ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    16 July 2017, Volume 51 Issue 8 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Common Prosperity: Practice and Development of Socialism in China
    Wu Li
    2017, 51 (8):  6-12.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5001KB) ( )  
    Under the market economy system, how to restrict the difference between the rich and the poor in a reasonable and incentive range is a worldwide problem faced by all countries. The history of economic development in New China is the history of the countrys continuous exploration of the economic system in order to accelerate industrialization. Before the reform and opening to the outside world, China implemented a high standard of basic living security under the two basic policies of “high accumulation” and “distribution according to work”. In the 30 years since the reform and opening up, Chinas policy objectives are: to increase accumulation and encourage investment by ensuring the income of capital to accelerate economic development; to increase the liquidity of the income of the people, and restrict the gap between the rich and the poor in a certain range, to ensure social stability and domestic demand. After entering twentyfirst century, under the goal of building a welloff society in an allround way, the CPC has taken on eliminating poverty, narrowing the income gap and expanding the supply of public goods, as a shortterm goal of achieving common prosperity.
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    Exploring the Way to Narrow the Gap between Rich and Poor in Chinas Process of Common Prosperity
    Duan Juan
    2017, 51 (8):  13-20.  DOI:
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    Since the reform and opening to the outside world, with the rapid development of economy and the increase of social wealth, the gap between the rich and the poor has become increasingly serious prominent. This has become a problem that must be solved in the process of common prosperity. In order to improve the income level of vulnerable groups and accelerate poverty alleviation in poor areas, the collective leadership of the CPC Central Committee led Chinese people to overcome difficulties, successfully explored ways of eliminating poverty from the “surface flooding”, “transfusion type” to “precision type” and “hematopoiesis type”, the coordinated development of common prosperity, and from unbalanced urbanrural development to the common prosperity of sharing equalization of basic public service interests.
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    Chinas Experience of Promoting Common Prosperity under the Concentration of Wealth to A Small Number of People
    Zheng You-gui
    2017, 51 (8):  21-27.  DOI:
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    As a backward developing country in the inferior position, China has been able to build a development advantage and turned to the fast lane of leaping development just because of its unremitting efforts to promote common prosperity. The unique experience that China has accumulated to promote common prosperity mainly lies in the following aspects. We should not only regard common prosperity as the essential characteristic and value orientation of socialism, but also explore ways to realize the unity of promoting common prosperity and realizing economic and social development. Guided by the concept of shared development, we should promote common prosperity into the functions of the government and make public ownership as the cornerstone of promoting common prosperity. We should perfect ownership, income distribution and social security systems, and stick to the concept that the development is for the people, relying on the people and the development fruits should be shared by the people in the whole process of economic and social development. These experiences have clarified and enriched the connotation of common prosperity.
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    On the Contemporary Value of Marxs Theory of Surplus Value——Also on the Significance of the Theory of Surplus Value to the Construction of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
    Guo Fei
    2017, 51 (8):  28-39.  DOI:
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    The theory of surplus value created by Marx is the core of Marxs economic theory, and it still has great scientific value and practical significance in the contemporary era. As far as the world is concerned, the basic principle of Marxs surplus value theory is not out of date in the modern capitalist countries. Capitalist production relations still have strong vitality and certain development space. The establishment and development of socialist countries and the development of “new social factors” in capitalist countries have preliminarily shown that the socialist system will inevitably replace the historical trend of the capitalist system. In China Marxs theory of surplus value has provided a valuable theoretical enlightenment in exploring the basic economic law of socialism, correctly handling the relationship between the socialist economy and capitalist economy and correctly implementing the supply side structural reform.
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    Marxs Machine View and Its Human Dimension
    Chen Fei
    2017, 51 (8):  40-48.  DOI:
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    In the Capital,Marx analyzed machines and the capitalist use of machine.Marx linked the essence of the machine with the human beings existence: On the one hand, in the machine big industry, the machine replaced the workers skill and the strength to occupy the main status, the work of a worker was only as an attachment to the machine system, which was determined and regulated by the operation of the machine, compared to handicraft industry, the existence of human being was further alienated; On the other hand, the machine as a superior form of capital had an important role in civilization, it had created rich material wealth, increased the free time of the society, strengthened the social association and social interaction between people.Due to the nature of capital, capitalist use of machine can not ultimately solve the problem of the realization of human freedom, the communist use of the machine eliminated the slave and control of the machine.
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    Three Interpretations of Das Kapital and Its Manuscripts
    Lu Shao-chen
    2017, 51 (8):  49-57.  DOI:
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    There are three main ways of interpretation of Das Kapital and its manuscripts in the academic circles. first, the interpretation path of totality, historical and humanistic approaches represented by the early Western Marxism. Second, the interpretation path of politics, confrontation, origin represented by Althusser and Negri. They emphasize that “breaking” as well as the power and political logic between domination and subordination, oppression and resistance, origin and structure. Third, the interpretation path of objectivism, which is represented by new dialectics and school of valueform. They rely on the text and focus on the contradictions between the universality and the particularity, the quality and quantity of capitalism, and the dialectical logic of movement. These three inerpretations are different from each other, highlighting the rich philosophical ideas in Das Kapital and its manuscripts.
