ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    16 May 2021, Volume 55 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    How the CPC Promotes the Sinicization, Contemporization, and Popularization of Marxism: A Centenary History and Historical Experiences
    Han Qingxiang, Chen Yuanzhang
    2021, 55 (5):  5-15. 
    Abstract ( 2372 )   PDF (8049KB) ( 447 )  
    The sinicization, contemporization and popularization of Marxism promoted by the Communist Party of China (CPC) have undergone a historical evolution. This is a centurylong history starting from the introduction of Marxism into China. As part of the philosophical review of the centenary development of the CPC, it is necessary to look back upon the evolution and summarize experiences of the sinicization, contemporization and popularization of Marxism, and thereupon get some inspirations. We hold that the sinicization, contemporization and popularization of Marxism in different periods, despite their different focuses in both form and content, should not be analyzed separately, but rather be reviewed in an elaborate and holistic way. To put it shortly, the sinicization, contemporization and popularization of Marxism have undergone seven periods of development: introduction and dissemination (1917-1935), cultivation and harvest (1935-1949); twists and turns (1949-1966); confusion and striving (1966-1977); reflection and rebirth (1978-1982); breakthroughs and innovation (1982-2011); and innovation and new advancement (2012 until now). During the centurylong process of the sinicization, contemporization and popularization of Marxism, the CPC and the Marxist precursors of China have accumulated very valuable historical experiences. Specifically, they find that it is necessary to ensure the dialectical unity of “a sole guidance and a pluralist dialogue”, the solidarity between leaders and agents of practice, the consistency between national conditions and trends of the times, and the interaction and integration between China's cultural foundation and world civilizations.
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    Basic Experiences of the Centenary Ideological and Political Education by the Communist Party of China
    Wang Shuyin
    2021, 55 (5):  16-26. 
    Abstract ( 1135 )   PDF (8964KB) ( 440 )  
    It is of both academic and practical significance to review the historical process, explore the development pattern, and summarize the basic experiences of the ideological and political education at the turn from the first to the second century of the Communist Party of China (CPC). The basic experiences are as follows: the constant updating of the CPC leadership and guiding thoughts, the constructive interaction between practical exploration and theoretical innovation, the coordinated advancement of organizational structures and team building, the dialectical unity of objects, contents and approaches of education, and the simultaneous achievement of serving the overall interests and the development of man. These experiences are universally applicable and have regular patterns, and therefore can serve as important references for strengthening and improving the ideological and political education in the new era.
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    #br# The Construction of Development Economics with Chinese Characteristics: Some Theoretical Reflections
    Guo Xibao
    2021, 55 (5):  27-39. 
    Abstract ( 534 )   PDF (10202KB) ( 242 )  
    This is the right time to construct development economics with Chinese characteristics based on the national conditions of China. Its guiding principles should be the Marxist historical materialism and dialectical materialism. Its theoretical foundation lies in thoughts on socialist economic development with Chinese characteristics. Its research object is the contemporary Chinese economy which simultaneously has the features of a developing economy, a middleincome economy, a large open economy, a transition economy and a socialist market economy. The new development philosophy covers major issues in the economic development of contemporary China, providing theoretical guidelines for the construction of development economics with Chinese characteristics. Innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development and institutional change constitute the theoretical framework of development economics with Chinese characteristics.
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    Important Contributions of the Young Engels to the Formation of Historical Materialism
    Hou Yanshe
    2021, 55 (5):  40-50. 
