ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    16 August 2024, Volume 58 Issue 8 Previous Issue   

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    The Value Connotations of Further Deepening Reform Comprehensively
    Qin Xuan
    2024, 58 (8):  5-12. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (8700KB) ( )  
    Further deepening reform comprehensively is a major strategic decision adopted by the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China that is related to the overall development of the cause of the Party and the country. Further deepening reform comprehensively is of great significance for upholding and improving the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, implementing the new development philosophy, better adapting to the change to the principal contradiction in Chinese society, adhering to the peoplecentered approach, allowing the gains of modernization to benefit all people fairly, responding to major risks and challenges, advancing the steady and longterm development of the cause of the Party and the country, promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, seizing the strategic initiative in the face of changes unseen in a century that are unfolding at an ever faster pace, advancing the great new project of Party building in the new era, and building a stronger and more powerful Marxist party.

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    A Sound Guide for Further Deepening Reform Comprehensively
    Shen Chuanliang
    2024, 58 (8):  13-20. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (8747KB) ( )  
    The third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is an important conference held at a critical period of build a great modern socialist country in all respects and achieve national rejuvenation through the Chinese path to modernization. A resolution on further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization adopted at this conference clarifies the theme, major principles, major moves and fundamental guarantees for further deepening reform comprehensively, and proposes to continuously improve the Partys leadership in further deepening reform comprehensively and advancing Chinese modernization, providing a sound guide for further deepening reform comprehensively and advancing Chinese modernization on the new journey. The whole Party should deeply understand the guiding principles of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, fully implement the major moves proposed by the plenary session, and ensure that the established reform tasks are completed on time. 

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    The Four-fold Logic of Xi Jinping's Important Expositions on Labor Education
    Hu Yuling, Li Ke
    2024, 58 (8):  21-31. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (11900KB) ( )  
    The report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) stresses the need to “nurture a new generation of capable young people with sound moral grounding, intellectual ability, physical vigor, aesthetic sensibility, and work skills who will fully develop socialism and carry forward the socialist cause”. “Physical labor”, as an important part of the CPCs education policy, was written into the report to the CPC National Congress for the first time. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made a series of important expositions on comprehensively strengthening labor education in the new era. In terms of theoretical logic, General Secretary Xi Jinping has taken the Marxist view of labor as the fundamental guideline, demonstrated the principles of fostering virtue through education, highlighted the comprehensive value of labor education, and emphasized the dominant position of the working people; in terms of historical logic, he has inherited the CPCs thought on labor education, which has been promoted as an important part of the CPCs education policy in the new era; in terms of cultural logic, he has promoted the creative transformation and innovative development of the Chinese fine traditional culture of labor and integrated it into the whole process of fostering virtue through education; and in terms of practical logic, based on his own labor experience in the process of growth, he has focused on redressing unhealthy tendencies of some young people in the current period and made strategic arrangements for cultivating the laborers needed for highquality development.

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    How Do We Understand “Space” Today? Also on the Futurity of Marxs Analysis of Space
    Li Chunmin
    2024, 58 (8):  32-42. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (12453KB) ( )  
    Marx's analysis of space presents profound futurity, which is reflected in his discussions on “flowing space”, “open space”, “empty space” and “space of technology”. The space in these four dimensions constructs our basic understanding of space today, and provides the following important theoretical enlightenment for us to examine the production of space for human beings in contemporary times. First, the spatial condition of human beings in the age of capital is bound to undergo a profound change, which requires us to construct a new spatial epistemology and spatial value theory. Second, although the contemporary production of space for human beings is pluralistic and heterogeneous in form, it is profoundly homogeneous in essence, which is prominently reflected in the dual discipline of capital and technology in the contemporary production of space. Third, space is not only a new site of determining social dynamics, but also a new place for alienation. Fourth, the philosophy of space today needs to highlight the problem of the placement of the human spiritual world, and to construct a system of meaning based on such mobility in the volatile and uncertain production of space. 

