ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    15 August 2020, Volume 54 Issue 8 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    The Foundation of “True Community” and Its Contemporary Inspiration
    Chen Xinxia
    2020, 54 (8):  5-12. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (8273KB) ( )  
    Marx and Engels' criterion for distinguishing between “false community” and “true community” is whether the “community” represents the interests of its members and the degree of representation. The basis of a “true community” is the common interest and the common value as its concentrated expression. The analysis of the true community and its foundations enlightens us: the community of human destiny should be based on common interests, especially the common value, and the construction of common value is the prerequisite for the construction of a community of human destiny. The foundation of collectivism is that the collective must serve the “true community”. Constructing a “true community” is the prerequisite for achieving the unity of individual and collective interests.
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    The Philosophical Implications of XI Jinping's Important
    Yuan Jifu
    2020, 54 (8):  13-22. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (10210KB) ( )  
    Xi Jinping's important exposition on the specific community fully shows that the community is a special kind of union. It takes the respect of nature as a premise, the condition of partnership between subjects, the common development as the essence, the building of a multidomain and multilevel community as a step, and the building of a nationstate as the core unit of the community of human destiny and the community of human and natural life as the goal. Xi Jinping's important exposition on the community embodies the inheritance and innovation of Marxist philosophy, especially the transformation requirements of the way of thinking, and has important theoretical guiding significance and practical leading value.
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    PeopleCentered: The Subjective Principle of the Community of Human Destiny
    Cao Yu
    2020, 54 (8):  23-30. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (7698KB) ( )  
    The idea of constructing a community of human destiny undoubtedly grasps the demands of the times of peace and development in today's world. However, the misunderstandings and paranoia of modernism and postmodernism and their community ideas have brought a lot of uncertainty to this appeal. To clarify the internal connection between the construction of the community of human destiny and the confirmation of the principle of subjectivity from the perspective of theory has become one of the major topics of modern and contemporary philosophy and social science research. The community of human destiny, while examining the basis of existence, the path of construction and the purpose of its value of the community of human destiny, combined with the revolutionary construction of modern China and the development of world history, revealed the community of human destiny and the interactive and mutually constructive nature between the peoplecentered subjective principles. This not only answers the difficult problems of modern and contemporary philosophy to the confirmation of the principle of subjectivity, but also further deepens and develops Marx's idea of the subject of the people and the idea of the union of free people.
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    The Logical Development of Marx's Critical Thinking on Private Ownership
    Zhang Leisheng
    2020, 54 (8):  31-41. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (11141KB) ( )  
    Studying the logical approach and development process of Marx's critical thinking on private ownership has important academic value and practical significance for us to correctly understand and grasp Marxist ownership theory. In the 25 years from 1843 to the publication of the first volume of Das Capital in 1867, Marx moved from the initial criticism of the legal significance of private property relations to the economic significance. After the establishment of historical materialism, Marx entered the realm of private ownership criticism from the criticism of private property relations. He applied the historical materialism to the analysis of the contradictions of the capitalist society, and put forward the scientific conclusion of “eliminating private ownership”. In making scientific progress in the study of political economy, based on the criticism of private ownership, Marx established the basic concept of future social ownership.
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    The Influence of Huawei's ESOP on the Economic Relations of Enterprises and Its Characteristics
    Ma Yan, Xu Wenbin, Feng Lu
    2020, 54 (8):  42-53. 
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    This paper holds that Huawei ESOP is an important innovation of its enterprise system, which gradually changes the production and distribution relations in the process of operation. Firstly, although Huawei enterprises are private enterprises in the legal sense, they are not public enterprises in the fundamental characteristics, but they make the ownership of enterprises have some characteristics of collective ownership and cooperative production relations and development trends through the form of virtual equity held by employees. Secondly, in the aspect of distribution relationship, because the nature of private enterprises is not distribution according to work, but it is not a pure way of distribution according to labor value elements, but has the characteristics of sharing system, that is, employees share most of the surplus value they create by virtue of virtual equity, and the quantitative basis of distribution is according to their labor contribution to the enterprise. And further analysis of the changes in the economic relations of Huawei enterprises for the formation of labor collective force and innovation is an important influence, and also analyze the coexistence of nonpublic economy and nondistribution according to work in the process of socialist economic development in China under the condition that the fundamental economic system of public ownership remains unchanged. As well as the factors of socialist public ownership and distribution according to work generated within nonpublic enterprises, have practical value for the innovation of the theoretical system of socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics.

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    Discussion on the New Model of Socialist Labor Relations with Chinese Characteristics——Taking Huawei's Cooperative and Shared Labor Relationship Model as an Example
    Yan Jinqiang, Liu Yaxun
    2020, 54 (8):  54-63. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (10255KB) ( )  
    Socialist labor relations in our country have experienced the evolution from a single social model under the planned economy system to a multimarket model under the market economy system. In this process, there are four basic modes of labor relations in the public ownership economy with public capital and common labor as the core, and in the nonpublic ownership economy with private capital and cooperative labor as the core. Among them, the labor relationship model of Huawei enterprises, which is based on cooperative labor, is characterized by “strong labor and weak capital”, and focuses on cooperative labor rather than private capital to carry out production organization and income distribution. Because of 100% employee stock ownership and dynamic labor stock ownership, it can ensure economic fairness and economic efficiency. Therefore, this mode of labor relations has both cooperation and sharing, which is an important form of realization of the new mode of labor relations with Chinese characteristics.
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    Practice Summary and Law Grasp of the Development of Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities
    Feng Gang, Bai Yongsheng
    2020, 54 (8):  64-72. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (9211KB) ( )  

