Teaching and Research ›› 2022, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (6): 116-122.
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Abstract: Jameson and ieks theories of ideology can be compared in three dimensions: how ideology is recognized (the epistemological dimension), how ideology operates (the functionality dimension), and how to step out of ideology (the ideological critique dimension). Therefore, “unconsciousness”, “subject” and “difference” are the core elements to understand the theories of ideology of the two. In the epistemological dimension of “unconsciousness”, Jameson and iek put forward “political unconsciousness” and “phantom unconsciousness”, respectively; in the functionality dimension of “subject”, Jameson and iek perceive the subject as “fragmented” and “symbolic”, respectively; and the ideological critique of the two concerning the “difference” is based on the cultural revolution and the real revolution, respectively. All of the above provides a new perspective for analyzing the ideology of contemporary capitalist society.
Key words: cultural politics, psychoanalysis, unconsciousness, subject, difference
摘要: 詹姆逊与齐泽克的意识形态理论,可以从意识形态如何被认识(认识论层面)、意识形态如何运作(功能论层面)、如何走出意识形态(意识形态批判)三个层面来进行比较。因此,“无意识”“主体”和“差异性”是把握两者意识形态理论的核心范畴。在“无意识”的认识论层面两者分别提出了“政治无意识”和“幻象无意识”,在“主体”的功能论层面两者分别认为主体的样态是“零散化”和“符号化”,在“差异性”的意识形态批判层面两者分别落脚于文化革命和实在界革命,从而为分析当代资本主义社会的意识形态提供了新的视角。
关键词: 文化政治学, 精神分析学, 无意识, 主体, 差异性
Guo Kaka . Cultural Politics and Psychoanalysis:A Comparative Study of Jameson and Žižek's Theories of Ide logy[J]. Teaching and Research, 2022, 56(6): 116-122.
郭咔咔. 詹姆逊与齐泽克意识形态理论比较研究——基于文化政治学与精神分析学[J]. 教学与研究, 2022, 56(6): 116-122.
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