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    On the Historical Formation and Conceptual Limitations of Ownership: Dual Interpretation of the Multiple Attributes of Ownership from the Perspective of Historical Materialism
    Chen Guangsi
    2024, 58 (8):  43-56. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (15428KB) ( )  
    Forms of ownership in precapitalist societies are characterized by a multiplicity of overlapping qualities, making it impossible to totally understand them clearly and precisely. In view of this, one of the explanatory paths offered by historical materialism is that the historical formation of ownership in these societies is subjected to a combination of intertwined and intermingled factors, which leads to the multiple attributes of the concept. This is a powerful way of explanation, but it is based on the premise that the concept of “ownership” is capable of accurately capturing reality, which is reconsidered by the alternative explanatory path offered by historical materialism. The traditional meaning of “ownership” (Eigentum/property/propriété) includes the provision of private ownership. It understands precapitalist forms of ownership in terms of private ownership as a prototype, regarding them as complex variations of private ownership, which results in the multiple attributes of the concept. Moreover, this way of understanding also has the class attribute of defending capitalism. Marxs innovative understanding of the concept of “ownership” and his prototypical understanding of the phenomenon of ownership in terms of public ownership provide us with an important perspective for understanding the phenomenon of ownership beyond the bourgeois discourse.

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    The Four Components of Marx and Engels'Thought on Civilization and the Contemporary Enlightenment on the Development of a New Form of Human Advancement
    Huang Wenyan, Song Youwen
    2024, 58 (8):  57-67. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (11732KB) ( )  
    Marx and Engels thought on civilization mainly has four components: “practicecivilization”, “historycivilization”, “dialecticscivilization” and “revolutioncivilization”. The theory is internally logical as practice, history, dialectics, and revolution are progressively and intricately entwined. First, Marx and Engels clarify that the emergence and evolution of human civilization are rooted in the material production practice of individuals in real life through a historical materialist approach to civilization. Second, taking the historical changes in the practice of material production and the alternation of social forms as clues, they reveal the evolution of forms of human advancement. Third, they explore the dialectical nature of the development of history and civilization, and portray a promising picture of communist civilization in the course of criticizing and transcending capitalist civilization. Fourth, based on the origin that lies in the dialectical nature of the development of history and civilization, ie. the movement of basic social contradictions, they consider the basic means and organizational forces for the leap from capitalist to communist civilization. Marx and Engels thought on civilization not only has a pioneering significance as it transcends the previous ones in the West, but also serves as the theoretical foundation for the Communist Party of China to create a new form of human advancement, providing profound practical enlightenment for enriching and developing the new form of human advancement in the new era and new journey.

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    The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Interstate Relations and Future Options
    Xiao Xi, Liu Kunye
    2024, 58 (8):  68-81. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (15366KB) ( )  
    As the world has entered a new period of turbulence and change, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a new “battlefield” of competition between major countries. As the driving force of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change, it is causing profound changes in interstate relations. The different choices made by countries on power distribution, benefit preferences and shared ideas have resulted in the intensified competition for power, reduced stability of international institutions, and widening differences in the culture of security in the era of AI. Technological interventions have led to the hedging of national development opportunities and challenges, the coexistence of global governance innovations and difficulties, and the intersection of national security protection efforts and risks. The reduced stability of system units has been associated with the vulnerability of interstate relations. In order to reduce the impact of AI on interstate relations, in terms of the interaction of system units, we should first create a diversified cooperation platform, strengthen the balanced development of AI, and bridge the “technological divide”; second, it is necessary to enhance national governance capabilities, promote the construction of specialized international organizations and the implementation of international systems, and improve the global governance system of AI; and third, efforts should be made to strengthen the construction of Chinas AI sector in terms of system, technology and cooperation, and ensure security in an alldimensional and allsectoral manner.

