, Bai Ji
    Teaching and Research    2023, 57 (9): 26-39.  
    Abstract397)      PDF (10489KB)(181)       Save
    There is neither a single authorized model of modernization nor a onesizefitsall standard for modernization. The Chinesestyle modernization is one of the human modernization models, which not only has the common features of modernization of all countries, but also has Chinese characteristics based on its own national conditions. The Chinesestyle modernization is a modernization that pursues shared human values and aims to achieve common prosperity for all the people, behind which is humanism that surpasses the capital logic of Western modernization. It is the modernization that seeks to integrate material and spiritual civilizations, promotes the comprehensive enrichment of materials and the allround human development, and surpasses the onesidedness and limitations of Western modernization with its comprehensiveness and integrity. It is the modernization that takes the harmonious coexistence between man and nature as its value and the peaceful development and cultural exchanges and mutual learning as its main themes, surpasses the predatory nature of Western modernization with its pursuit of harmony, and shows a new form of human civilization. Chinas unique cultural traditions, historical courses and basic national conditions, as well as the characteristics of independent and “parallel” development, determine that to promote and expand the Chinesestyle modernization, it is necessary to embark on a development path that suits the countrys own characteristics.

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    “The Second Adaptation”: A Profound Grasp of the Laws of the Development of Morden Civiliztion of the Chinese Nation
    Zhu Kangyou
    Teaching and Research    2023, 57 (9): 5-14.  
    Abstract396)      PDF (7208KB)(122)       Save
    For more than 100 years, the Communist Party of China has led the Chinese people to explore a path of modernization that is different from that of Western civilization, bringing the traditional form of Chinese civilization to the stage of modern civilization of the Chinese nation. The “second adaptation” has played a great historical role in this process, and has thus converged and accumulated to produce the fruit of the “new form of human civilization” in the new era. The “second adaptation” is not only a profound summary of the Party's historical experience of the adaptation of Marxism to the Chinese context, but also a profound grasp of the historical laws of promoting the development of Chinese civilization through the organic fusion of cultures. To implement the guiding ideology and concept of “the second adaptation” and lead the great rejuvenation of Chinese civilization, it is necessary to compose the “Chinese history in a new era” with the method of “history of civilization” and continuously promote the construction of modern civilization of the Chinese nation in a “moral” way, and to facilitate the continuous progress of human civilization towards the goal of “the free and allround development of people”. 

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    The Establishment of the Scientific View of Praxis and Marx's Revolution of Subjectivity: The Evolution of Concepts from “Estranged Labor” and “Sensuous Praxis” to “All-sided Production
    Su Hongdou
    Teaching and Research    2023, 57 (8): 49-56.  
    Abstract363)      PDF (5586KB)(43)       Save
    From the Paris Manuscripts, Theses on Feuerbach to The German Ideology, Marx has replaced the “cognitive subject” with the “practical subject” through the revolution of subjectivity, and gained a good command of the mutual generative relationship between subject and object in perceptual practical activities, effectively overcoming the dichotomy of subject and object in the modern philosophy of subjectivity. A scientific view of praxis has been established. The establishment of the scientific concept of praxis and the completion of the subjectivity revolution consist of three theoretical links from “estranged labor”, “sensuous practice” to “all-sided production”, forming a logic of proceeding from the concrete to the abstract and then to the concrete. The key is the reconstruction of the concept of practice as “laborproduction”, which unifies the principle of self-consciousness in the concept of labor and the principle of materiality in the concept of production, and thus constructs the theoretical link between the critique of philosophy and the critique of social history. In this way, it achieves the dialectical unification of the objective and the subjective in the materialist view of history. 

