ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    16 May 2024, Volume 58 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    The Basic Connotation and World Significance of the Theory of the Harmony of Civilizations
    Zhang Donggang, Zang Fengyu
    2024, 58 (5):  5-14. 
    Abstract ( 171 )   PDF (7552KB) ( 108 )  
    Xi Jinping Thought on Culture has enriched and developed the Marxist cultural theories. It is an ideological system that remains open and keeps expanding, and it has well coordinated both the theories and applications. It stresses that we should overcome estrangement between civilizations with exchanges, prevent their clash with mutual learning, and overcome a false sense of superiority with coexistence, reflecting the theory of the harmony of civilizations. To deeply understand the core and essence of the theory, we must think very hard the diversity of civilizations and the vision of harmony on civilizations, grasp the internal mechanism and scientific methods of the “two integrations”, and develop a good grasp of the practical logic of the creative transformation and innovative development of fine traditional Chinese culture. The theory of the harmony of civilizations provides important ideological methods for promoting cultural inheritance and development, developing a modern Chinese civilization, creating a new form of human advancement in our times. In a new era and on a new journey, the Chinese nation, on course toward national rejuvenation, which strives to building a community with a shared future for mankind through seeing history from a broader perspective and adopting the new theory on civilizations, will definitely write a glorious chapter in the history of the Chinese civilization and world civilization.
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    The Study of Prehistoric Society and the New Foundation of Human History: The Anthropological Orientation of Marx's Materialist View of History
    Wang Li
    2024, 58 (5):  15-24. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (8241KB) ( 28 )  
    Since modern times, Western societies have begun to conceive history as a human creation and traced its foundation back to classical civilization based on ancient Greek and Rome, thus giving rise to the spectacular compilation on the history of bourgeoisie. However, the aim of this study is to demonstrate that the use of classical civilization as the foundation of human history is the result of the limitations of bourgeois realities and ideologies. Marx, on the other hand, through the study of prehistoric society, profoundly addresses the important questions of why the bourgeoisie returned to classical civilization in modern society, whether the real historical foundation was established by classical civilization for human society, and how prehistoric culture surpassed classical civilization on the basis of history, and ultimately establishes that prehistoric society is the new foundation of human history. All the above not only reveals the social, economic and political foundations of Marxist communism, but also enables the anthropological orientation of view of Marxs materialist view of history.
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    Dual Dimensions of Marx's Concept of Society
    Li Lingjie
    2024, 58 (5):  25-34. 
    Abstract ( 123 )   PDF (7644KB) ( 42 )  
    The elaboration of the concept of society has always occupied the central position in understanding historical materialism. Its importance is reflected in the exposition of historical materialism on the ontological revolution of “social existence”. Grasping the basic connotation of this concept is an intrinsic requirement for understanding historical materialism. The traditional interpretation follows two pathways: first, it understands society as a structural network based on the “relationship”; second, it starts from the reciprocal relation between nature and society to understand the connotation of social historical materialism in the way that they mediate each other. The two pathways focus on Marxs thoughts in his early and mature years respectively. However, to properly understand Marxs concept of society, it is necessary not only to recur to Hegels social theory, but also to carry out the basic integration of Marxs thoughts at different stages, so as to provide the clear presentation of the concept of society.
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    From “Material Production” to “Value Production”: The Logical Evolution of Marx's Philosophy from the Perspective of the Theory of Production
    Niu Ziniu
    2024, 58 (5):  35-44. 
    Abstract ( 229 )   PDF (7809KB) ( 48 )  
    The transformation of Marx's theory of production reflects the logical evolution of Marx's philosophy from historical materialism to the critique of political economy. Marx in his youth achieved a philosophical revolution of new materialism by criticizing the idealistic philosophy and the old materialistic philosophy, which was mainly expressed by the theoretical logic of “material production”. Afterwards, in order to analyze the particularity of capitalist society and meet the practical requirements of the new revolutionary situation, Marx achieved the specification of historical materialism in the critique of political economy. Through a “premisecritique” process from “abstract to concrete”, Marx revealed the special laws of capitalist society, highlighting the dominant logic of “value production”. The process from “material production” to “value production” is also a deepening process of Marx's philosophy from general to special, and the two together constitute the organic whole of historical materialism.