    Abstract ( 517 )   PDF (8308KB) ( 245 )  
    In the development of historical materialism, the young Engels embarked on a way of empirical critique, different from philosophical critique emphasized by the young Marx. His investigation of the life of men in the real world helped establish “the real man” as the historical and theoretical precondition of historical materialism. His research and emphasis on the importance of economic factors contributed to the thought that economic factors play a fundamentally decisive role in the development of the society. His examination of the role of and logical relations between material production and relevant factors, such as productive forces, social relations and modes of production, provided the basic thoughts and general framework for the theory of basic social contradictions. His discussions of the indispensability and feasibility of a social revolution defined the necessity and realistic way of transforming the unreasonable real society. These theoretical contributions laid an important foundation for the final establishment of historical materialism. Underlying the critique of capital by the young Engels was his implicit exploration about the free and full development and liberation of man. And by analyzing the contradictions between the rich and the poor, and between ideals and reality, he presented the theoretical framework, basic features and unique perspectives of historical materialism, and initiated an “alternative way” in exploring the myth of history.
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    A Solution to the “Easterly Tragedy” in Antipoverty Efforts: The “Chinese Wisdom” in Poverty Alleviation
    Sun Yongmei
    2021, 55 (5):  51-64. 
    Abstract ( 1102 )   PDF (11119KB) ( 548 )  
    Hundreds of millions of poor people in the world are still struggling against hunger and poverty. Given the logical defects of the Western neoliberal theoretical system and the inherent institutional problems revealed in the antipoverty efforts of Western countries, it is difficult for these countries to fundamentally eliminate poverty. For Western countries with private ownership, there is no solution to the “Easterly tragedy”, either in theory or in reality. In contrast, with decades of efforts, China has created a world miracle in poverty alleviation: more than 800 million people have been lifted out of absolute poverty based on the current poverty standard. This provides, in theory, a solution to the “Easterly tragedy” in Western countries, abandons in practice the logical problems of neoliberalism, and shows the world the Chinese advantage and the “Chinese wisdom” in poverty alleviation. Theoretically, the “Chinese wisdom” starts from the Marxist antipoverty thoughts. Its theoretical value rests upon the guiding role of the socialist economic theory with Chinese characteristics, which has been successfully verified in the antipoverty practice. Its practical value lies in that it not only manifests the continuously improved institutional foundation of antipoverty efforts and the scientific mechanism of economic operation in socialist countries, but also advocates to the world an approach of reducing poverty through cooperation in order to build a povertyfree community with a shared future for mankind.
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    How Are China's Institutional Advantages and Governance Effectiveness Possible? On the Political Guarantee, Actualization Mechanism and Value Orientation Underlying the Institutional Advantages of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
    Liu Honglin
    2021, 55 (5):  65-74. 
    Abstract ( 605 )   PDF (7867KB) ( 260 )  
    The socialist system of China is an institutional system based on China's polity and featuring a hierarchical structure. “Concentrating resources to accomplish large undertakings” is a concise summarization of advantages of the socialist system, and represents the basic substance and explicit feature of the nationwide mobilization system. Fundamentally, the socialist institutional system and the nationwide mobilization system are closely related to the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), which adhere to the CPC leadership and put people at the center. A comparison of the political institutions and political party institutions in China and abroad reveals that the fundamental political guarantee for institutional advantages of the Chinese institutions lies in the CPC's leadership and crucial role in commanding the overall situation and coordinating efforts of all aspects. The leading role of the CPC, which is closely connected with the new political party institutions, rests upon the sound and rigorous political party organization system and the capacity of grassroots CPC organizations. What is crucial to the translation of China's institutional advantage into its governance effectiveness is the effective application of democratic centralism and the mass line. Democratic centralism, as the organizational principle for both the party and state agencies, enables the party and state systems to be isomorphic, compatible, and adaptive, and gives rise to a strong synergy. And the mass line can help pool the wisdom and efforts of the people and improve policy implementation.
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    The International Institutional Basis of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind
    Wang Mingguo
    2021, 55 (5):  75-84. 
