ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    16 February 2022, Volume 56 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Combining the Basic Tenets of Marxism with the Fine Traditional Chinese Culture: The Course, Experiences and Prospects
    Yan Lianfu, Lin Zhongwei
    2022, 56 (2):  5-17. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (11143KB) ( )  
    How to combine the basic tenets of Marxism with the fine traditional Chinese culture, promote the Sinicization of Marxism, and better solve China's practical problems is an important problem into which the Communist Party of China (CPC) has always delved. Over its centennial history, the CPC has constantly combined the basic tenets of Marxism with great virtues in the fine traditional Chinese culture, eg seeking truth from facts, being selfindependent, keeping pace with the times, and connecting knowledge and action. As a result, it has corrected the mistakes of dogmatism, empiricism, formalism, and the blind acceptance of teachings and authorities. These efforts have provided important support to the successive great achievements of the CPC, and accumulated valuable experiences. Looking into the future, we can see that continuously promoting the sinicization of Marxism and the modernization of the Chinese culture is the fundamental principle of combining the basic tenets of Marxism with the fine traditional Chinese culture. On this basis, we should further deepen the combination of the two, maintain selfconfidence and selfimprovement in our values, improve governance, and promote exchanges and mutual learning between different civilizations worldwide. 
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    On the Socalled “Political Testament” of Engels in His Later Years: A Clarification of an Unsettled Historical Case
    Zhao Yulan
    2022, 56 (2):  18-26. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (7330KB) ( )  
    In his “Introduction to Karl Marx's The Class Struggles in France, 1848 to 1850” published in 1895, Engels spoke highly of the important role and positive meaning of parliamentary struggles, arousing extensive disputes among later generations. It was based on this article that Eduard Bernstein regarded Engels as the origin of his revisionism. With an examination of the background and the original text of the “Introduction”, as well as an analysis of Engels‘’s struggle tactics in the 1870s, this paper holds that Engels always determined his struggle tactics in accordance with specific situations, and his thoughts remained unchanged in his later years. Rather than being the origin of revisionism, Engels was a harsh critic of Eduard Bernstein ever since he proposed revisionism. The spirits of seeking truth from facts and always being rooted in the reality as exhibited in the “Introduction” are the real legacies that Engels left to us. 

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    Social Reproduction Stratification in the Context of Digital Techuology: Manifestations, Essence and Implications
    Zhang Xinchun, Zhang Ting
    2022, 56 (2):  27-38. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (9346KB) ( )  
    In the transformation of digital technology into productivity, remarkable stratification can be found in social reproduction. It involves the stratification between the abstract and the concrete dimension of productivity, between controllers and the controlled regarding the means of production, and between the digital industry and traditional industries. Stratification also exists in the competition relations embedded in the digital industry, and in the polarized employment structure. The stratification of social reproduction represents a new way of capital accumulation. It is accompanied by possible challenges such as the technological monopoly, the crossfield expansion of capital's power, wealth polarization, and the weakened economic foundation of middleincome groups. Considering the impact and challenges of social reproduction stratification, and the mission of solidly advancing common prosperity in China, this paper takes into account both international and domestic environments and discusses the implications of social reproduction stratification for future economic development. 
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    Does the Managerial Labor Expenditure Squeeze Profit Rates? An Analysis Based on the Empirical Data of US Listed Enterprises
    Chen Liang, Chen Zhichao, Shi Ying
    2022, 56 (2):  39-50. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (9835KB) ( )  
    Management is an essential activity for enterprises to coordinate and control the labor process. The nature and influence of the managerial labor expenditure generated in the management process have always been key issues in the research of political economy. With the deepening of the capitalist social division of labor and the internal division of labor in enterprises, there has been increasing separation and opposition between the productive managerial labor in the form of organization and coordination, and the nonproductive managerial labor in the form of supervision and control. With relevant conditions being constant, as the expenditure (or remuneration) for the productive managerial labor increases, capital, out of the instinct of pursuing profits, tends to prolong the unpaid labor time of these management employees, therefore resulting in the increase in surplus value, ie. increase in profits. However, the expenditure (or remuneration) for the nonproductive managerial labor is essentially a transformed form of surplus value. The increase of such expenditure consumes surplus value, which decreases profits of enterprises. Therefore, the question arises as to whether the managerial lobor expenditure helps raise or reduce profit rates empirically. Based on the data of US listed enterprises, we find an inverted U relationship between the enterprise management expenditure and profit rates. This research can improve our understanding and application of Marx's labor theory of value at the micro level of enterprises. 

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    The Relationship Mechanism between Cultural Confidence and the Identity with Mainstream Culture in the New Era#br#
    Yan Yufan, Ye Nanke
    2022, 56 (2):  51-58. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (6266KB) ( )  
    There are close inherent connections between constructing the identity with mainstream culture and strengthening cultural confidence. Mainstream culture can integrate ideas through a commonsense value system when ideas and thoughts are disseminated and shaped. The core discourse of Chinas mainstream culture has evolved from “revolution” to “development” and to “innovation”. It exhibits a logic of historical evolution in its value theme from realizing national liberation and political identity (the goal of struggles), to achieving individuals allround development and the modernization of the state (a constructionoriented goal), and to realizing the socialist common interests (a mission of the times). In this process, people's identity with mainstream culture serves as the emotional and psychological basis for establishing cultural confidence, and their deep confidence in mainstream culture provides a solid foundation for safeguarding the identity with mainstream culture. The continuous mutual construction of the two breathes vitality into Chinas cultural construction in the new era.

