ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    16 August 2022, Volume 56 Issue 8 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    From “Talking about Marx” to “Examining Problems like Marx”: A Reflection on the Construction of the Philosophical Discourse System with Chinese Characteristics
    Wu Jing
    2022, 56 (8):  5-15. 
    Abstract ( 447 )   PDF (8503KB) ( 361 )  
    The centurylong struggle in the modern history of China has revealed the great historical significance of the Communist Party of China's integration of Marx's theory with the specific practice, which is a direct manifestation of the indepth implementation of historical materialism. The transfer from “talking about Marx” to “examining problems like Marx” implies that only by insisting on taking social existence as the starting point, centering on solving realworld problems and being supported by historical materialism, can we continue to explore the contemporary vitality of Marx's theory. Therefore, the construction of the philosophical discourse system with Chinese characteristics requires not only a modern reflection on traditional theories, but also a theoretical summary based on great practices, thereby truly achieving the theoretical sublimation through practice and grasping reality in theories.
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    The Code of Success for the Ideological Work under the Leadership of the Century-old Party 
    Wang Yonggui, You Wenmeng
    2022, 56 (8):  16-28. 
    Abstract ( 458 )   PDF (10415KB) ( 177 )  
    Ideological work is an extremely important work of the Communist Party of China (CPC), which is related to the future and destiny of the Party, the longterm stability of the country, and the national cohesion and centripetal force. In the course of a century that has witnessed the relentless pursuit with magnificent momentum all along, the CPC has always attached great importance to and upheld the leadership in carrying out the ideological work. It has accumulated valuable experience by adhering to the multidimensional, full coverage, and integrated synergy promotion of “grasping points”, “matching lines”, “planting surfaces” and “building bodies”. In a nutshell, precise focus is the basic guarantee for leading the ideological work of the Party with penetration and integration as important means the institutional construction as the effective carrier, and the systematic layout as the core pathway. To comprehensively and systematically summarize the success code of the Party's leadership in ideological work in the past hundred years, it is very necessary to build a socialist ideology with a strong cohesive and leading force on the new journey.
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    The Essentials of Political Economy of the New Development Stage
    Zhou Wen, Shi Xuanling
    2022, 56 (8):  29-41. 
    Abstract ( 430 )   PDF (11602KB) ( 254 )  
    The evolution of the principal contradiction is the main basis for proposing the idea of the new development stage. The new development stage is not detached from the primary stage of socialism, but is a key stage in the advancement of it. The new development philosophy is developed based on the new development stage, and the new development stage must implement the new development ideology; the new development stage is the precondition and inevitable requirement of building a new development pattern, which, in turn, is the core strategy to achieve the goal of the new development stage. Achieving the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is both a glorious and arduous mission of the Party and the people in the new stage of development, which is a decisive stage to achieve national rejuvenation.
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    Marx's Capital Market Theory and its Realistic Meaning
    Wang Guogang, Luo Yu
    2022, 56 (8):  42-54. 
    Abstract ( 1118 )   PDF (8945KB) ( 661 )  
    Marx's capital market theory is the indispensable component of the Marxian Economics. Marx believes that income capitalization mechanism is the key mechanism of interestbaring capital transporting to fictitious capital; the stock exchange has the effect in generating interest rate signals, promoting capital concentration, aggravating speculation transaction and inverting causality, and so forth; the stock company, not only the product of the market competition, but also the product of credit mechanism, has the functions such as promoting the development of productive forces, achieving the separation of ownership and management rights, slowing down the downward trend of average profit rates, enhancing market competition and monopoly, and sublating the capitalist private ownership; the fluctuation of stock price does not directly increase or decrease national wealth. Marx's capital market theory has positive and important guiding value in completing capital market developing mechanism of the socialist market economy, and deepening the reform of the capital market system and its mechanisms. 