    While ideological and political education in colleges and universities has made great achievements in personnel training, after a long period of theoretical accumulation and practical exploration, a series of regular understandings that reflect the essence of education and have guiding significance have been formed. They include: unwaveringly adhering to the leadership of the Communist Party and ensuring the correct development direction of ideological and political education in universities; adhering to the guidance of scientific theory, arming the teachers and students of the university with the partys innovative theory; tightly surrounding the center of talent training and scientifically grasping the ideology and politics of universities educational function positioning; pay attention to the development and changes of the times and continuously meet the needs and expectations of young students' growth and development. The ideological and political education of colleges and universities in the new era must firmly grasp and scientifically apply these laws, continue to adhere to the leadership of the CCP, unswervingly follow the CCP, innovative theory, take talent training as the central link, and take the characteristics of the times as the basis to achieve a higher level.

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    On the Value of Reform and Innovation of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Colleges and Universities in the New Era
    Xu Rong
    2020, 54 (8):  73-80. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (8900KB) ( )  

    Reform and innovation is the spirit of the times, and the construction of ideological and political courses should be energetic to reform and innovation. We should stand on the height of new era and make clear “why we do ideological and political lessons”, “what kind of ideological and political lessons to do”, and “how to do well the ideological and political lessons”, as well as making indepth study on the purpose, goal, direction, content, effectiveness of innovation of ideological and political lessons. In particular, we need to examine the exploration and contributions made by the construction of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities to educational responsibilities, educational quality, and educational models from the perspective of whether reforms and innovations adhere to their proper value positions, value goals, and value principles, so as to promote more effective promotion reform and innovation, and do a good job of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities.

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    Institutional Discourse, Institutional Openness, and Institutional Cooperation——China's Exploration of Global Governance System Transformation
    Guo Rui, Sun Tianyu
    2020, 54 (8):  81-92. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (12990KB) ( )  
    Today's world is in a “profound changes unseen in a century”. The international power structure is accelerating, the world multipolarization is developing in depth, and the global governance system transformation has entered a new stage. The discourse dilemma between failure of global governance and insufficient representation of the subject, the opening dilemma between accelerated globalization and “antiglobalization” trend of thought, the cooperative dilemma between the “generalization” of global issues and its complex governance has become the three institutional problems that global governance system transformation are currently facing, which is rooted in the inequitable and unreasonable old international political and economic order. The Party's Central Committee with Xi Jinping at its core accurately grasps the dialectical logic and the pulse of the times of “change” and “unchanging” and runs on to strive for institutional discourse, promote institutional opening, and strengthen institutional cooperation so as to actively contribute Chinese wisdom and Chinese power and work hard to promote a new process of global governance system transformation. China is supposed to calmly cope with all kinds of challenges and risks, accurately identify the relationship between “innovating the international system” and “changing the world order” clarify the boundary between the “sovereignty” of the nationalstate and the “ruling power” of global governance, and avoid  “internalization” of global issues as well as the “generalization” of internal affairs, striving to watch the game without obsession, enter the game without disorder, and break the game without chaos. In order to promote the transformation of global governance system, building of a community of shared future for mankind and new international relationship, China ought to further consolidate the foundation of the system, provide institutional guarantee, and enrich institutional resources.
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    On Two Waves of the Historical Turn in Contemporary American Political Science
    Shi Qipeng
    2020, 54 (8):  93-104. 
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    Political science has always been a subject based on the history, but in the United States, the close relationship between the two has been eroded gradually after the behavioral revolution. From 1960s to 1970s, the “marginal revolution” sparked from historical sociology set off the first wave of historical turn. Based on big structures, large processes and huge comparison, a group of scholars who can be regarded as milestone ended the dominant position of structural functionalism and left many influential theories, concepts and works for later generations. At the beginning of the 21st century, the debates between quantitative and qualitative methods promoted the emergence of the second wave of historical turn. The new historical turn, represented by historical institutionalism, has a clearer sense of methodology, but less in enlightening works. In spite of the Ontological conflict , no matter  “scientific turn” or “cultural turn” are unable to effectively resist the  “temptation from natural science”which has been pervaded in American academia for a long time, which forces researchers to ignore the important role of history while pursuing the universal theory and the scientific logic. In the face of difficulties and challenges, the proposition of historical political science could provide a possible way to reshape the historical imagination and build the indigenous knowledge system.

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    Achievements and Reflections on Reform and Opening up Research since the New Era
    Dong Jia
    2020, 54 (8):  105-112. 
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    Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, new breakthroughs have been made in China's research on reform and opening up. This article is based on the research results published in the country since the new era, introduces new topics, new perspectives, new methods, new materials and new hotspots in the current reform and opening up research, and shows the development trends and important achievements of reform and opening up research in the past decade. It puts forward the suggestion that the reform and openingup research needs to strengthen the theoretical thinking and expand the international perspective. The article also points out that future research should focus on cultivating localized research theoretical methods, expanding dialogue and exchanges with overseas scholars, and strengthening research combining historical and theoretical, macro and micro perspectives.
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