ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    16 March 2021, Volume 55 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    On Advantages of the People's Congress System and Transformation and Promotion of Its Governance Efficiency
    Huang Xiaofang
    2021, 55 (3):  5-14. 
    Abstract ( 766 )   PDF (7536KB) ( 353 )  
    The People's Congress system is an important part of China's national system and national governance system, which provides support for the normal operation of the whole national governance system, and organically combines the main bodies of national governance to form a governance force. It embodies the nature, status and function of the People's Congress system as the fundamental political system. Compared with other political systems in China's national system, the People's Congress system has significant institutional advantages, which are mainly manifested in three aspects: democracy and centralization in the process of national governance; supervision and cooperation in the structure of national governance; legitimacy and rationality in the process of national governance. They have laid a foundation for people's congresses at all levels to play their functions as organs of state power, working organs and representative organs. To improve the system of the people being the masters of the country and develop socialist democracy, we should further adhere to and improve the party's leadership system and mechanism under the new historical conditions, optimize the specific system and its operation mechanism of the People's Congress system, straighten out the internal logical relationship between the People's Congress system and other political systems in the national governance system, and promote the transformation of the advantages of the People's Congress system into more effective governance.
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    Is Excessive Competition the Root of LongTerm Decline in Profit Rate?——Based on Perspective of Marxism
    Zhou Zhaoyu, Hu Jun
    2021, 55 (3):  15-26. 
    Abstract ( 671 )   PDF (10209KB) ( 644 )  
    Through the inspection of the theory of excessive competition, we can see that the root of the error of it lies in the abandonment of the theory of labor value. On the one hand, it makes Brenner unable to correctly understand the law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall, so he has to take competition as the starting point of analysis, reverse the relationship between the decline of profit rate and competition, and ignore the transformation of capitalism from free competition to monopoly, as well as the diversity of competition strategies among capitals in the monopoly stage. On the other hand, this makes the theory of excessive competition limited to the distribution level to find the reasons for the decline of profit rate, and ascribes the decline of general profit rate to the increase of real wages caused by excessive competition among capitals. The paradigm of its theoretical framework is from Adam Smith based on Ricardian, while the paradigm of its empirical analysis is from Adam Smith. The reason of the declining trend of profit rate lies in the relative decreasing trend of surplus value production, and the law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall is its theoretical expression. The law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall is rooted in the fact that capital depends on the exploitation of living labor, but the way of exploitation tries to reduce living labor to the minimum.
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    On Influence of Consumption on Production——Alao on How to Expand Domestic Consumption Demand
    Zhang Jiangang
    2021, 55 (3):  27-36. 
    Abstract ( 823 )   PDF (8769KB) ( 283 )  
    Consumption and production are the activities of human society all the time, and are the ways of human society's survival and development. Consumption is the purpose of production and production is the means of consumption. Production provides objects for consumption and consumption provides power for production. In the relationship between production and consumption, production plays a decisive role. Consumption is subject to production, but consumption has a huge reaction to production. Consumption creates new production needs, creates production power, and determines the scale of production. The consumption structure influences and restricts the industrial structure. The upgrading of industrial structure should adapt to the upgrading of consumption structure. At present, China's economy is facing greater external pressure. We should not only expand domestic consumption demand, but also increase investment demand, so as to provide new impetus for China's economic growth in the benign interaction between the two.
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    Revisionism in International Relations:Behavior and State
    Song Wei
    2021, 55 (3):  37-47. 
    Abstract ( 954 )   PDF (8100KB) ( 271 )  
    The history of international relations has been a history of revision, with state behavior more or less revising the status quo of the international system. But states will not become revisionist states for their revisionist behavior on specific issues. If a rising power pursues for more power while supporting the basic rules of the existing international order, it will not become a revisionist state, either. Only states pursuing to change the basic rules of international order should be defined as revisionist states. Whether a state decides to become a revisionist state not only depends on its attitudes towards those basic rules, but also its costbenefit calculation. Hegemons and rising powers might both become revisionist states and in an open international system, a hegemon in relative decline is more likely to become a revisionist state. Revisionist states might be good or bad, and this not only depends what kind of new ideas and rules the revisionist state brings forward, but also depends on how the revisionist sate conducts its revisionist behavior.  Revisionist State should be a neutral term in academical and political discourse of international relations.
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    From  Failed State  to  Fragile State: Conceptual Development and Policy Evolution
    Li Yincai
    2021, 55 (3):  48-58. 
    Abstract ( 543 )   PDF (8212KB) ( 319 )  
    failed state; fragile state; security; development assistance; policy evolution
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    The Formation, Characteristics and Accumulation Mode of Neo imperialism
    Lu Baolin
    2021, 55 (3):  59-69. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (8284KB) ( )  

    Neoimperialism is a special development form of monopoly capitalism under the condition of global financialization. In terms of time span, neoimperialism was born in the 1970s and 1980s, initially formed in the early 1990s, developed to its peak at the turn of the century, and began to decline after 2008. Neoimperialism is not only a capitalism dominated by global monopoly, high degree of financial virtualization and neoliberalism, but also an American imperialism dominated by “one superpower and many powers”. The capital accumulation and economic cycle of neoimperialism are based on high debt, fictitious economy and overdraft consumption. These are highly dependent on the monetary and financial system centered on the US dollar, so the ties that maintain its capital circulation will become extremely fragile with the decline of the US comprehensive strength and the excessive loss of its national credit. The global spread of novel coronavirus pneumonia in 2020 has once again exposed the systematic defects of the capitalist governance system. The epidemic will certainly inspire people to reflect on the neoliberalism and the existing global governance order. With the accelerated decline of the hegemonic order of the United States and the growth of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the historical process of the great changes in a century will be accelerated.