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    The Logic of Institutions of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation
    Wang Ming-guo
    2017, 51 (8):  58-66.  DOI:
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    “The Belt and Road” Initiative is the Chinas medium and long term strategy in new period, and is an active exploration of constructing a new model of global governance. After more than three years of plough, the institutional framework of “the Belt and Road” Initiative has formed a preliminary basis, which provides an institutional guarantee for the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. At present, international community needs more rich and diverse governance model and institutional platform. Under this background, the timely convening of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation for the promotion of international institutional framework by the Bretton Woods system to “the Belt and Road” economic system laid a solid foundation of institutions. As a new type of institutional practices, the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation persists in developmentoriented, governmentdominated, flexible asymptotic principle and sovereignty principle, which is the systematic and global institutional innovation of Chinas active construction of global governance system. As an informal institution, further institutionalization should be the direction of its future development.
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    Regional Security Cooperation in Northeast Asia——An Exploration Based on the Construction of Balanced Trust
    Wang Jun-sheng
    2017, 51 (8):  67-77.  DOI:
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    The most alarming situation in the security areas in Northeast Asia has increased over the past few years. How to realize the security situation from the fear equilibrium to the trust equilibrium in Northeast Asia, has become an important direction of security cooperation in the region. The growth of trust relationship between countries needs five factors: interest, system, preference, credit and order. The main reason for the lack of trust in Northeast Asia lies in four aspects: the power transfer in the region, the opposition of various countries security views, the historical factors and the “face politics”. This paper points out that in order to build a balanced trust, countries should promote the establishment of communication mechanisms among the countries concerned at the military security level. On the nonmilitary level, countries should expand their interests and cooperative relations, reconcile differences in security views, establish national credit, and create a stable order through the system of dual leadership of the United States and China.
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    Analysis on Difficulties and Traps in Technological Democratization: Criticism of Andrew Feenbergs Technological Democratization
    Wang Bo-lu, Ma Bao-yu
    2017, 51 (8):  78-86.  DOI:
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    Technology is the power of shaping the modern social face, how to regulate and to guide the healthy development of the technology is one of major challenges for human beings today to face.Technological democratization is democratic spirit in the field of technology development and implement.Although this quality has helped restrain technology hegemony and abuse of technology, it is not everything, but conditional, relative and flawed.In contemporary age, technological democratization propulsion is facing many difficulties, and it has a series of traps potentially.Only in coordinated advance of technological scientization, ecologicalization, humanization, artistic and other multiple paths, meanwhile, in law, ethics, religion, education and other diverse cultural forces, we will achieve good governance of modern technology.
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    Macroeconomic Theoretical Contributions of Hyman Minsky
    Li Li-li
    2017, 51 (8):  87-96.  DOI:
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    This paper summarizes and reviews Hyman Minskys eight macroeconomic theories for the first time: business cycle theory,financial theory of investment,monetary and banking theory,endogenous instability theory,longterm economic evolution theory,inflation theory,poverty and employment theory,and economic policy theory.These theories are different from the mainstream corresponding theories to varying degrees,and represent Minsky’s unique contributions in the field of macroeconomics.Its urgent to reconstruct a unified theoretical framework of Minsky in the future,so as to integrate and illuminate these theories.At the same time,given that these theories are derived from the onesided “the logic of finance” highlighted by Minskys “Wall Street view”,it is necessary to combine it with the theories from the perspective of the logic of real.
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    The Basic and Specific Contradictions in the Process of the Value Formation of Ideological and Political Education #br#
    Min Xu-guo
    2017, 51 (8):  97-103.  DOI:
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    The formation of the value of ideological and political education is a process of contradictory movement. The contradiction between the need of the subject of the ideological and political education and the attribute and function of the object, is actually the contradiction between the needs of the people and the society and the attributes and functions of the ideological and political education. This is also the basic contradiction in the formation of the value of ideological and political education. The contradiction between the requirements of the society and the individual needs, the contradiction between the educators and educational objects, the contradiction between education and the function of ideological and political education, the contradiction between the education object and education content, education method, the contradiction between ideological and political education and the environment, are the specific contradictions in the process of forming the value of ideological and political education. Only when we resolve these contradictions can we form the value of ideological and political education.
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    Competency Management and the Transformation of HRM in China Government——The Practice in Some Developed Countries and the Transforming Way in China
    Liu Xin, Li Kai-long
    2017, 51 (8):  104-112.  DOI:
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    The development and use of competency model for civil service management became a widespread practice in many developed countries in recent decades. The competency management became an important platform and basis for governments to transform the traditional HRM to strategic HRM. The competency management did not being used systematically in China civil service management although there were some exploration in central and local governments. This paper discussed the importance of competency management for strategic HRM transformation in China government and the practical way to finish the process.
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