    Abstract ( 580 )   PDF (7649KB) ( 178 )  
    A community with a shared future for mankind serves as a Chinese approach to participating in global governance in the new era, which inherently contains reasonable demands for international institutions. A discussion of this community from the perspective of international institutions is a necessary supplement to the existing research. Common interests constitute the material foundation for establishing this community through international institutions, shared values provide the normative basis, common understandings serve as the cognitive basis, and China's participation and leadership in international organizations lay a realistic foundation. Explicit vehicles and implementation approaches are available for international institutions, thereby preventing the possible vagueness in the community construction. The concept of a community of a shared future for mankind has until now covered the overall cooperation institutions among emerging countries and developing countries. With the establishment of the Belt and Road institutions as the core, the reform of current institutions as the driving force, and the institutional construction concerning neighboring countries as the primary aspect, China has already enjoyed some favorable conditions in promoting the institutional construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. In the future, China should integrate the concept of community into its diplomacy about international institutions, properly meet the challenge of the selective institutional strategy of the United States, and build a community with a shared future first in some major international organizations.
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    The Governance of Ideological and Political Education from the Perspective of Modernity: The Generation Logic, Connotations and Values
    Feng Gang, Xu Xianyan
    2021, 55 (5):  85-95. 
    Abstract ( 435 )   PDF (8110KB) ( 114 )  
    The generation logic of the governance of ideological and political education is a combination of theoretical, practical and realistic logics. Its basic connotations are as follows. In terms of the idea of education, it advocates for more governance and less government. In terms of subjects of education, diverse subjects constitute an education community. In terms of the exercise of power, those diverse subjects are parallel, fulfilling their duties together through consultation instead of in a topdown order. In the spatial term, it covers many areas, parts and levels, and therefore lays more stress on system construction and collaborative action. In the temporal term, it is continuous, dynamic and reflective. The governance of ideological and political education is valuable for facilitating the modernization of the national governance in the following ways. It can strengthen people's confidence in Chinese institutions, which is the mental foundation for the reform in all areas. It can offer value orientation and political assurance for improving institutional systems in all domains. It can continuously provide talents for the reform by cultivating “new people” and modern citizens, thus boosting the transformation of China's institutional advantages into governance achievements.
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    The Innovation of Ideological and Political Teaching in Universities under Normalized Epidemic Prevention and Control
    Ma Fuyun, Sun Xifang
    2021, 55 (5):  96-104. 
    Abstract ( 580 )   PDF (7464KB) ( 309 )  
    With epidemic prevention and control being normalized nationwide, the ideological and political teaching in colleges and universities should also be innovated and updated to keep up with the changing situations. Teaching innovations can be made in the following four aspects. First, innovation in mindset: a transformation is needed from passive acceptance to the breakthrough of the traditional conception of space, the reshaped role of teachers, the strengthened consciousness of the ideological front, and the establishment of longterm mechanisms. Second, innovation in content: it is necessary to attach more importance to the education on life, health and security, social responsibilities and missions, the Chinese spirit in the new era, and a community of a shared future for mankind, thus highlighting both teaching of theories and guidance of values. Third, innovation in method: virtual and actual means should be combined to complement each other; we can guide students' concerns through online interaction, improve education effectiveness through instant communication, enrich textbooks with antipandemic cases, integrate teaching resources through extracurricular practice, and realize the indepth unity of online and offline teaching. Fourth, innovation in management: we should build a platform that integrates online and offline teaching, improve teachers capacity of digital teaching, innovate the evaluation system about the ideological and political teaching, and construct a classroom ecology featuring positive interaction.
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    From the “Control over Nature” to the “Control over Man” in the Capitalist Society: A Study on Its Internal Mechanism
    Li Qingxia, Sun Xiaoli
    2021, 55 (5):  105-112. 
    Abstract ( 532 )   PDF (6521KB) ( 186 )  
    In a capitalist society, man has to control nature to survive, which results in a strict control over the external and internal nature. Technology is an important means for man to control nature. As it develops, however, it has gradually turned into an alienating force that controls man. The control over nature as an ideology overshadows the comprehensive control over man, therefore giving rise to the internal logic of the control over nature and control over man: what aims to be the control over nature has turned into the control over man.
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