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    On the Effective Connection of “Small Ideological and Political Classrooms” and “Big Social Classrooms” under the Framework of “Big Ideological and Political Courses”
    Sun Xiuling, Guo Qianqian
    Teaching and Research    2023, 57 (9): 113-120.  
    Abstract351)      PDF (6773KB)(144)       Save
    Ideological and political courses are key courses to carry out the basic task of fostering virtue through education. Launching “big ideological and political courses” is an inevitable trend in the reform and innovation of ideological and political courses in universities and colleges in the new era, and the fundamental requirement of “cultivating talent for the Party and the State”. Improving the effective connection between the “small ideological and political classrooms” and the “big social classrooms” under the framework of “big ideological and political courses” will help break the barriers between “small ideological and political classrooms” and “big social classrooms” and expand the space of education, promote the unification of students knowledge, belief and behavior, realize the twoway interaction of internalization and externalization, and comprehensively improve the quality of the construction of the “big ideological and political courses”. It is necessary to strengthen the toplevel design and coordinate efforts in the temporal, spatial and institutional dimensions to promote the effective connection of the “two classrooms” and improve the pertinence and effectiveness of ideological and political education.

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    On the Construction of an Index System for New Quality Productive Forces
    Cao Dongbo, Cai Yu
    Teaching and Research    2024, 58 (4): 50-62.  
    Abstract330)      PDF (13578KB)(163)       Save
    The productive forces are the most active factor in promoting social progress, and releasing and developing the productive forces is the basic task in building socialism. The new quality productive forces are advanced productive forces that fully integrate technological innovation and existing industrial foundation to promote the improvement of governance of productive factors and the efficiency of resource allocation. To construct an index system for new qualitative productive forces with the particular features of the times and Chinese characteristics, it is necessary not only to understand its theoretical connotation from the “annotation” of the root and soul and the value orientation of development from the “calling” of the times and missions, but also to clarify the basic principles of constructing the index system through the realistic response to the questions of “how is it possible” and “how can it be done”, and more importantly, to grasp the exploration process of the Chinese path to modernization towards a high degree of unity of fairness and efficiency. In the face of the fourth technological revolution and the new journey towards a modern socialist country, accelerating the construction of the index system for new quality productive forces in the context of entering the new stage of development, implementing the new development concept and building the new development paradigm provides theoretical and practical basis for cultivating new quality productive forces, and also points out the direction for achieving historic and systemic transformations in building a great modern country.
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    The Theoretical System of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era
    Tao Wenzhao
    Teaching and Research    2023, 57 (11): 5-16.  
    Abstract253)      PDF (8092KB)(184)       Save
    After a decade of development in the new era, it is the right time to summarize the theoretical system of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. The theoretical system includes basic elements such as the background of the times, major questions of the times, the main content, fundamental approach, world outlook and methodology, and historical status. The construction of the theoretical system involves inquiries such as what basic elements are selected, how to connect between elements, how to explain specific elements, what are the consensuses reached, and what problems still exist. To address these issues, it is necessary not only to be in line with the political judgments, but also take close consideration academically, so as to further deepen and expand the understanding of the theoretical system.

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    Innovation and Development of the Socialist System with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era 
    Che Zongkai, Xiao Guiqing
    Teaching and Research    2023, 57 (9): 15-25.  
    Abstract249)      PDF (8856KB)(88)       Save
    Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Party Central Committee has proceeded from the new characteristics of reform and opening up in the new era, drawn up the general idea of institutional construction in the new era around the “two centenary goals”, scientifically responded to the major issues of the Party and the country in the new era from the institutional dimension, consolidated and guaranteed the overall leadership of the CPC with institutional innovation, coordinated the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity in an allround and multifield manner, and built an institutional system that has clear agendas, advances with the times, and is highly logical. At a new starting point, to promote the innovation and development of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, we must always adhere to the leadership of the Party and the coordinated advancement of the institutional construction and the construction of the national governance system, and insist in acting on the peoplecentered philosophy, upholding fundamental principles and breaking new ground, so as to provide a more perfect and mature institutional guarantee for the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and contribute the Chinese wisdom to addressing the institutional and governance challenges.

