ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    15 December 2016, Volume 50 Issue 12 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    A Comparison of the Compromises between Traditional Society and Modern Society
    Wu Zhong-min
    2016, 50 (12):  5-14.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1974 )   PDF (7304KB) ( 1762 )  
    Compared with the compromise behavior of the traditional society, the compromise behavior in the modern society is obviously different. From the perspective of social demand, compared with the traditional society, the demand for compromise behavior increased significantly between the social groups in modern society. This is because the cooperation between the various groups and the degree of dependence has been on a substantial increase; the difference between the social groups has increased the demand for a greater degree of compromise behavior; the modern society is facing an unprecedented increase of social risks. In the traditional society, the compromise behavior has obvious randomness. In modern society, compromise behavior is gradually becoming a kind of institutional arrangement. In a certain sense, in the modern society and under the condition of market economy, compromise behavior has increasingly become a trend of history and the trend of times, which is also the more and more important options taken by people in resolving the social contradictions.
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    On the Governance of Imbalanced Financial Ecology under the Background of New Normal
    Zhang Hong-feng, Zhang Xi-song
    2016, 50 (12):  15-22.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 2190 )   PDF (6534KB) ( 1942 )  
    At present China has been in the new normal of economic development that is mainly reflected in structural deceleration in growing. Because of the influence of New Normal several key features of Chinas financial ecology appears. At the government level the imbalance of financial ecology is directly affected by fundamental legal system and government itself daily conduct. It is needed for government to conduct internal governance when the market mechanism cant normally play a role, and to conduct external governance during the market intervention. In order to governance imbalance on the one hand government should strengthen the construction of social legal governance, and on the other hand standardize and strengthen itself conduct.
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    Refutation and Vindication for “Geographie Environmental Determinism”
    Pi Jia-sheng, Luo Xue-zhen
    2016, 50 (12):  23-32.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 2220 )   PDF (7429KB) ( 2428 )  
    It is unfounded that uncritically dismissed the traditional “Geographie Environmental Determinism”by Montesquieu as reactionary bourgeois theory and called the new ideas of defend the historical materialism by Plekhanov as historical idealism. Montesquieu tried to stick to material reasons to explain the theory of human social history, in a sense, for the birth of historical materialism played an important role; Plekhanov defended and reinterpreted the traditional “Geographie Environmental Determinism” ,which constituted the proper meaning of the title. As “Geographie Environmental Determinism” name and reveal its contemporary value and significance need to clarify the relationship between geographical environment and the human body, historical determinism and the “Disembeding Phenomenon”.Body link plays a role in the social geographical environment and the human spirit and practice activities; Only if both adhere to the “Geographie Environmental Determinism” and the “historical determinism”,should we recognize the historical development of human societys inherent laws and avoid fatalism; “Disembeding phenomenon” epiphenomenon of capitalist globalization, it is also a kind of human “false disorder”, people can not “Disembeding”, nor is it to “Disembeding”, but to geographical environment maintain sufficient awe and subjected to “care”, resolutely safeguard and maintain its diversity and richness.
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    A Political Economic Analysis of the Structural Overcapacity
    Lu Bao-lin
    2016, 50 (12):  33-40.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1512 )   PDF (6546KB) ( 1854 )  
    In the framework of “production, distribution and consumption”, this paper tries to grasp the basic logic of the formation of production overcapacity. We found that, for the low income class, the lowend product overcapacity is because of the lack of effective demand. For highincome groups, the lowend product overcapacity is caused by the dislocation of demand. The crux of the problem of structural production overcapacity lies in the lack of the low demand of lowend products and the insufficient supply capacity of highend products. Generally speaking, the current production overcapacity is still in the range of relative excess. It is caused by the sharp decline in domestic and foreign demand, as well as by the constraints of domestic demand of effective consumption, which is difficult to enhance.
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    From Materialist View of History to Anthropic View of History——The Effects of Cutural Anthropic on Marxs Study of History
    Wang Li
    2016, 50 (12):  41-48.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1941 )   PDF (6336KB) ( 1916 )  
    Materialist View of History was an important theory when Marx studied human history, but it formed in the view from bourgeois society back to general human society. As a result, it couldnt explain prehistorical society concretely, which directed Marxs work in his middle and late study times. In further study, Marx focused on commune by referring to cultural Anthropologists and explained three key problems, ie. the existence of public ownership in reality, the transforming from public ownership to private ownership, the structure of public ownership society. In case of the above facts, Marx constructed the Anthropic View of History which explained prehistorical society specially and developed Materialist View of History.