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    Comparative Regionalism: A New Approach to International and Area Studies
    Wang Zhi
    2022, 56 (2):  59-70. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (8825KB) ( )  
    Comparative regionalism represents a new development of the theory of regionalism, a new way for international relations researchers to participate in international and area studies, and a new opportunity for establishing the Chinese School of regionalism. Based on Western and nonWestern theories and practices, this paper interprets the generative logic of comparative regionalism. And by comparing the concepts of “region” and “area”, it clarifies the research objects of comparative regionalism, and introduces its research methods. It argues that qualitative and quantitative comparative analyses can play an important role in future research. More importantly, this paper analyzes literature using the concept of guanxi based on the Chinese culture to interpret ASEAN and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. It proposes to compare the difference between the conception underlying the Belt and Road Initiative and Western regionalism, and theorize China's regional practice from the perspective of comparative regionalism, in order to incorporate the Chinese view into regionalism. Comparative regionalism advocates for the integration of theory and method, and theory and practice, and will provide a new approach to international and area studies.

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    New Changes in Geopolitical Competition among Major Powers: The Cases of Hybrid Warfare and the Gray Zone
    Han Aiyong
    2022, 56 (2):  71-82. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (8700KB) ( )  
    As means of geopolitical competition among major powers, hybrid warfare and the gray zone show distinctive features of the times, and reflect new changes in geopolitical competition among major powers in the new era, including the increasing integration of competition tactics, the pursuit of ambiguity in the competition process, and the competition in national governance capacity as the essence of geopolitical competition. These changes are determined by the following factors: because of nuclear weapons and interdependence, countries tend to choose means of competition less intense than traditional wars; hightech development provides new tactics of competition and has an influence on the competition among major powers; the dual dilemma in the international order and the existence of a hegemony give rise to ambiguity in the competition process; and the impact of globalization is utilized in the competition among major powers, manifesting the essence of geopolitical competition among major powers. There are three implications for China to effectively deal with geopolitical competition among major powers, ieadhering to multinationalism, establishing a systematic approach, and taking good care of our own business.
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    Combining Practical Experiences of the Communist Party of China during the Thirteen Years in Yan'an with the Ideological and Political Education#br#
    He Husheng, Yan Shuhua
    2022, 56 (2):  83-91. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (6618KB) ( )  
    Summarizing innovations in practice and historical experiences of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and integrating them into the ideological and political education is not only an important magic weapon for the CPC to inspire wisdom and gather strength, but also a crucial content for the ideological and political education to implement the fundamental task of fostering a moral education. The practical experiences in the thirteen years in Yan'an constitute an important chapter in the Party's history. In the process of combining them with the ideological and political education, we should start from the four dimensions of ideological maturity, political maturity, spiritual maturity and power maturity. The CPC's theoretical exploration in correcting mistakes and adhering to the truth should be well sorted out. The development process about how it has firmly adhered to a correct political direction and achieved the highest political leadership should be clearly explained. We should carry forward the Yan'an spirit that the Party cultivated during the thirteen years in Yan'an. We need to thoroughly understand the continuous growth of the Party in terms of organization, military strength, political construction, and communication. We also need to educate students to study the Party's history to understand the truth, enhance confidence, respect virtues, and do practical work so as to become qualified builders and successors of socialism with Chinese characteristics. 

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    Collaborative Education in Broad Ideological and Political Courses: Values, Problems, and Solutions
    Lan Botao, Qin Yangyang
    2022, 56 (2):  92-100. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (7303KB) ( )  
    It is an arduous, complicated, systematic, and longterm national project to fulfill the fundamental mission of fostering virtues and nurturing talents, and cultivating socialist builders and successors with allround moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor development. It is necessary to adhere to a collaborative approach, center on ideological and political courses, and widely motivate all the educators teaching ideological and political courses or other courses, inside or outside colleges and universities, and focusing on theories or practices. It is also necessary to effectively integrate education resources, and establish a universal collaborative education mechanism. In this way, a collaborative education structure can be formed to give full play to the effects of collaborative education. However, this structure has not been completely established in reality, in that the various educators have not been fully motivated, resources have not been effectively developed and integrated, and the collaborative mechanism has not been widely in place. Therefore, this paper proposes systematic efforts to be made, including widely motivating educators for collaborative education, effectively developing and integrating education resources, and establishing a universal collaborative education mechanism.

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    Chris Harman's Theory of New Imperialism: Defense and Development of Lenin's Theory of Imperialism#br#
    Lyu Jiayi, Xu Tao
    2022, 56 (2):  101-112. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (9335KB) ( )  
    The theory of New Imperialism proposed by Chris Harman, a British Marxist economist, focuses on the period of new imperialism which started from the end of the Second World War, and is different from the period of classical imperialism. In accordance with Harman, this period of new imperialism consists of the following stages: the emergence of new imperialism in the early Cold War (represented by state capitalism), the consolidation and development of new imperialism in the mid and late Cold War (characterized by the globalization of neoliberalism and financialization), and the disintegration of the global dominance of new imperialism since the 21st century (featuring financial crises and an overall capitalist crisis). New imperialism has a permanent war economy as its precondition, neoliberalism as its ideology, economic colonialism as its main strategy, and the formation of an international financial monopoly as its major manifestation. However, the law of the uneven development of imperialism still works. The unbalanced economic development caused by the war economy has entrapped imperialist states into a dilemma. Financial crises have become the main form of contemporary economic crises, giving rise to various opposition movements. There are numerous conflicts among imperialist states. The economic crisis of imperialism is developing into an overall crisis. The only solution to the contradictions of new imperialism is to substitute an economic institution centering on the public ownership for the capitalist private ownership, which features a fundamental contradiction between the socialization of production and the private ownership of the means of production, and to substitute the thought of a community with a shared future for mankind for the law of the uneven development of imperialism.

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