Teaching and Research ›› 2022, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (6): 71-84.
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Abstract: “Great changes unseen in a century” is a strategic judgment made by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core to question “whats wrong with the world” from a global perspective. It is a new concept with rich connotations and a dialectical logic. The great changes unseen in a century are dialectical and multidimensional. In the temporal dimension, the great changes connote historical depth and are the result of longterm accumulation and evolution; in the spatial dimension, the great changes refer to the profound change in the world pattern and international order as a result of the ebb and flow and a shifting of forms of power in the “two directions of the east and the west” and the“two worlds of the north and the south”; from the perspective of the future, the great changes will still evolve and emerge from the unrest, with increasing volatility, complexity and timespan. The great changes unseen in a century have brought unprecedented opportunities and challenges, as well as profound transformations and changes, that have significant impacts on China and the world. To fully and deeply understand the great changes unseen in a century, it is necessary to clarify the timeframe of “a hundred year” of being “long or short” and grasp the time scale; to examine the characteristics of the times of “crisis or opportunity” and capture the depth of influence; to investigate the core elements of the great changes that are “changing or constant” and observe the magnitude of change; to explore the intertwined relationship between “vertical and horizontal” and unravel the breadth of involvement; and to search for a way to cope with the great changes between “retreat and advance” and identify the implementation of practice. The purpose is to realize the systematic and holistic cognition of the great changes unseen in a century.
Key words: new era, China, the world, great changes unseen in a century
摘要: “百年未有之大变局”是以习近平同志为核心的党中央以全球视野审视“世界怎么了”的时代之问而作出的战略判断,是一个内涵丰富且具有辩证逻辑的新概念。百年未有之大变局是辩证的、多维的,从时间维度上看,大变局具有历史的纵深感,是长时期积淀演化的结果;从空间维度上看,大变局是世界格局和国际秩序的深度变革,蕴含着“东西两个方位”“南北两个世界”的权力消长、位置转换;从未来维度上看,大变局仍将演化、催生、激荡,其波动性、复杂性和长期性会日益显现。百年未有之大变局带来的机遇和挑战前所未有,带来的变化、变动、变革与变迁前所未有,对中国和世界带来的影响前所未有。全面深刻理解百年未有之大变局,需要在“长与短”之间明晰“百年”的时间范畴,把握其时间尺度;在“危与机”之间审视大变局的时代特征,把握其影响深度;在“变与不变”之间分析大变局的核心要素,把握其变动幅度;在“纵与横”之间阐明大变局的交织关系,把握其关涉广度;在“退与进”之间探寻大变局的应对之道,把握其实践力度;进而实现对百年未有之大变局的系统性、整体性认知。
关键词: 新时代, 中国, 世界, 百年未有之大变局
Chen Mingkun. The Dialectical Logic of Great Changes Unseen in a Century[J]. Teaching and Research, 2022, 56(6): 71-84.
陈明琨. 百年未有之大变局的辩证逻辑[J]. 教学与研究, 2022, 56(6): 71-84.
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