ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    16 June 2022, Volume 56 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    A Review of the Historical Narrative of the Century-old Party: Based on the History of the Communist Party of China
    Qi Weiping
    2022, 56 (6):  9-17. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (6640KB) ( )  
    The historical resolution deliberated and adopted by the sixth plenary session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is a major review of the history of the CPCs centennial struggle. The ultimate theme of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is a main thread running through the full text of the resolution. The panoramic historical narrative of the Partys centennial struggle presents the trajectory of the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Comparing the three historical resolutions, the historical resolution made on major achievements and historical experience of the Party over the past century since its founding reflects the Partys ideological selfconsciousness in examining its centennial history of struggle, and demonstrates the spiritual initiative of the centuryold Partys historical narrative. Standing on the historical balcony of the centennial struggle, the historical resolution comprehensively summarizes the major achievements created by the Partys leadership and the unity of people, and profoundly refines the historical experience formed by the unremitting efforts of the CPC and the Chinese people, reflecting the grand vision of the historical narrative of a centuryold party. The great achievements of the Partys centennial struggle have inspired all Party members and the people of all ethnic groups in the country to embark on a new journey.
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    Constructing the Discourse System of the Chinese Path to Modernization from the Perspective of Historical Orientation#br#
    Shen Boping
    2022, 56 (6):  18-31. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (11238KB) ( )  
    Looking back on the arduous journey the Communist Party of China has traveled in searching for the Chinese path to modernization since the founding of the Peoples Republic of China, from the perspective of the historical orientation to understand Chinas development, the national conditions in the primary stage of socialism determine the universality and particularity of the Chinesestyle modernization in the period of reform, opening up and socialist modernization. The evolution of the principal contradictions in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics and changes in the international and domestic environments faced by China since it entered a new stage of development require an innovative development of the Chinese new path to modernization in the new era. From the primary stage of socialism, to the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and then to the new stage of development, there is a relationship between the three that features the mutual inclusion, progression and leap, and the main thread running through them is the primary stage of socialism. All of the above provides a reference with high consistency for the construction of a real, multidimensional and comprehensive discourse system of the Chinese path to modernization.

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    The Dilemma and Realization of the Employment Priority in the Process of Industrial Digitalization: From the Perspective of the Socialist Political Economy with Chinese Characteristics
    Hong Yinxing, Han Lyuyi
    2022, 56 (6):  32-41. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (7579KB) ( )  
    How to balance the advancement of digital technology and the priority of employment is an important issue in the context of industrial digitalization. The impact of industrial digitization on employment mainly occurs on the supply side. The industrial digitization is associated with crowding out not only manual workers but also nonmanual workers, which indicates the unemployment caused by the substitution of digital technology rather than the technological unemployment. The countermeasure to deal with the unemployment is to tap into its “creative” potential, including the creation of new industries, jobs and platforms, and especially the use of digital technology to innovate and start businesses. Digital technology has its limit, that is, there is a technical application bias. In China, at the current stage, digital technology should be more applied to industrial upgrading, rather than to replace labor. In the face of the largescale substitution of people by technology, no job can be sustainable. Therefore, it is critical to adapt to the advancement of digital technology by playing out an “education and technology race”, through ways such as developing education and training, improving the learning ability of laborers, and realizing full employment in the process of allround development of human beings.
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    A Political Economy Analysis of the Modern Circulation System Supporting the Construction of the New Development Pattern 
    Wang Xiaodong, Xie Lijuan
    2022, 56 (6):  42-55. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (10263KB) ( )  
    In the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, it is a major strategic task to accelerate the formation of the new development pattern, in which domestic and foreign markets reinforce each other, with the domestic market as the mainstay. Accelerating the building of the new development paradigm creates a renewed emphasis on “unblocking” the national economic cycle, for which the construction of a modern circulation system provides strong support. The circulation system in China has undergone a transformation from a traditional planned circulation system to a modern market one. It has been carried out along with the historical process of reform and opening up, and will continue to play an important role in smoothing the national economic cycle, helping strengthen the domestic market, and stimulating the mutual promotion of the dual circulation. To build a modern circulation system that provides strong support for the new development pattern, it is necessary not only to follow the general principle that recognizes the relationship between circulation and social reproduction under the conditions of a market economy, but also to firmly grasp the essence of the development model with Chinese characteristics and the advantages of its basic economic system. It is to ensure that the construction of the circulation system is consistent with the goal and development concept of socialist production.

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    The Differences between Marx and Hegel on Freedom and Property Rights
    Wei Xiaoping
    2022, 56 (6):  56-63. 
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    One of Marxs major criticisms of Hegel is on the relationship between state and civil society, which deals with a very important problem, that is, the relationship between ones freedom and his/her right over property. The concept of freedom and justice could be regarded as the central idea of bourgeois revolution, and Hegel conceives that the free will is the basis and origin of right. Freedom is also one of the core values of Marxs pursuit of socialism and communism. Different from Hegel, Marxs understanding of freedom starts from the economic relations in the real world. The difference in research methods leads to the different point of view on the relationship between freedom and property rights, which launches the prelude to debate between Marxism and liberalism.

