ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

Teaching and Research ›› 2021, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (5): 5-15.

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How the CPC Promotes the Sinicization, Contemporization, and Popularization of Marxism: A Centenary History and Historical Experiences


  1. 1. School of Marxism, Party School of the Central Committee of CPCNationalAcademyofGovernance, Beijing 100091, China;
    2. Research Office, Party School of the Central Committee of CPCNationalAcademyofGovernance, Beijing 100091, China
  • Online:2021-05-16 Published:2021-05-07



  1. 1   中共中央党校(国家行政学院)马克思主义学院;  2   中共中央党校(国家行政学院)研究室。  
  • 作者简介:韩庆祥,中共中央党校(国家行政学院)马克思主义学院一级教授;陈远章,中共中央党校(国家行政学院)研究室教授(北京 100091)。

Abstract: The sinicization, contemporization and popularization of Marxism promoted by the Communist Party of China (CPC) have undergone a historical evolution. This is a centurylong history starting from the introduction of Marxism into China. As part of the philosophical review of the centenary development of the CPC, it is necessary to look back upon the evolution and summarize experiences of the sinicization, contemporization and popularization of Marxism, and thereupon get some inspirations. We hold that the sinicization, contemporization and popularization of Marxism in different periods, despite their different focuses in both form and content, should not be analyzed separately, but rather be reviewed in an elaborate and holistic way. To put it shortly, the sinicization, contemporization and popularization of Marxism have undergone seven periods of development: introduction and dissemination (1917-1935), cultivation and harvest (1935-1949); twists and turns (1949-1966); confusion and striving (1966-1977); reflection and rebirth (1978-1982); breakthroughs and innovation (1982-2011); and innovation and new advancement (2012 until now). During the centurylong process of the sinicization, contemporization and popularization of Marxism, the CPC and the Marxist precursors of China have accumulated very valuable historical experiences. Specifically, they find that it is necessary to ensure the dialectical unity of “a sole guidance and a pluralist dialogue”, the solidarity between leaders and agents of practice, the consistency between national conditions and trends of the times, and the interaction and integration between China's cultural foundation and world civilizations.

Key words: Marxism, sinicization, contemporization, popularization, history and experiences

摘要: 中国共产党推进马克思主义中国化时代化大众化有一个历史进程,这个过程的起点是从马克思主义传播到中国就开始了,它有百年的历程。在对中国共产党百年发展历程的哲学省思中,很有必要对马克思主义中国化时代化大众化之历史脉络及其历史经验进行总结,并在反思中找寻启示。我们认为,尽管在各个时期,“三化”形式和内容有所侧重,但不宜割裂开来单个地分析,而应坚持精细分析与整体观照相统一。概括地说,马克思主义“三化”可划分为七个时期:引入与传播期(1917—1935年);耕耘与收获期(1935—1949年);探索与曲折期(1949—1966年);迷雾与负重期(1966—1977年);反思与涅槃期(1978—1982 年);突破与创新期(1982—2011年);创新与新飞跃期(2012 年至今)。在中国共产党百年推进马克思主义“三化”的历史进程中,中国共产党和中国的马克思主义先驱们积累了弥足珍贵的历史经验,概括起来主要有:必须坚持“一元指导”与“多元对话”的辩证统一;必须坚持领导主体与实践主体的心心相印;必须坚持基本国情与时代潮流的同频共振;必须坚持文化根基与世界文明的互动融合。

关键词: 马克思主义, 中国化, 时代化, 大众化, 历程和经验