ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    16 November 2016, Volume 50 Issue 11 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    The Chinese Wisdom in Xi Jinpings Thought of National Governance
    Zhang Lei-sheng
    2016, 50 (11):  5-12.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 2229 )   PDF (5636KB) ( 1753 )  
    The modernization of national governance proposed by Xi Jinping is based on Chinas reality, which expresses the Chinese discourse, reflects the Chinese characteristics, contains a profound theoretical results of Chinas wisdom. Xi Jinpings thought of national governance is not only the summary of the historic mission of the Communist Party of China, but also adapts to the new historical condition since twentyfirst Century. It is also an incisive summary of toplevel design under the practice of the comprehensive reform carried out by the Communist Party of China. The Chinese characteristic of Xi Jinpings thought of national governance is mainly manifested in the following facts: It is the product of the combination of Marxist state theory and the development of contemporary Chinese society; It inherits the modern thinking mode of the first generation of the collective leadership of CPC represented by Mao Zedong; It is based on the unity of the people and the country and explores a path to realize the modernization of national governance.
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     The Strategic Layout of the “Four Comprehensiveness”and Exploration of Chinas Modernization
    HAN Xip-ing, GONG Rui-bo
    2016, 50 (11):  13-19.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1804 )   PDF (5031KB) ( 1586 )  
    The strategic layout of the “Four Comprehensiveness” inherits the experience of modernization, grasps the modernization and the general rules in a global vision. It stands in the historical development of Chinas strategic gateway and aims at the constraints of Chinas modernization to make toplevel design for Chinas modernization. It deepens the understanding of the process, the stage, the road and the mode of Chinas modernization. The coordination of the “four comprehensiveness” strategy will help the development of a comprehensive welloff society and make up the short board of peoples livelihood. It is to deepen reform, push for the rule of law, construct the system of modernization and solve a series of important and urgent issues in the development. It promotes the realization of the strategic tasks of socialist modernization and the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
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    The Strategic Implication of Contemporary Chinese Cultural Confidence Building
    LIU Shui-jing
    2016, 50 (11):  20-26.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 2307 )   PDF (5197KB) ( 2124 )  

    Cultural selfconfidence refers to the full affirmation of the national mainstream culture by its people. It is also the positive identity and psychological conversion of the people.In the new era of comprehensive deepening reform and opening up to the outside world, we should actively guide the contemporary Chinese people to look at their own culture and lead them with full confidence in the vitality and the prospects of the Chinese culture. It holds a very important strategic significance for us to maintain cultural security, promote national identity, develop cultural exchanges, strengthen the road confidence and achieve cultural selfreliance and so on.

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    Furtherance of Historical Materialism View of State by “Modernization of State Governance”
    Guan Feng
    2016, 50 (11):  27-36.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1606 )   PDF (7095KB) ( 1813 )  
    Pushed by multiple factors, a new kind of administration mode to public affairs——modern governance sprung up since 1990s. The core problem is how to treat and deal with the states status, power, responsibility, boundary, etc. The submission of “modernization of state governance”, is not only the dialectical analysis and reasonable reference of western modern governance theory, but also the innovation and furtherance of some contents of the historical materialism view of state. Specifically speaking, the latter is mainly manifested in four aspects: the problem of the withering away of the state and the long existing of socialist state; the problem between state management and state governance; the problem of long term coexistence and positive interaction between state and society; the problem of socialist nationstate.
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    On the Dimensions of Marxist Views of Residence
    Li Chun-min
    2016, 50 (11):  37-41.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 2074 )   PDF (4162KB) ( 1789 )  
    “Residence” is an important dimension of the living world. It not only involves the space occupancy of a human body, but also demonstrates forms and nature of human life. It points to peoples spiritual home and life sustenance, people construct a meaningful world in “residence”. At the same time, living space has become a place of social changes. Marxs view of residence provides theoretical enlightenment for the understanding of the relationship between the “residence” and the “living world”. This revelation includes: residence as a “life practice” , residence as a “space production”, residence as a “political planning”  and residence as a “social ideal”.
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     Revolution of Mercantilism Economics: Significance, Contribution and Realistic Value#br#
    Jia Gen-liang, Zhang Zhi
    2016, 50 (11):  42-52.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 2275 )   PDF (8002KB) ( 2080 )  
    Based on the fundamentally different comparison between the Mercantilism Economics in research subject, research content, research methods, philosophy basis and the scholasticism, this paper points out that the Mercantilism Economics is the first revolution in the history of economics as well as its significance. Through this revolution, economics has become a subject of independent development, which is also the origin of modern economics. As a kind of practical problemoriented economics, Mercantilism Economics has a farreaching influence on the development of later economics and the making of economic policy. As a traditional source of western mainstream economics, the discussion in this paper on the Mercantilism Economics revolution bears an important significance for the understanding the origin of the British Industrial Revolution, reorientation of the economics, rebuiding of the development economics as well as the adoption of the actual economic policy for developing countries.
