Teaching and Research ›› 2022, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (12): 109-117.
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Abstract: Chinese Path to Modernization, led by the Communist Party of China(CPC), based on China's reality,is a socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics,which is different from Western modernization and has expanded the way for developing countries to achieve modernization.“Chinese Path to Modernization” is a historical concept ,originated from Marxist modernization theory, first explored in the revolutionary situation of the CPC, conceived in the construction practice of the Four Modernizations during the socialist revolution and construction period , generated in the construction practice of the reform and opening-up and socialist modernization, and shaped in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics.The evolution of the concept of “Chinese Path to Modernization” reveals the historical track of the CPC's goal of building a great modern socialist country in an all-round way, and clearly presents the path chosen by the CPC to create a new model for human advancement at the level of theoretical innovation and practical breakthroughs.
Key words: the Communist Party of China;the Four Modernizations , Chinese Path to Modernization
摘要: “中国式现代化”,是中国共产党领导的、立足中国实际、具有中国特色的社会主义现代化,不同于“西方式现代化”,拓宽了“发展中国家现代化”的走向。“中国式现代化”是一个历史概念,源于马克思主义现代化理论,初探于中国共产党的革命境遇,孕育在社会主义革命和建设时期的“四个现代化”建设实践,生成于改革开放和社会主义现代化建设实际,形塑于中国特色社会主义新时代新征程。“中国式现代化”概念的发展演变揭示了中国共产党全面建成社会主义现代化强国目标的历史轨迹,清晰呈现了中国共产党在理论创新和实践突破层面创造人类文明新形态的道路选择。
关键词: 中国共产党, 四个现代化, 中国式现代化
Hu Guosheng. A Study on the Origin and Evolution of Discourse of“Chinese Path to Modernization”[J]. Teaching and Research, 2022, 56(12): 109-117.
胡国胜. “中国式现代化”概念的源流考释与话语演变[J]. 教学与研究, 2022, 56(12): 109-117.
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