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    The Generative Logic of New Quality Productive Forces: Historical Investigation, Reality Analysis and Practice Policy
    Jia Lijun, Hao Qichen
    2024, 58 (5):  45-58. 
    Abstract ( 349 )   PDF (11557KB) ( 177 )  
    The development of productive forces is crucial to the overall strategy of national development. Accelerating the development of new quality productive forces is an inevitable requirement for achieving highquality development based on the actual situation of contemporary China. The major changes in productive forces in the history of human social development are all based on the breakthrough of technological revolution, driven by the innovative allocation of factors of productive forces and focusing on the industrial transformation, which is the general law of the development of productive forces. New quality productive forces is a new form of productive forces in the current historical stage, with the development not only conforming to the general law, but also reflecting the new characteristics of the digital era. The triple mechanism of the technological revolutionary breakthroughs represented by digital technology, the innovative allocation of productivity factors linked by data elements, and the indepth transformation and upgrading of industries adapted to the digital economy have jointly spawned and promoted the formation and development of new quality productive forces. To accelerate the development of new quality productive forces, first, we are required to overcome the practical obstacles to the function of the triple mechanism, achieve greater selfreliance and strength in science and technology, and strengthen the leading role of scientific and technological innovation in the systematic innovation of the factors of productive forces; second, we must promote the production, authentication and circulation of data elements, and give full play to the unique advantages of data elements in the deployment and integration of resources; third, we should accelerate the development of a modern industrial system, and strengthen the forwardlooking and strategic layout of development such as boosting the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and the development of emerging strategic industries.
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    The Ideological and Political Education for College Students from the Perspective of Social Acceleration
    Zhang Zhe
    2024, 58 (5):  59-68. 
    Abstract ( 129 )   PDF (8195KB) ( 80 )  
    We have already been in an era of social acceleration. Social acceleration not only profoundly changes the manifestation and form of society, but also deeply affects the appearance and mentality of the people living in it. The understanding of social acceleration should not be limited to the Western discourse system, but adhere to the Marxist historical materialist view. Social acceleration has a profound impact on the objects, carriers, and environment of ideological and political education for college students. In the process of social acceleration, technological innovation, knowledge renewal, and ideological innovation have brought new opportunities for the development of ideological and political education for college students. However, social acceleration does not mean “beautiful acceleration”, but brings new challenges to the ideological and political education for college students. In response to the new challenges brought about by the acceleration of society and to perform full duties of the ideological and political education for college students in the new era, it is necessary to guide college students to coordinate the “speed of the social other” in promoting their own development, lead them to establish a wider range of “relational relationships” with the idea of“beauty”, and shape their “strong psychological characteristics” with multiple support systems.
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    Marx's View on Modernization and the Chinese Path to Modernization
    Xie Fusheng, Jiang Nan
    2024, 58 (5):  69-84. 
    Abstract ( 196 )   PDF (12651KB) ( 67 )  
    Marx's texts contain a wealth of ideas on modernization, and the Communist Party of China draws on the general laws of capitalist modernization expounded by Marx, integrating the basic tenets of Marxism with China's specific realities and integrating these tenets with the best of Chinas traditional culture, adhering to the peoplecentered philosophy, focusing on the contradiction between social production and social needs, constantly carrying out institutional innovation and selfreform, promoting the adaptation of production relations to the development of productive forces, and innovating and developing the theory of modernization with the practice of pursuing the Chinese path of modernization. On the one hand, the Chinese path to modernization follows the universal approach to the modernization of various countries in terms of the production mode, political system, social relation, value orientation, and world market; and on the other hand, it presents particularities in terms of the leadership, basic system, population size, development goal, development of civilization, ecological construction, and foreign relations. The combination of universality and particularity in the Chinese path of modernization has given birth to a new theory of modernization.
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    On the Philosophical Foundation of the Chinese Communist Party History and Party Building
    Shang Zhixiao
    2024, 58 (5):  85-95. 