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    The Value Attribution and Logical Path of Adhering to the “People-first” Principle in the Improvement of National Governance Effectiveness
    Ren Yinghong
    2022, 56 (6):  64-70. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5362KB) ( )  
    Adhering to the “peoplefirst” principle is the important historical experience of the Communist Party of China over the past century. The effectiveness of national governance is closely related to the adherence to the “peoplefirst” principle. To improve the effectiveness of national governance, we should focus on developing the wholeprocess peoples democracy that gives full expression to the peoples principal position in governance, and constructing the institutional foundation of national governance with the people as the center. The main logical paths of adhering to “peoplefirst principle” to improve governance effectiveness are as follows: respecting the dominant position of the people and expanding its participation in governance; putting the peoples interests first and promoting fairness in governance; remediating the pertinacious problems and optimizing the environment for governance; and improving political credibility and gathering joint effort in all areas of governance.

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    The Dialectical Logic of Great Changes Unseen in a Century
    Chen Mingkun
    2022, 56 (6):  71-84. 
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    “Great changes unseen in a century” is a strategic judgment made by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core to question “whats wrong with the world” from a global perspective. It is a new concept with rich connotations and a dialectical logic. The great changes unseen in a century are dialectical and multidimensional. In the temporal dimension, the great changes connote historical depth and are the result of longterm accumulation and evolution; in the spatial dimension, the great changes refer to the profound change in the world pattern and international order as a result of the ebb and flow and a shifting of forms of power in the “two directions of the east and the west” and the“two worlds of the north and the south”; from the perspective of the future, the great changes will still evolve and emerge from the unrest, with increasing volatility, complexity and timespan. The great changes unseen in a century have brought unprecedented opportunities and challenges, as well as profound transformations and changes, that have significant impacts on China and the world. To fully and deeply understand the great changes unseen in a century, it is necessary to clarify the timeframe of “a hundred year” of being “long or short” and grasp the time scale; to examine the characteristics of the times of “crisis or opportunity” and capture the depth of influence; to investigate the core elements of the great changes that are “changing or constant” and observe the magnitude of change; to explore the intertwined relationship between “vertical and horizontal” and unravel the breadth of involvement; and to search for a way to cope with the great changes between “retreat and advance” and identify the implementation of practice. The purpose is to realize the systematic and holistic cognition of the great changes unseen in a century.
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    Norm Diffusion within and Competition among Regional Integration Organizations: A Case Study of EU-ASEAN Relations
    Gong Xiaoxuan, He Zhigao
    2022, 56 (6):  85-96. 
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    With the increasing role of regional integration organizations represented by the European Union (EU) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in international relations, the interaction between regional integration organizations is becoming an important topic in international relations research. In addition to institution building and interest shaping, norm diffusion has also become a key dimension of interaction between regional integration organizations. Norm diffusion and norm localization have shaped the normative interaction process of regional integration organizations and further influenced their relationship. In the process of EUASEAN normative interaction, the two sides show a cooperativeled dynamic in the area of economic rules and norms, a competitiveled dynamic in terms of institutional rules and construction, and a confrontationled dynamic with respect to norms of human rights.
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    The Revolution of 1911 and the Search for a Path to the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation
    Li Kunrui
    2022, 56 (6):  97-105. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (6423KB) ( )  
    The revolutionary pioneers of the 1911 Revolution, represented by Sun Yatsen, put forward the political program based on the Three Peoples Principles of nationalism, democracy, and peoples livelihood, adhered to the broadest revolutionary united front, and carried forward their lofty spirit of working with unshakable resolve, thus leaving a great legacy in the history of the search for a path to national rejuvenation. The experience of and lessons drawn from the Revolution of 1911 provide significant enlightenment for the Communist Party of China (CPC) to lead us forward. We must uphold the leadership of the CPC, which unite the Chinese people and lead them in waging a fierce struggle. We must also carry forward the great spirit of Party building in the struggle. The search for a path to national rejuvenation is grounded on that China was gradually reduced to a semicolonial, semifeudal society. It was for the first time that the bourgeois revolutionaries realized the cause of national rejuvenation and promoted the exploration of the road to national rejuvenation. The Revolution of 1911 is an important milestone in the history of the search for a path to national rejuvenation.

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    From “Ideological Morphology” to “Anatomy of a Practice”: An Analysis of Freeden's Theory of Ideology
    Meng Ruifeng
    2022, 56 (6):  106-115. 
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    Michael Freeden is the most eminent scholar writing on ideology. He looks to move away from conceptions of ideology that interpret it as a form of “false consciousness” that consists in illusions. Instead, he sees ideology as the most dynamic and creative force of thought in the political world. He leads the study of political ideology back in an interpretive and analytic direction through examining the subtle differences of basic political concepts in different ideologies. He opposes the use of a political philosophy to provide a general sense of the grand narrative for political ideas. Facing various forms of ideology expressed as“isms”, Freeden attempts to decode various political discourses in a way of linguistic analysis, trace what is concealed or disguised behind political discourses, and reveal the possible hidden political intentions and practical motives behind these ideologies.
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    Cultural Politics and Psychoanalysis:A Comparative Study of Jameson and Žižek's Theories of Ide logy
    Guo Kaka
    2022, 56 (6):  116-122. 
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    Jameson and ieks theories of ideology can be compared in three dimensions: how ideology is recognized (the epistemological dimension), how ideology operates (the functionality dimension), and how to step out of ideology (the ideological critique dimension). Therefore, “unconsciousness”, “subject” and “difference” are the core elements to understand the theories of ideology of the two. In the epistemological dimension of “unconsciousness”, Jameson and iek put forward “political unconsciousness” and “phantom unconsciousness”, respectively; in the functionality dimension of “subject”, Jameson and iek perceive the subject as “fragmented” and “symbolic”, respectively; and the ideological critique of the two concerning the “difference” is based on the cultural revolution and the real revolution, respectively. All of the above provides a new perspective for analyzing the ideology of contemporary capitalist society. 

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