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    The Connotation, Measurement and Source of National Identity:A Review of Documents
    Li Yan-xia, Cao Ya
    2016, 50 (12):  49-58.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 2951 )   PDF (7740KB) ( 2469 )  
    National identity is an important issue concerning national construction, national development and social stability. For the national identity there are two definitions of connotation dimension, namely attribute and difference, in the academic circle. In the academic field the empirical research on the national identity is mainly carried out from three aspects: rational approval, affiliation and emotional dedication. The research on the origin of national identity are mainly from the perspective of self identity, the performance of the political system, historical culture, political culture construction, national identity and so on. Generally speaking, the theoretical circle has a certain consensus on the definition and operation of the national identity. On the national identity research concerning the aspects of theoretical indepth and answers to the realistic question, the domestic academic circle still has a very big promotion space.
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    Rational Bureaucracy in the Process of Public Administration——An Analysis from the Three Perspectives of Organization, Mechanism and Institution
    Lin Xue-fei
    2016, 50 (12):  59-67.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 2043 )   PDF (7286KB) ( 1706 )  
    In the process of public administration, the rational bureaucracy plays a key role in the organization of public administration, the production mechanism of public goods and the basic system of modern democratic system. In these three fields the bureaucracy has its own different concepts, basic forms and theories. The modern rational bureaucracy in the field of organization is trying to pursue the ultimate form of rationality, but in the practice it often faces the challenge of functional disorder and market transformation. As a mechanism bureaucracy forms a complex combination in the production of social products, especially in providing the public goods and market mechanism. In the field of modern political system, the division and integration of rational bureaucracy and democracy, is regarded as a combination of rational and democratic values, which is the cornerstone of democracy. To clarify the different areas of the bureaucracy, subjective judgment can help us get rid of holism, select theoretical tools and make rational judgment in specific circumstances.
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    Knowledge, Belief and Equilibrium——A Discussion on the Belief System of Solution Concept
    Li Jun-lin1, Wang Qi-zhi2, Yao Dong-min3
    2016, 50 (12):  68-76.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1954 )   PDF (6851KB) ( 1587 )  
    The development of game theory can be regarded as a process of continuous improvement and refinement of the solution concept, which imposes  consistency requirements on behaviors and beliefs. Harsanyis contribution is converting a game of incomplete information to a complete but imperfect information game by “Harsanyi transformation”, and proposing the concept of Bayesian Nash equilibrium, which provided an unified analytical framework to cope with information problem and laid the foundation for the economics of information. This paper argues that the Bayesian Nash Equilibrium defined on the Harsanyi game needs to take the common prior assumption as the premise, which is rather demanding. Therefore, any analysis based on the Harsanyi game must make sure the common prior assumptions are satisfied.
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    An Analysis of the Prospect of the Construction of the  Bangladesh,China, India and Myanmar Economic Corridor in the Perspective of ChinaIndia FTA Strategy
    Zhang Yi-ming
    2016, 50 (12):  77-85.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 2100 )   PDF (6599KB) ( 1706 )  
    Bangladesh, China, India, Myanmar economic corridor construction is still in the stage of intergovernmental discussions between the four countries, and has not really started the substantive staget. The key question is how to go beyond the socalled competition between China and India, so that India can actively take part in the Bangladesh, China, India, Myanmar economic corridor construction. In this regard, this article suggests that China and India can start from actively implementing the FTA Strategy, which emphasizes the cooperation seeking by both China and India. Through the cooperation in the FTA negotiations, China and india can reduce the sense of competition in the dominance of the region, in order to promote the smooth implementation of Bangladesh, China, India and Myanmar economic corridor construction.
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    The Daily Life Dimension of College Students Socialist Core Values
    Ren Zhi-feng
    2016, 50 (12):  86-91.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 2304 )   PDF (4518KB) ( 1591 )  
    The socialist core values identity of the college students is the organic unification process of forming and adapting to the daily life. This process is formed in the logic of daily life, including the intersection of consciousness and unconsciousness, selfinterest and altruism, utilitarianism and transcendence. This process has experienced from the emotional resonance to rational cognition, and then to the development of practice, and finally form a socialist core values as the reference of individual identity, group identity and social identity. The current college students socialist core values are facing the multiple challenges of the acceleration of life pace,  the unprecedented expansion of the life fields as well as the frequent conversion of the life theme. To cope with these challenges, we should strengthen the recognition of socialist core values.
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    The Philosophical Interpretation on Adornos Culture Industry Criticism
    Chen Wen-xu
    2016, 50 (12):  97-102.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1588 )   PDF (4732KB) ( 1795 )  
    Adorno criticizes the instrumental rationality under the rule of the capitalist culture industry which is false, deceptive and ideological for people, and emphasizes that the capitalist culture industry has become a dominant counterculture. The “Negative Dialectics” based on “nonidentity” theory is a philosophical summary of Adornos lifelong theory thinking, and is also the philosophical foundation of Adornos critique of culture industry.
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