ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

Teaching and Research ›› 2022, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (6): 32-41.

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The Dilemma and Realization of the Employment Priority in the Process of Industrial Digitalization: From the Perspective of the Socialist Political Economy with Chinese Characteristics


  1. 1 Yangtze River Delta Economics and Social Development Research Center, Nanjing University, Nanjing, 
    Jiangsu 210093, China;  2 Department of Economics, Nanjing University, Nanjing,Jiangsu 210093, China
  • Online:2022-06-16 Published:2022-06-17



  1. 1  南京大学长江三角洲经济社会发展研究中心;     2  南京大学经济学院。

  • 作者简介:洪银兴,南京大学长江三角洲经济社会发展研究中心研究员、经济学院教授;韩绿艺,南京大学经济学院博士生(江苏 南京 210093)。

Abstract: How to balance the advancement of digital technology and the priority of employment is an important issue in the context of industrial digitalization. The impact of industrial digitization on employment mainly occurs on the supply side. The industrial digitization is associated with crowding out not only manual workers but also nonmanual workers, which indicates the unemployment caused by the substitution of digital technology rather than the technological unemployment. The countermeasure to deal with the unemployment is to tap into its “creative” potential, including the creation of new industries, jobs and platforms, and especially the use of digital technology to innovate and start businesses. Digital technology has its limit, that is, there is a technical application bias. In China, at the current stage, digital technology should be more applied to industrial upgrading, rather than to replace labor. In the face of the largescale substitution of people by technology, no job can be sustainable. Therefore, it is critical to adapt to the advancement of digital technology by playing out an “education and technology race”, through ways such as developing education and training, improving the learning ability of laborers, and realizing full employment in the process of allround development of human beings.

Key words: industrial digitalization, employment priority, technology bias, education

摘要: 如何统筹兼顾数字技术进步与就业优先是产业数字化背景下面临的重要问题。产业数字化对就业的影响主要发生在供给侧,在产业数字化过程中不仅挤出体力劳动者,也挤出脑力劳动者。这种失业不是技术性失业,而是数字替代型失业。应对数字替代型失业的对策是挖掘其“创造”潜力,包括创造新产业、新岗位、新平台,尤其是利用数字技术创新创业。数字技术有其使用界限,即存在技术应用偏向。在现阶段,我国数字技术应更多偏向于产业升级,而不是偏向于替代劳动就业。由于数字技术替代就业趋势不可阻挡,任何岗位都不可能是持久的。因此,以“教育与技术赛跑”的方式快速适应数字技术进步是关键。发展教育与培训,提高劳动者学习能力,在人的全面发展中实现充分就业。

关键词: 产业数字化, 就业优先, 技术偏向, 教育