ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    16 July 2022, Volume 56 Issue 7 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Rallying the Will and Making Continued Efforts: A Historical Account by the Communist Party of China from the Perspective of Three Historical Resolutions
    Wang Jianhua
    2022, 56 (7):  5-14. 
    Abstract ( 519 )   PDF (7684KB) ( 180 )  
    The three historical resolutions of the Communist Party of China are the collective wisdom of democratic centralism and reflect the organizational will. As regards the content, from reviewing major events in the Party's history to summarizing the experience it gained since the founding of New China, and then to addressing key achievements and experience in the new era,the three resolutions are not the comprehensive revision of the Party history in the general sense, but the political consensus based on positive and negative experience. The resolutions emphasize the historical inheritance of the past and the future, and the action guide of the organizational narrative, which reflects the organizational consciousness of the Chinese communists'selfreform. How to integrate the political consensus into the conscious actions of every Party member and the people is the ultimate goal of formulating the resolutions.

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    The Principle of Perpetuity: An Exploration of the Paris Commune's Legacy and a New Form of Human Civilization
    Huang Qihong, Ren Yanhua
    2022, 56 (7):  15-24. 
    Abstract ( 959 )   PDF (7916KB) ( 334 )  
    On 28 May 1871, the Paris Commune, the first proletarian dictatorship in human history, ended in failure. However, the principles of the dictatorship of the proletariat, the people's democracy and the servant of the people it put forward in the course of the revolution have been recorded in human history with its farreaching historical significance. The emancipation of the proletariat in the Paris Commune is not only reinterpreted in the exploration of Western Marxism, but also has a direct impact on it theoretically. It is also further developed in the great practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics as a new form of human civilization. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the three principles embedded in the Paris Commune have enjoyed a steady flow of vitality on the journey to realize the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through socialism with Chinese characteristics, with Marxism as the guidance, the Communist Party of China as the core of leadership, and“peoplecentered”as the philosophy. Correspondingly, as a new form of human civilization, socialism with Chinese characteristics is developing China in a unique way beyond the limits of Western modernity, and at the same time provides new opportunities for the whole world.
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    The Logic of Livelihoods behind the Land System and Policy Reforms in China under the Leadership of the Communist Party of China
    Liu Fengyi, Zhao Haojie
    2022, 56 (7):  25-35. 
    Abstract ( 554 )   PDF (8144KB) ( 239 )  
    From the first day of its birth, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has always adhered to the livelihood attribute of land, followed the logic of the evolution of the land system for people's livelihood, and closely focused on how to address the landrelated issues. It is to protect and promote people's interests, and continuously enhance the construction of services that are related to people's livelihood. In the context of China's specific economic and social conditions, the land system and policies have undergone four major changes in the centuryold history: granting farmers land ownership, establishing collective land ownership, implementing the household contract responsibility system, and promoting the reform of “separation of rights among the three” in rural contracted land. The centuryold land system and policy reforms show that: adhering to the Party's leadership is the fundamental political force ensuring the livelihood attribute of land; implementing the public ownership of land is the basic institutional backbone for realizing the livelihood attribute of land; insisting on promoting the continuous reform and innovation of public land ownership is the mechanism guarantee to enhance the livelihood attribute of land. The great achievements of the land system and policy reforms under the leadership of the CPC have fully proved the significant institutional advantages of the public land ownership system. The proposition that attempts to carry out China's rural land reform through a privatization approach is completely wrong.
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    The Persuasive Power of the Chinese Discourse and its Generative Logic
    Li Jiangjing
    2022, 56 (7):  36-44. 
    Abstract ( 416 )   PDF (6984KB) ( 326 )  
    With China's growing presence, the persuasive power and influence of the Chinese discourse in a global scale have steadily increased, but it is still not in line with Chinas national power and international status. The persuasion of the Chinese discourse in the international landscape is closely related to the discourse power, which is not only a reflection of the existing material relations, but also inseparable from the theory, values, ideology and other factors in the field of spiritual production. To generate the persuasive power of the Chinese discourse under the pattern of international public opinion where “the West is strong and the East is weak”, it not only requires support from its everincreasing national power and international influence, but also needs scientific and systematic theories to occupy the “commanding heights” of history and enhance the popularity of the Chinese discourse in the world, in order to increase the weight of the Chinese discourse in the construction of global governance order, thereby realizing the shaping of the Chinese discourse and the disenchantment of the Western discourse. In this process, the value foundation embedded in the theory and the approach to the externalization of the theory are the necessary elements for increasing the persuasive power of the Chinese discourse. It can be seen that measures such as the construction of the philosophical and social science system, the training of theoretical educators, the construction of common human values, and the careful construction of the discourse system that addresses the specific Chinarelated issues should be strengthened, so as to realize the transformation of potential “persuasive power” into actual “discourse power”.

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    An Analysis of Labor Process in Digital Platforms from a Comparative Perspective
    Wang Baozhu, Wang Chaoke, Wang Liyun
    2022, 56 (7):  45-56. 
    Abstract ( 526 )   PDF (10058KB) ( 322 )  
    With the accelerated development of digital economy,the social and economic space can be expanded. The implementation of labor process has also changed from a physical space to a digital platform (physical space + virtual space). Due to the separability of technical and social spaces in the virtual space, the labor process of the digital economy shows features of atomization. Compared with the form of labor control in the industrial economy, the digital platform forms a new labor control pattern of algorithm setting based on information aggregation, which can facilitate the wholeprocess and fullrange management and control of the labor process scattered in different physical spaces. The labor process in the digital platform improves not only the resource utilization efficiency, but also the link conversion efficiency. Furthermore, the combination of laborers and owners of the means of production in the digital platform presents new characteristics, but the essence of laborcapital relations has not changed. The actual subordination of labor to capital is being strengthened, which may be concealed by practices such as “overtime in work with flexible hours” and “flexible working”.