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    On the Theoretical Research Method of Ideological and Political Education
    Liu Jianjun
    Teaching and Research    2023, 57 (12): 25-32.  
    Abstract241)      PDF (6046KB)(244)       Save
    The theoretical research method aims at grasping the whole, essence and law of things by using abstract thinking and theoretical language, which is the most basic research method applied in the disciplines of the Marxist theory and ideological and political education. The theoretical research method of ideological and political education requires the academic refinement of important concepts of the discipline and the analysis of their relationship with related concepts. The important propositions of this discipline should also be expounded theoretically, explaining the relevant propositions in the important documents of the Party and the state systematically and summarizing and formulating new theoretical propositions based on academic research. It is also necessary to construct the theoretical system of the discipline to form and improve the independent knowledge system of the discipline and carry out the academic interpretation of the research results in the field to ensure that they are entwining and flawless using a hierarchically narrative approach. 

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    The Connotation of “Practical Rationality” and its Contemporary Significance
    Yan Mengwei
    Teaching and Research    2023, 57 (11): 46-54.  
    Abstract233)      PDF (6032KB)(75)       Save
    The discussion on the issue of practical rationality condenses all the theoretical nodes of practical philosophy, and what exactly is “practical rationality” is a prerequisite question that must first be clarified. Rationality used in practice includes two basic levels: scientific rationality and value rationality, among which value rationality is of primary importance. Practical rationality refers to the value rationality. The basic difference between practical rationality and scientific rationality is that the former involves establishing eternal, absolute, ultimately significant and ingrained value concepts in rational thinking as the universal principle and ultimate basis for guiding practical activities, through which evaluations and arguments on the rationality or legality of practical activities can be made. This value presupposition of practical rationality does not come from the induction, generalization, and abstraction of the empirical world, but from the pure rationality of man. The function of the value presupposition of practical rationality is to construct and criticize. The critical nature of Marxs practical philosophy is also based on the presupposition of the nature of human freedom, and the loss of this value presupposition will dissolve the critical nature of Marxs practical philosophy. The ideological root of the global risks or crises in the contemporary world lies in the dilution or marginalization of practical rationality, and the common values of humanity put forward by the Chinese Communists and the concept of “building a community with a shared future for mankind” on the basis are the right way to break out of the global crises.

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    Teaching and Research    2023, 57 (10): 5-8.  
    Abstract231)      PDF (3028KB)(182)       Save
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    The Cultural Form of the Chinese Path to Modernization and the Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation
    Zang Fengyu
    Teaching and Research    2023, 57 (10): 13-21.  
    Abstract230)      PDF (5310KB)(223)       Save

    Based on the actual situation of saving the nation from subjugation, reflecting on the limitations of modern New Confucianism in analyzing issues facing China from a cultural historical perspective, early Chinese Marxists believed that the deepseated cultural changes were fundamentally the result of the transformation of the mode of social production. The adaptation of the basic tenets of Marxism to Chinas specific realities and its fine traditional culture has enabled the Chinese people to change from passive to active thinking, and gradually found by itself the Chinese path to modernization as a new form of human civilization. Being rooted in the countrys unique national conditions and cultural traditions, the Chinese road to modernization has helped clarify tasks and connect ancient China to future China. Modern China has achieved the reshaping of Chinese civilization for the times and developed steadily according to its social conditions and cultural traditions. In the new era and embarking on the new journey, we must shoulder the new cultural mission and continue to promote cultural prosperity, build a leading country in culture, and develop a modern Chinese civilization in the process of pursuing the Chinese path to modernization.

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    On the Philosophical Spirit of the New Era 
    Yan Xiaofeng
    Teaching and Research    2023, 57 (7): 5-16.  
    Abstract219)      PDF (9925KB)(68)       Save
    The philosophical spirit of the new era is the distinctive mark of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. It is mainly manifested in the spirit of the times that marks a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the ideological realm of seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation and contributing to human progress and world harmony, the strategic vision of implementing the national rejuvenation strategy within the wider context of onceinacentury changes taking place in the world, the spiritual quality of freeing minds, seeking truth from facts, advancing with the times, and innovating on the basis of what has worked in the past, the will to practice carrying forward the fighting spirit and undertaking great and momentous struggles, and the systematic concept of national governance in the new era. 