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    US Dollar Hegemony from the Perspective of Monopoly of the Trial-and-Error Right: Take Quantitative Easing as an Example
    Xu Zhenwei, Zhou Zhifa
    2022, 56 (8):  55-66. 
    Abstract ( 422 )   PDF (9300KB) ( 185 )  
    The 2008 financial crisis was a crisis of neoliberal theory, which marked the loss of legitimacy of the international financial order based on the Washington Consensus and neoliberalism. In the context of the new right paradigm with the core content of “trialanderror rights as matriarchy and mutual empowerment”, when the US dollar became the reserve currency of all countries in the world, the US held part of the trialanderror right in the financial sectors of other countries. Based on the idea of mutual empowerment, the quantitative easing policy implemented by the US must be approved by other countries, otherwise it will be regarded as a violation of human rights and thus lose its legitimacy. But in practice, financial innovation represented by quantitative easing penetrates the sovereign barriers of other countries, especially developing countries, and thus violates the property rights of these countries. The US continues to abuse trialanderror right out of its own national interest, but fails to give other countries reasonable and effective empowerment and benefits, which damages their interests and should be resisted and opposed. In view of this, China should unite with other developing countries, critically respond to the international financial order constructed by the US based on neoliberalism, compete for the right to a voice in the international community, and actively safeguard its own development rights.
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    On the Objectivity of Morality in the Context of Historical Materialism
    Zhang Yan, Li Jiaxiang
    2022, 56 (8):  67-75. 
    Abstract ( 534 )   PDF (7125KB) ( 301 )  
    Since the Enlightenment, with the loss of traditional moral authority and the rise of human subjective rationality, the contradiction between fact and value has prepared the way for moral relativism. As a theory that reveals the laws of human social development, historical materialism is based on the criticism of various “eternal truths”, and provides support for the diversity and rheology of morality. However, this is often considered to lead to moral relativism, which in turn negates the theoretical legitimacy of the proletariat's moral critique of capitalism. In fact, although historical materialism conforms to some of the characteristics of descriptive relativism, it does not accept restrictive proposition and thus does not lead to metaethical or normative moral relativism. On the contrary, historical materialism can explain the objective law of moral change by establishing moral objectivity on the basis of productive forces and modes of production, and support to interpret moral objectivism in the way of the idea of moral progress.

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    Development of Basic Principles of Historical Materialism from the Perspective of Political Situations: Focusing on “The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte”
    Fu Tianrui
    2022, 56 (8):  76-85. 
    Abstract ( 432 )   PDF (8095KB) ( 191 )  
    Represented by “The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte”, Marx's theory of revolutionary history contains a historical theoretical logic based on political situation analysis. In the specific analysis of the 18481851 revolution, Marx starts with the political situation in a short period of time, refines it into a synchronic class social structure, and continuously interprets the political situation, as a representation, into the social structure of productive forces and production relations, the economic base and the superstructure and the dynamic and mediating role of class in it. Furthermore, from the analysis of the social structure and its contradictory movements, Marx expounds the longterm historical laws and trends. Although the political situation can fundamentally be attributed to the social structure and its contradictory movements, it cannot directly “reduce” to the latter, but rather presents a “relative independence” as shortterm being relative to synchronicity and longterm. Therefore, the unity of the microscopic shortterm event situation, the mesoscopic synchronic social structure and contradictions, and the macroscopic historical trend is a progressive synthesis, which supplements and develops the basic principles of historical materialism in the dimension of political situations. It presents a theoretical opportunity for the continuous deepening and development of historical materialism.

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    The Significance of Party Literacy in the Process of National Rejuvenation through the Lens of the Revolution of 1911
    Xu Longjian, Li Yu
    2022, 56 (8):  86-94. 
    Abstract ( 355 )   PDF (7040KB) ( 169 )  
    The three basic elements that measure a party's literacy are a strict organizational system, a firm theoretical belief and a clear political position, and its externalizing effects are organizational cohesion, theoretical innovation and social vitality. Although Sun Yatsen launched the Revolution of 1911 by relying on modern political parties, the parties he created or led had deep historical limitations in terms of party literacy, which has little effect of revolution and construction. Thus it is difficult to complete the great cause of national rejuvenation. Comparing the great and arduous exploration of the 1911 Revolution with the actual performance of the Communist Party of China (CPC), it can be effectively explained that the organizational cohesion of the political party is a powerful support and an important weapon for national rejuvenation, the theoretical innovation of the political party is the development traction and ideological guarantee of national rejuvenation, and the social vitality of the political party is the endogenous driving force and success code of national rejuvenation. The reason why the CPC can undertake the mission of leading the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation inevitably relates to its high level of party literacy.
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    The Social Foundation of Public Participation, Technological Empowerment, and Governance with Integrity
    Dong Shitao
    2022, 56 (8):  95-107. 
    Abstract ( 332 )   PDF (10472KB) ( 167 )  
    There are two main strategies of governance with integrity: one is statecentrism and the other is socialcentrism. The “statecentrism” theory of governance mainly indicates that the state upholds the principle of integrity by strengthening the institutionalized power within its system, but there are problems such as selfsupervision, poor supervision power, and institutional dependence. Public participation is the inherent need to consolidate the social foundation of governance with integrity, and it is an important way to transcend the statecentrism of integrity. In the age of the Internet, technology has become an important variable that affects the motivation of citizens to participate in governance, mainly concerning the space, time, right and influence. Promoting the interaction and cooperation between the state and society in the process of governance with integrity based on public participation is the primary trend of consolidating the social foundation of governance with integrity in the Internet age. The pathways include mobilizing the resources for public participation, promoting the system innovation and optimizing the technological empowerment of the public in participating in governance with integrity.
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