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    Data as a Factor of Production: Data Capitalization, Income Distribution and Ownership
    Cai Wanhuan, Zhang Zizhu
    2022, 56 (7):  57-65. 
    Abstract ( 766 )   PDF (7144KB) ( 473 )  
    The digital economy has penetrated into all aspects of production and life, and the attribute of data as a factor of production has been widely recognized. The process of data items being “used” is the process of the evolution of its valueform, as well as the process of its value proliferation and capitalization. The platform is not only a “factory” for processing data items, but also an important intermediary to realize the movement of their values. The digital platform completes the production and realization of surplus value through the production process and circulation process of data commodities, thus forming a capital accumulation process with data commodities as the core. Data capital owners grab a greater share of the digital dividends brought by data items, while users who provide raw materials, workers who maintain the normal operation of the platform, and smallsized producers who preserve the vitality of the platform are in a dominated status, which destroys the fairness of distribution. The exclusive ownership of data lacks legitimacy, which is not in line with the generative characteristics of data items. Therefore, it is urgent to clarify data ownership to reshape the income distribution pattern. At this stage, we need to grant the platforms the right to use data to promote their development; while at the same time, we need to attach great attention to the redistribution of dividends to the user. In the long run, we can search for a path of data public ownership under the socialist system, and tackle the roots of the problem of unreasonable distribution.

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    The Interpretation of Spatial Dialectics: A Marxist Perspective
    Li Chunmin
    2022, 56 (7):  66-73. 
    Abstract ( 465 )   PDF (6337KB) ( 261 )  
    Marx opens up fresh ground for the discussion on the spatial dialectics. Historical materialism does not lack the spatial analyses, in which the production of space itself is embedded in Marx's dialectical notion of history. Space is not only an objective space in the scientific sense, but also a specific social and historical process. Marxs spatial dialectics can be interpreted mainly in four ways: the “natural space” and the dialectics of nature, the “historical space” and the dialectics of history, the “social space” and the dialectical view of society, and the “utopia space” and the dialectics of utopia.

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    Digital Deliberative Democracy: Possibilities, Risks and Regulations
    Chen Jiagang
    2022, 56 (7):  74-84. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (9025KB) ( )  
    The development of information, the Internet and digital technologies has made digital deliberative democracy possible in reality. In addition to the technological development, it is made possible by the practical experience accumulation and the institutional construction. However, due to the inherent tension between the variability of technology and the stability of democratic forms, between the difference in practice and the principled stance of democratic values, between the normative nature of procedures and the exploratory nature of democratic innovation, the theoretical thinking, institutional design and practical operation of digital deliberative democracy still face many challenges. For example, is equality naturally available under the condition of popularization of technology? Is it possible to achieve broad participation under the condition of instant accessibility of technology? Will the public opinion be distorted in the process of digital negotiation? Does it necessarily lead to scientific decisionmaking under the condition of sufficient information? Can technology improve efficiency while maintaining fairness? Can digital deliberative democracy improve governance efficiency? The challenges faced by digital deliberative democracy need to be dealt with both theoretically and institutionally. It is also necessary to encourage more differentiated innovation and exploration in practice. Only in this way can we realize a more open development of deliberative democracy in the process of constantly shaping and being shaped by the reality of social life.
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    A Cognitive Analysis of Overseas China Studies on Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy
    Zhao Bin, Xie Shumin
    2022, 56 (7):  85-95. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (8149KB) ( )  
    Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has carried out innovative explorations on the concept and practice of China's diplomacy, forming Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy. It has attracted widespread attention from scholars of overseas China studies. From the perspective of issueorientation, value appeal, basic connotation and logic mechanism, overseas China studies focus on three aspects: a new type of international relations, a community with a shared future for mankind, and a new vision for global governance. Among them, most of the studies are relatively objective and neutral, but there are also misunderstandings or even conceptions. Therefore, it is expected that accurately grasping and analyzing the essence of Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy in overseas China studies can promote the dissemination of Chinese ideas globalwide, enhance China's international influence and appeal, and thus provide a good intellectual environment for China's peaceful development.

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    The Logical Starting Point of Ideological and Political Education: From Thought to Action
    Li Jili
    2022, 56 (7):  96-104. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (6853KB) ( )  
    ideological and political education; logical starting point; thought and action; action
    [Abstract]The view of thought and action is dominant in addressing the issue of the logical starting point of ideological and political education. Although it is based on Marx's cientific stipulations, it does not conform to his exposition of the logical starting point in terms of form (the most common, simplest, and most abstract), expression (germcell) and subject (potentially contains the particular contradiction of the research object and that it unfolds). In contrast, action as a unity of thought and action is more in line with Marxist accounts of the logical starting point. Taking this as a logical starting point can not only reveal the production and evolution process of ideological and political education logically, but also deeply grasp the essence of modern ideological and political education that is an ideological struggle. As a result, the mission of ideological and political education, which is to convince the people with theory and enhance theoretical selfconfidence, can be further clarified.

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