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    On Multiple Possibilities of Political Development: Theoretical and Empirical Reflections of Transition Paradigm
    Hao Shinan, Ma Zhenhao
    2021, 55 (3):  70-78. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (7259KB) ( )  
    The “transition paradigm”, which originated from the “third wave” of democratization, dominates the academic and practical circles thinking on political development. However, in theory, scholars led by Carothers have reflected on it, and believe that several assumptions of it are untenable. Empirically the emergence of authoritarian substitution, authoritarian resilience, democratic recession and democratic deconsolidation also deconstructed the transition paradigm. All in all, the transition paradigm cannot be established from the perspective of ontology, epistemology and methodology. On the contrary, political development is a process with multiple possibilities, which does not necessarily lead to a liberal democracy through a linear path.
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    Engels' Scientific Attitude towards Traditional Culture and Its Contemporary Value
    Shan Wenpeng
    2021, 55 (3):  79-88. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (7321KB) ( )  
    Focusing on the issue of “how to understand traditional culture, how to treat traditional culture, and how to innovate and develop traditional culture”, Engels explained the stand, viewpoint and method of treating traditional culture, and formed a scientific attitude with criticism, transformation and development as the basic content. We should grasp its critical attitude accurately on the basis of clarifying the basic connotation of “two complete breaks”, clarifying the relationship between traditional culture and traditional ideas, and adhering to the dialectical negative view; systematically sort out its transforming attitude on the basis of following the contradictory movement of productive forces and production relations, “starting from the existing ideological materials”, and taking into account the “common historical background”; and systematically sort out its transforming attitude on the basis of construction and development Based on the advanced culture of the proletariat and following the objective law of cultural development, we should fully understand its development attitude. A deep understanding of Engels' scientific attitude towards traditional culture is of great value to systematically answer such questions as “how to develop and discard all human traditional culture.
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    The Realistic Dilemma and Coping Mechanism of Ideological and Political Construction of University Curriculum from Perspective of Collaborative Education
    Chen Shuli
    2021, 55 (3):  89-95. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (6033KB) ( )  
    The curriculum ideological and political education is a new concept of curriculum and education, which emphasizes that all courses in colleges and universities have the function of educating people, and all teachers have the responsibility of educating people. The construction and implementation of the ideological and political course plays an important role in implementing the fundamental task of moral education, breaking the embarrassing situation of “isolated island phenomenon” in the ideological and political theory course, and cultivating new people who take on the responsibility of national rejuvenation. However, in reality, it is not difficult to find that there are still some problems to be solved, mainly the lack of collaborative education in the aspects of educational objectives, educational subjects, educational contents and educational functions. We can deal with it from the aspects of mechanism construction, including the establishment of an organization and management mechanism under the unified leadership of the Party committee of colleges and universities, the direct responsibility of the college of Marxism, and the active participation of other secondary colleges, as well as the normalized teacher interaction mechanism among all kinds of curriculum teachers in colleges and universities, the sharing mechanism of ideological and political education resources contained in all kinds of courses in colleges and universities, and the carrying capacity of all kinds of courses in colleges and universities, the complementary mechanism of ideological and political education function.
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    Foucault's Theory of Power and Governanment
    Hu Yaohui, Ouyang Qian
    2021, 55 (3):  96-104. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (6823KB) ( )  
    Power has always been the focus of contemporary political thought. Foucault's power theory is a new exploration of traditional power theory. By regarding power as the relationship of power, Foucault's power theory not only makes up for the defect that traditional power theory equates power with domination, but also analyzes the macro mechanism of the state and local micro practice at the same time. Therefore, Foucault's power theory has become a supplement to Marx's view of power. At the same time, Foucault's power theory also puts forward a new type of freedom practice theory of freedom within power. This paper explains Foucault's basic theoretical hypothesis of power, recognizes the breakthrough of his power theory to modern power theory, and points out the enlightening significance of his theory to modern political theory.
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    Dialectics of Free Time——Starting from Adorno's Critique of Culture Industry
    Luo Songtao
    2021, 55 (3):  105-112. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (6967KB) ( )  
    As a key thinker of Frankfurt School s social critical theory, T.W.Adorno explores the false and deceptive character of culture and art in advanced capitalist society in his critique of culture industry. On the basis of this critique, Adorno further differentiates free time and leisure time in various texts such as  Culture Criticism and Society  and  Free Time  after the World War Ⅱ. In his view, the freedom organized by culture industry is a kind of forced freedom, in which people are engaged in some kinds of false activities. Put it in another way, mere leisure time is not really free time. In fact, we can find a distinctive way from the critique of culture industry to that of society and history in Adorno s nonidentical philosophy. What s more, his contemplation of free time aims to overcome the totally alienated conditions in advanced capitalist society.
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