In recent years, there has been a series of crises in the international order. These crisis not only lies in the failure of global governance, but also the disorder of regional security governance. In the Asia Pacific region, the rise of China has intensified the tension between China and the United States. In the Middle East, the United States withdraw the troops from Iraq and carried out a self contradictory strategy, which encouraged the color revolution. These factors have led to turmoil in the middle east. In Europe, the United States actively promotes democracy, encourages national selfdetermination, and compresses Russias strategic space, causing the deterioration of relations between the United States and Russia. Overall, the formation of these regional crises, mainly because of the actions of emerging powers, the marginal forces and the United States, which exacerbates the changes in the international order. At present, the existing international order can still be mended, while the creation of a new order is yet a long process.