ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    16 June 2018, Volume 52 Issue 7 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    The Contemporary Significance of the Method of Das Kapital#br#
    Wu Xiaoming
    2018, 52 (7):  5-11.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5006KB) ( )  
    The contemporary significance of Marxs theory is first of all its methodological nature. Das Kapital is undoubtedly the most systematic and indepth manifestation of the essential characteristics of Marxs method. As a dialectic, the methodology of Das Kapital first appears as a historical viewpoint or a method of historical criticism. Since the historical process is carried out and materialized through specific substantive content, dialectics can not be any form of means in all senses. The foundation of Das Kapital is the self activity of the “real subject” (the established society). This foundation refuses all forms of “external reflection”. Therefore this method not only helps us to grasp the essence of the contemporary world, but also will greatly promote contemporary Chinese philosophy and social science research.
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    How Does Effective Social Cooperation Become Inseparable from Social Justice——On the Relationship between Social Justice and Social Cooperation#br#
    Wu Zhongmin
    2018, 52 (7):  12-21.  DOI:
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    Under the conditions of modern society and market economy, social cooperation presents an increasingly deepening trend. There is a highly positive correlation between effective social cooperation and social justice. Without social justice, effective social cooperation will become impossible. Whether the effective social cooperation can be carried out smoothly or sustainably depends on the specific conditions of the three sides of the social cooperation. They are: the specific situation of the interests of the social cooperation parties at the micro level (primary distribution field), the specific state of the balance of interests at the macro level (redistribution field), and the specific state of the overall interest protection. The situation of these three key aspects depends more and more on whether the partners of social cooperation abide by the principle of social justice in these aspects.
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    Crossing the Middleincome Trap Needs to Improve the Quality of Employment#br#
    Ding Shouhai, Wu Di, Zhang He
    2018, 52 (7):  22-32.  DOI:
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    China is now in a critical period of crossing the middleincome trap, In which industrial upgrading is the core. It needs twowheel drive of consumption and human capital. The former provides support from the demand side and the latter from the supply side to structural transformation. Low quality employment will also undermine these two driving wheels. It not only restricts consumption expansion, but also restraining human capital reproduction, forming a vicious cycle of low employment quality and low human capital. At present, the low employment quality in China has constituted the main contradiction of employment, which greatly increases Chinas chances of falling into the middleincome trap. To solve this problem, the government must reconstruct the policy system aimed at improving the quality of employment and taking the policy of active employment as the core.
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    The Labor Relations of Stateowned Enterprises after Reform——The Status Quo, Problems and Ways of Coordinating Governance
    Liu Yang
    2018, 52 (7):  33-43.  DOI:
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    For the majority of stateowned enterprises that have completed the restructuring work, labor relations are changing from interest conflict to interest dependence. It is mainly reflected in the relatively stable employment environment of stateowned enterprises, the relatively high salary and welfare treatment, and the low incidence of labor conflicts. The existing employment system is not conducive to the employment fairness of the workers, while the widening of the wage income gap intensifies the division of the working class group, and the government has failed to give full play to the guiding role of the coordinated management of labor relations. These are the three main problems that lead to the tension of labor relations in stateowned enterprises at the current stage. Establishing the balance mechanism of the three party interests between the stateowned enterprise management, laborers and government departments is the basic path for the construction of harmonious labor relations in stateowned enterprises. On this basis, we should deepen the reform of the internal personnel and employment system, improve the internal compensation management and distribution system, and strengthen the construction of the collective consultation system, in order to promote the coordinated management of the labor relations of the stateowned enterprises.
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    On Blochs Theory of the Relation between Marxism and Utopia
    Li Bo
    2018, 52 (7):  44-51.  DOI:
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    In the vision of orthodox Marxism, there is an essential difference between Marxism and the utopia. However, to Blochs mind, the two are not incompatible. On the basis of “not yet” ontology, from expending connotation of utopian concepts, Bloch found that both Marxism and utopia have the futureoriented characteristics of transcending reality, which reveals the closed relationship between them. Furthermore, Bloch analysed the revolutionary subject element in Marxism and the intermediary of objective reality possibility to the ideal of Marxism. Eventually, Bloch distinguished Marxism from abstract utopia, and defined that Marxism itself is a kind of “concrete utopia”.
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    The Utopia of Western PostMarxists——Ellen Woods Criticism of “New True Socialism”#br#
    Luo Lizhang1, Li Xiajie2
    2018, 52 (7):  52-58.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5584KB) ( )  
    Ellen Meiksins Wood is an outstanding Marxist in todays Englishspeaking world. Her monograph The Retreat of Class points out that the New True Socialism(NTS) in the 20th century is the error correction of Marxism, and it also has deviated from the Marxism essentially. Ellen Wood started from the classic Marxism theory and made a profound criticism on the Retreat of Class、the radical democracy and  the liberal democracy theory of NTS. She insisted on both the analysis method of historical materialism and made it embarks from the practical problems. But she did not provide a specific plan for the NTS and her view points lacks of system deficiencies.