    Abstract ( 98 )   PDF (8442KB) ( 39 )  
    In the promotion and development of the discipline of the Chinese Communist Party history and Party building, the problem of its own “philosophical foundation” has been highlighted. As a new firstlevel discipline, the discipline of Chinese Communist Party history and Party building needs to be firmly rooted in basic theories, strengthened with the rational and academic discussion in disciplinary research, and placed within firstlevel disciplines with selfconfidence and strength. To this end, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of systems for fields of study and theories for the discipline of the Chinese Communist Party history and Party building, improve the philosophical thinking, broaden the philosophical horizon, and consolidate the philosophical foundation. The discipline of the Chinese Communist Party history and Party building should be based on the foundation of Marxist philosophy, and we should work hard on the “connection” and “transformation”, focus on the content of the close connection between Marxist philosophy and the discipline of the Chinese Communist Party history and Party building, and concentrate on the transformation of Marxist philosophical principles into the theoretical content of the discipline of the Chinese Communist Party history and Party building. It is necessary to take Marxist philosophy as the guide, devote ourselves to the “sprouting” and “creation” of philosophical thinking, and refine the philosophical connotation and theories with the characteristics of the discipline in terms of sorting out and constructing the concepts, investigating and analyzing the research content, and building and presenting the logical system of the discipline.
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    The Explanation and Implications of Sociological Institutionalism for European Integration
    Fang Lexian, Fang Jingyi
    2024, 58 (5):  96-107. 
    Abstract ( 140 )   PDF (9637KB) ( 31 )  
    Sociological institutionalism is a representative sociological path in the theories of European integration, aiming to describe and explain the impact of social behaviors, cultural contexts,and cognitive frameworks and norms on the evolution of the EU member states and its institutions. It also proposes some concepts from sociological perspectives, such as socialization, the logic of appropriateness and isomorphism. Sociological institutionalism shares many assumptions with social constructivism and has a unique explanatory advantage on the issue of identity. Nevertheless, the approach faces theoretical and practical challenges; we should thus strive to further elucidate the endogenous mechanisms by which institutions influence behaviors and measure the influence of cultural cognitive factors. Moreover, sociological institutionalism highlights the stability of institutional norms, whereas, to some extent, neglecting how the institutions have been shaped by social interactions, ie. the flexibility of institutions, thus exposing the limitations of sociological institutionalism in explaining institutional changes. In this regard, deeper reflection on the features and implications of sociological institutionalism provides important relevance for understanding the dynamics of European integration.
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    Deficiencies of Western Global Governance Theory from the Perspective of World Politics and the Solutions
    Shi Qipeng, Chen Xiang
    2024, 58 (5):  108-119. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (9256KB) ( )  
    Despite the longstanding enthusiasm within the mainstream academia, global governance is facing increasing practical challenges. Western global governance theories are embedded in the liberal political system, with imperialism being the fundamental driving force behind its formation. However, in the face of the lack of stateness that is prevalent in developing countries, scholars have prescribed a remedy of “denationalization”. From this perspective, the crisis in Western global governance theories stems from their inherent theoretical hardcore, which makes it difficult to address the issues fundamentally at the institutional or policy levels. In stark contrast, Chinas advocacy of the vision of a community of shared future for mankind offers a new solution for global governance. It not only breaks free from the shackles of Westerncentric world order, but also provides a platform for less developed nations to pursue modernization.
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    China's Model of Democracy in the Process of Modernization: The Development Direction, Structural System and World Contribution
    Dong Shubin, Luo Yuansheng
    2024, 58 (5):  120-130. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (8982KB) ( )  
    Modernization is a global and universal trend in the development of human society. The Communist Party of China (CPC) adheres to the “two integrations” and independently forges a successful path of socialist democratic development with Chinese characteristics in the midst of the worlds modernization and democratization process. The wholeprocess peoples democracy is the expression of the times in enriching Chinas model of democracy, which points out the development direction of socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics in pursuing the Chinese path to modernization. The CPC maintains selfconfidence and stands on its own feet, explores and forms a structural system that includes the essence, principles, values, systems, standards and guarantees of democracy in the practice of socialist politics, and demonstrates Chinese wisdom in promoting the coordinated development with the Chinese path to modernization. With the improvement of Chinas comprehensive national strength and as it is moving ever closer to the center of the world stage, its model of democracy will take the initiative to shoulder responsibilities entrusted upon us by the history and times in the construction of the discourse system, the shaping of the democratic image and the promotion of human political civilization, leading the progress of human political civilization with greater appeal and making more contributions.
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