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    On the Deep Logic and Historical Inheritance of the Great Founding Spirit of the Party
    He Husheng, Zhang Lin
    Teaching and Research    2023, 57 (7): 17-27.  
    Abstract210)      PDF (8821KB)(173)       Save
    As the spiritual source of the Communist Party of China, the great founding spirit of the Party has profoundly answered the fundamental questions regarding what the Party is and what it wants to do, ie. the Party is a proletarian party composed of people who adhere to the truth of Marxism, and promote the socialist and communist ideals in China. At the same time, it proclaims the fundamental mission of the Party for what it stands for and what it lives for, outlines the fundamental path of the Party to readily take responsibility and ably perform their duties, demonstrates the fundamental position of the Party on whom to serve and on whom to rely, and contains a deep logic from who I am to who I am for and from what I do to how I do it. In the course of longterm struggle, the Chinese Communists have inherited the great founding spirit of the Party, and generated distinctive spiritual forms according to social practices in different historical periods. From a macro perspective, they can be summarized successively as the spirit of great revolution, the spirit of hard work, the spirit of reform and opening up, and the spirit of great struggle. On the new journey, the key to carrying forward the great founding spirit of the Party in practice is to take it as a practical standard, and lead all Party members to strive to be sober minded, politically clear, spiritual guiding, and steadfast in work and become the Chinese Communists capable of shouldering the responsibility of national rejuvenation.

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    Building Up Cultural Strength through the New Cultural Creation
    Zou Guangwen, Hua Siheng
    Teaching and Research    2023, 57 (9): 40-49.  
    Abstract209)      PDF (8220KB)(80)       Save
    The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward new requirements for building up cultural confidence and strength, which calls for further elucidating the theoretical connotation of cultural strength. The improvement of Chinas comprehensive national strength and the transformation of its development goals inherently require the construction of cultural strength. The proposition of cultural strength put forward by the Chinese Communists is the theoretical achievement of the specific application of materialist dialectics in the field of culture. Specifically, cultural strength includes the profound connotation of relying on its own cultural resources and strength, and taking its own development as the value and purpose to continuously develop a strong Chinese culture and enable it to undertake the important task of leading the construction of a modern and powerful country and the trend of world development. The realization of cultural strength requires the promotion of new cultural creation. Cultural creation is the internal requirement and fundamental guarantee for the cultivation of cultural strength, while the goal of building up cultural strength provides the value direction and driving force for cultural creation. In terms of the realistic pathways, to build up cultural strength through new cultural creation, efforts are needed to build the psychological foundation of socialist modernization, realize the highquality development of cultural industries and cultural undertakings, and generate a more influential international image. Culture is thus considered to be pursued as an end in order to build up cultural strength and promote the free and allround development of people.

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    On the Evolutionary Logic of Distribution According to Work and its Implementation Paths in China
    Yan Jinqiang, Hu Cheng
    Teaching and Research    2023, 57 (10): 85-94.  
    Abstract205)      PDF (8238KB)(168)       Save
    Distribution according to work is the distribution mode of the economic system of socialist public ownership, superseding the capitalist system of exploitation and providing an important practical basis for realizing the common prosperity of all people. Since the reform and openingup, with changes in the ownership structure and allocation of resources, distribution according to work and its implementation paths have been also evolving. In line with the change in the allocation of resources from planned to market, the implementation paths of distribution according to work have changed from productbased to marketoriented. Although this is different from the classic view of distribution according to work, it does not depart from the essential provisions of distribution according to work, and it is conducive to giving play to its advantages under the conditions of market economy. Meanwhile, the ownership relationship has shifted from a model of pure public ownership to that of diverse forms of ownership, which has gradually narrowed the scope of the implementation of distribution according to work and made it difficult to be compatible with the principle of distribution according to factors in the market economy theoretically. Distribution according to work in a sharing manner, through expanding the theoretical connotation of distribution according to work, can effectively exert the role of public capital and labor factors and is highly integrated with the market economy, which is an innovative transformation of distribution according to work under the conditions of socialist market economy in the new era.

