Teaching and Research ›› 2021, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (5): 96-104.
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Abstract: With epidemic prevention and control being normalized nationwide, the ideological and political teaching in colleges and universities should also be innovated and updated to keep up with the changing situations. Teaching innovations can be made in the following four aspects. First, innovation in mindset: a transformation is needed from passive acceptance to the breakthrough of the traditional conception of space, the reshaped role of teachers, the strengthened consciousness of the ideological front, and the establishment of longterm mechanisms. Second, innovation in content: it is necessary to attach more importance to the education on life, health and security, social responsibilities and missions, the Chinese spirit in the new era, and a community of a shared future for mankind, thus highlighting both teaching of theories and guidance of values. Third, innovation in method: virtual and actual means should be combined to complement each other; we can guide students' concerns through online interaction, improve education effectiveness through instant communication, enrich textbooks with antipandemic cases, integrate teaching resources through extracurricular practice, and realize the indepth unity of online and offline teaching. Fourth, innovation in management: we should build a platform that integrates online and offline teaching, improve teachers capacity of digital teaching, innovate the evaluation system about the ideological and political teaching, and construct a classroom ecology featuring positive interaction.
Key words: normalized epidemic prevention and control, ideological and political teaching in universities, teaching innovation
摘要: 随着全国疫情防控进入常态化,高校思政课教育教学也应因势而谋、应势而动、顺势而为,从教学理念、教学内容、教学方法和教学管理四个方面守正创新:理念创新方面,从被动接受到突破空间概念、重塑教师角色、强化阵地意识、建构长效机制;内容创新方面,更加重视生命健康与安全教育、更加重视社会责任与担当教育、更加重视新时代中国精神教育、更加重视人类命运共同体教育,实现理论教学与价值引领并重;方法创新方面,通过虚实融合实现优势互补,通过线上互动引导学生关切,通过即时交流提高教育效果,通过抗疫素材丰富教材内容,通过课外实践整合教学资源,实现线上教学与线下教学深度融合;管理创新方面,搭建线上线下混合式教学平台,提升教师信息化教育教学能力,创新思政课教育教学评价体系,构建思政课良性互动课堂生态。
关键词: 常态化疫情防控, 高校思政课教学, 守正创新
Ma Fuyun, Sun Xifang. The Innovation of Ideological and Political Teaching in Universities under Normalized Epidemic Prevention and Control[J]. Teaching and Research, 2021, 55(5): 96-104.
马福运, 孙希芳. 常态化疫情防控中的高校思政课教学创新[J]. 教学与研究, 2021, 55(5): 96-104.
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