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    The Dilemma of Maritime Security Cooperation in Northeast Asia under the Perspective of the Supply of the Regional Public Goods#br#
    Li Guoxuan1, Yan Shuangwu2
    2018, 52 (7):  59-67.  DOI:
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    Regional security is the foundation and prerequisite for the development of Northeast Asian countries. The essence of Northeast Asia Security is Maritime Security. At present, the degree of maritime security cooperation in the Northeast Asia cant meet the basic needs of regional security, which falls into the dilemma of structure, function and process. Regional public products are of great importance to the maritime security cooperation in Northeast Asia, Which can divert attention from maritime disputes to maritime cooperation, generate regional identity in the process of producing, supplying and consuming regional public goods and deepen the institutionalized maritime security cooperation with the United States. The dilemma of maritime security cooperation in Northeast Asia will be solved during the process of sufficient and effective supply of regional public goods.
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    On the Duality of Internet and the Innovation and Development of Ideological and Political Education
    Zhang Yu
    2018, 52 (7):  68-75.  DOI:
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    Internet is not only a new technology of ideological and political education, but also consists of a new environment of ideological and political education. The duality of internet has constructed an important direction of innovation and development of network ideological and political education. Ideological and political education “+ Internet” is to grasp the forefront of the development of internet technology, and continue to explore the new mode and new method of the use of internet technology in ideological and political education. In the innovation practice of network ideological and political education, it can be divided into three types of network ideological and political education mode, which centers on the content of education, centers on the network carrier and centers on the object of education. A comprehensive understanding of profound changes in the ideological and political education environment  under the background of the “Internet +” times, will help us grasp the basic characteristics and rules of network social environment and push for the development and innovation of the ideological and political education on such basis.
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    The Diversity of Network Selfness and its Identity Dilemma#br#
    Xie Yujin, Hu Shuxiang
    2018, 52 (7):  76-84.  DOI:
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    The internet has changed the way of peoples lives, and has changed the way of self existence. The network selfness is composed of multiple selves, rheology, alienated self and various false selves. It not only realizes the expansion of the selfness in the network era, but also brings unprecedented self identity plight, and makes people have to face the problems of diversified selves, including the correction of alienated selfness and the evasion of false selfness and etc.
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    How To Construct Political Order In Pluralistic Times——A Comparative Analysis Based on Contemporary Western Political Philosophy
    Pang Jinyou1, Tang Bin2
    2018, 52 (7):  85-94.  DOI:
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    An important issue of contemporary political philosophy is how to construct and maintain political order in the era of pluralism, especially how to deal with the relationship between pluralism and monism. Karl Schmitt put forward the theory of sovereignty determination, and advocated that the political field should dominate other fields and ensured the homogeneity of democratic institutions with the help of political determination, so as to restrain the erosion of pluralism on the political unity. John Rawls put forward the theory of overlapping consensus, and advocated that overlapping consensus should be realized through institution design on the basis of rational pluralism, and the political order should be governed by the concept of justice, so as to realize the reconciliation of “pluralism” and “monism”. Chantal Murphy put forward the theory of multiple competition, and proposed to realize democratic values through tension and conflict within the political community, and the political consensus based on balance and compromise will be realized through multistruggle as well. These three schemes represent the most typical order construction paths in contemporary western countries, and almost exhaust all possibilities that liberalism can provide, which highlights the complexity and difficulty of political order construction in the pluralistic society.
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    Interpretation of “Sharp Power” in the Western Context and Countermeasures
    Wang Xinying
    2018, 52 (7):  95-102.  DOI:
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    “Sharp Power” is a new concept proposed by the western media and academia that specifically describes the power forms of socalled “authoritarian countries” such as China and Russia. It has extremely strong value judgments and ideological orientation. This concept was put forward under the background of the profound adjustment of the current international pattern and the profound changes of international forces. An indepth understanding of the concept of “sharp power” in the western context will help us gain a profound understanding of western countries discourse hegemony in international relations and the current international situation. Some effective countermeasures should be taken as follows to response to the “sharp power” argument: to maintain its strategic determination and adhere to the road of peaceful development at the strategic level, to construct Chinas discourse system in international affairs at the conceptual level, to promote the establishment of a new type of international relations and the construction of a community of human destiny at the practical level.
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    The New Thoughts on Market Economy of the LeftWing Scholars Abroad and Their Implications after the Financial Crisis
    Liu Mingming
    2018, 52 (7):  103-109.  DOI:
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    As a landmark event in twentyfirst Century, the outbreak of the financial crisis in 2008 shocked the foreign scholars traditional knowledge of the market economy. By analyzing the views of foreign scholars, we can draw the following four points. First, the financial crisis has completely exposed the spontaneity, blindness and cyclical nature of the market economy, indicating the end of the laissez faire market. Secondly, the relationship between the state and the market is not a zero sum game. The state is not an obstacle to economic prosperity as the new liberals claim. Thirdly, the pursuit of profit maximization and the service of minority people in the market economy inevitably affect the implementation and effect of democracy. Forthly, the market economy is a neutral adjustment tool. It can be combined with other social structures, including socialist society. The viewpoints of foreign leftist scholars can provide useful reference for adhering to and developing our socialist market economy.
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