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    The Worldview and Methodology of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as a Guide to the Construction of Family Education and Family Values
    Feng Yanli, Zeng Yonghui
    Teaching and Research    2023, 57 (7): 28-36.  
    Abstract201)      PDF (6673KB)(146)       Save
    A deep grasp of the worldview and methodology of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is the philosophical basis, theoretical premise and fundamental rule to promote the highquality development of family education and family values in the new era. To strengthen the construction of family education and family values in the new era, we must uphold the principle of putting the people in the first place, firmly adhering to the fundamental value position of “cultivating who, for whom, and how to cultivate people”, and vigorously fostering a new generation capable of shouldering the mission of national rejuvenation; we must uphold selfconfidence and selfreliance, keeping a firm hold on the ideological basis of family members way of behaving and doing things and having both talents and morals to become more integral, courageous, assured, and proud in their identity as Chinese people; we must uphold innovating on the basis of what has worked in the past, firmly grasping the essence of the creative transformation and innovative development of the excellent traditions of ancient and modern family education and family values, with the goal of telling well the stories of ancient and modern family education and family values; we must uphold a problemoriented approach, making clear about the prominent problems regarding the construction of family education and family values in families of Party members and leading cadres and actively solving the knotty problems that affect the healthy development of families of Party members and leading cadres; we must uphold systems thinking, firmly adhering to scientific thinking concerning the construction of family education and family values and accelerating the construction of a shared community of education featured “familyschoolcommunity”; we must uphold a global vision, understanding thoroughly the implications of the construction of family education and family values and constantly cultivating the family sentiment and global vision of integrating the small family with the big family, in order to foster a sound culture of family education and family values, which will become a trend and constantly blossom in the new era.

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    Motives and Logic of the Evolution of World Politics: Thoughts on the System of Principles of World Politics
    Yang Guangbin
    Teaching and Research    2023, 57 (9): 61-75.  
    Abstract198)      PDF (11573KB)(89)       Save
    Existing theories of international relations cannot explain major international issues such as how Chinas rise has changed the world order. The Chinese studies of world politics has provided substantial inspiration, so it is urgent to build a discipline of world politics. The research finds that the world market, which contains technology and capital, and the political thoughts generated by the world market, have connected isolated countries or regions and formed an interactive institutionalized network. Therefore, the units of analysis of world politics should be the world market and political thoughts, which are also the driving force of world political changes. The logic of the evolution of world politics is that social history has led to competitive and antagonistic resource allocation, which in turn has given birth to the world market, while the dominant and the dominated in the world market construct their own political ideas and thoughts, which has changed the political systems and brought about changes in the relations between great powers and in the world order. World politics is a contradictory body, and confrontation has been a constant feature of the history of world politics. Nevertheless, China, a country brought forth by the political history, has entered into the world arena, and its approach to development and its worldview will certainly contribute to the formation of a new form of human civilization.

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    New Quality Productive Forces and National Competitive Advantage: Internal Logic and Strategic Focus
    Zhou Wen, Yang Zhengyuan
    Teaching and Research    2024, 58 (6): 57-72.  
    Abstract197)      PDF (12483KB)(58)       Save
    With the in-depth development of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and the escalating majorcountry rivalry, developed economies have intensified the implementation of industrial policies, aiming to promote the development of strategic emerging industries and future industries and seize the battleground of global scientific and technological innovation and industrial development. Therefore, moving faster to promote new quality productive forces is not only an inevitable requirement for China to achieve greater selfreliance and strength in science and technology, but also a practical requirement for the country to take the strategic initiative when it comes to its future development and global competition. Compared with the gradual innovation of traditional productive forces, the new quality productive forces take subversive innovation as the core, with its logical starting point being the reconstruction of independent innovation capabilities under the organic unity of the government and market. To accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces, we should give full play to the advantages of the new system of pooling national resources and strengths to make breakthroughs in “bottleneck” problems in core technologies in key areas, promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, climb the global value chain with a modern industrial system, and help Chinese companies become worldclass outfits.

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