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    The Concept of “Spirit” in the Discipline of Ideological and Political Education
    Ye Fangxing
    2024, 58 (8):  82-91. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (11260KB) ( )  
    The concept of “spirit” is concerned with the mental state of human beings, forging their spiritual character, and stimulating their spiritual motivation, which is not only the basic category of ideological and political education, but also an important dimension of the theoretical history of the discipline of ideological and political education. Systematically sorting out and clarifying the concept of “spirit” from the perspective of ideological and political education will help promote the basic theoretical research of ideological and political education in the new era. The concept of “spirit” in the discipline of ideological and political education refers to a state of consciousness with valuable implications, the core of which is a conceptual system with social stipulations and political orientation that helps the subject to change with a certain practical character. “Spirit” is able to identify the scope of ideological and political education, characterize the humanistic premise of ideological and political education activities, show the mental state of human beings from the perspective of ideological and political education, refine the value goal of ideological and political education, and exert its explanatory power when running through multiple fields such as ontology, humanism, morphology, and practice, thus becoming a symbolic concept of the discipline of ideological and political education. 

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    The Practice and Enlightenment of the Communist Party of China in Leading Ideological Construction during the Yan'an Period
    Yuan Yumei, Chen Dacai
    2024, 58 (8):  92-101. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (10748KB) ( )  
    After the outbreak of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, the Communist Party of China, in accordance with the historical environment and main tasks at that time, timely shifted the focus of ideological construction from class struggle to the fight for national liberation. Bearing in mind the new strategy of the Chinese united front against Japanese aggression, the Communist Party of China insisted on adapting the basic tenets of Marxism to Chinas specific realities, and resolutely fought against all hostile ideas, thus building a common ideological foundation for the Party to lead the people to win the complete victory in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the Chinese revolution, defending the guiding position of Marxism in the field of ideology, realizing the first historic leap in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context, iedeveloping Mao Zedong Thought, and promoting ideological construction into a new stage. Although the Partys ideological construction in different historical stages is different in form and content, the basic experience of the Party in leading ideological construction during the Yanan period provides enlightenment for ideological construction in the new era, which is of great significance for building a socialist ideology with strong cohesion and leadership.

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    On the Three Dimensions of Upholding the Party's Leadership over State-owned Enterprises
    Ji Xuhui
    2024, 58 (8):  102-116. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (16803KB) ( )  
    Upholding and strengthening the overall leadership of the Party over stateowned enterprises is an important part of upholding the centralized and unified leadership of the Party over economic work. The theoretical logic behind this proposition and ways of the Party in exercising leadership over stateowned enterprises are major theoretical issues that need to be studied. According to the basic principles of Marxist political economy, capital is a production relation, and stateowned capital also reflects a production relation. From the perspective of the relationships between the state and enterprises, capital and labor, and capital and capital, exploring the theoretical logic and profound connotation of the system of the Partys leadership over stateowned enterprises under the socialist market economy will help better understand the ways of the Party in exercising leadership over stateowned enterprises and the mechanisms of embedding Party organizations in enterprises into corporate governance structure. This will also help integrate the basic principles of the Partys leadership over stateowned enterprises into the theoretical system of socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics.

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    Braudel's Theory of the Century-long Cycle of Capitalism and the Construction of Marx's World-system Theory in the New Era
    Wu Haibao
    2024, 58 (8):  117-132. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (18301KB) ( )  
    As an important representative of the French school of historical thought, the Annales, Braudel creates a structural model of the evolution and development of the capitalist world system, drawing inspiration from the relevant theoretical resources of Marxist political economy. This model distinguishes financial monopoly capital, which is monopolistic, speculative and parasitic, from small and mediumsized industrial and commercial capital with free competition, and recognizes the former as the dominant force determining the evolution and development of the capitalist world system. On this basis, Braudel expounds the law of the continuous shift of the focus of the capitalist world system, analyzes the differentiation between the core countries and the peripheral countries in the world system, and proposes the theory of the centurylong cycle explaining the development and evolution of the capitalist world system. Braudels theory straddles the two disciplines of political economy and world history, which leaves plenty of room for dialogue with Marxism. An indepth investigation of this dialogue is of great theoretical and practical significance to the construction of the Marxist theory of the world system in the new era, especially to the understanding of the evolutionary trend of the USdominated capitalist world system as well as the specific position of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the process of world history. Due to the constraints of structuralist methodology, Braudels theory also has flaws, which requires critical reflection and drawing lessons from it.

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