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    Big Data Internet and Fundamental Change of the Way of Material Production
    Zhang Jian-yun
    2016, 50 (11):  53-60.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 2221 )   PDF (6102KB) ( 1639 )  
    The essence of the Internet is to establish the extensive flow of massive information, universal sharing and convenient use on the basis of information data. The most fundamental change in the way of human material production brought by the internet is the realization of the integration of production and consumption, the formation of a new mode of production with consumption as the leading force, serviceoriented new business model. The Internet bring about the new organizational models, such as the network division system, the characteristics of micro and selforganized system. Through the complex appearance and using the basic principles of Marxist theories, we should accurately grasp and summarize this great revolution in material production. It is of fundamental significance for us to deeply understand the coming Internet era and to deepen the study of Marxist theory itself.
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    Regional Governance in Culture and World Cultural Order
    Guo Shu-yong
    2016, 50 (11):  62-70.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 2297 )   PDF (7096KB) ( 1686 )  
    The rise of ISIS can be analyzed from a perspective of international political sociology. It seems that it originates from power struggle and the clash of civilizations, but in essence it is a problem of cultural governance deficit associated with antiglobalization. The Cold War had long constrained the release of sentiments of antiglobalization in the fields of cultural nationalism, which burst out continuously since the end of the Cold War. On the one hand, the worlds politicaleconomiccultural unbalanced development has reached a new turning point, and on the other hand, the US and western countries have been adopted a policy of cultural hegemonism short of adequate collective goods provision.   This phenomenon can be called the “lag of global cultural governance”. To establish more reasonable world culture order, the international community has on the one hand explored the “global ethics”, “civilization conflict mode” or “civilizations dialogue mode”, and on the other hand, it puts more efforts on the regional culture governance. The past regional cultural governance has drawn a series of experiences, including the leading and supporting role of a major country, policy in line with the actual regional culture, the strong economic and social support as well as the cultural pressure from the outside, etc.
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    The EU Cultural Policy Research from the Perspective of EU Cultural Strategy
    Dai Qi-xiu
    2016, 50 (11):  71-79.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1596 )   PDF (6689KB) ( 1720 )  
    Three major objectives are established in the European Cultural Agenda in the World of Globalization (2007) announced by the EU, which can be understood as the three levels of the EUs cultural strategy. These three objectives are: to achieve the principle of “unity in diversity” within the EU; to enhance the employment rate and economic growth in the EU through the combination of culture and economy; to regard the role of culture as the soft power competition in international relations. On the basis of interpreting the texts of the European Cultural Agenda (2007) and other related documents announced by the EU, this paper combs the progressive relationship between the three objectives in the EU law revision in the EU legislation. On this basis, this paper describes the characteristics of EU cultural policy, cultural institutions, as well as the internal and external roles of the EUs cultural and strategic framework formulated by the three major objectives.
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    ASEANs Cultural Strategy and Chinas Strategic Options
    Zhou Shi-xin
    2016, 50 (11):  80-87.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 2189 )   PDF (5744KB) ( 1747 )  
    ASEANs cultural strategy is formulated in a gradual process of evolution, embodying ASEANs strategic ambitions of building a comprehensive community. ASEAN has adopted a series of policy documents, and established a set of coordinating and cooperative mechanisms, forming a special way of building a cultural community with ASEANs characteristics. It has also formulated much specific project planning and taken a lot of real practices that can be assessed in various fields of promoting social progress and cultural development, to meet the practical needs of ASEAN and its member states in the new situation, and enhance the status of ASEAN on the world cultural domains. At present, ASEAN is facing unprecedented opportunities as well as some insurmountable challenges in implementing its cultural strategy, which has considerably limited the height, depth and breadth of ASEANs cultural community. As one of ASEANs close neighbors, China has opportunities as well as difficulties in building the cultural connectivity with ASEAN and its member states, to promote peopletopeople affinity and a community of shared destiny. China needs to create new thinking, plan comprehensively and behave in a coordinated manner, to raise more adhesive in cultural cooperation during the process of enhancing the bilateral strategic partnership.
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    Research on Ideological and Political Education of College Students Based on “MOOCs” in Universities of Beijing
    Feng Pei1, Huang Yong2
    2016, 50 (11):  88-96.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 2381 )   PDF (6928KB) ( 1731 )  
    Through the analysis of the learning situation of current sampling data of MOOCs in 10 universities in Beijing, this article puts forward direction of three dimensions in the ideological and political education, so as to enhance the effectiveness of ideological and political education. The three directions are: the demandled direction which induces students personality in the customization era; the questionled direction which triggers the students in the era of diversified information; the Valueled direction which inspires students in the value sharing era of intelligent scene. These directions will help us achieve better results in the optimization of education.
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    Marxism’s Basic Characteristics and Enlightenments in the Vision of Perry Anderson
    Li Gao-rong
    2016, 50 (11):  97-104.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 2138 )   PDF (6013KB) ( 1756 )  
    Perry Anderson, the British Marxist theoretician, uses his theory of thought and practical experience to fulfill the two kinds of basic features of Marxism, that is, unifying critique and selfcritique and unifying theory and practice. Because he is influenced by continental structuralism deeply, his thought is inevitably equipped with the fault of functionalism and the Metaphysical atmosphere subject to foreign Marxism thinking highly of theory but down of practice. But his disputes about nationalism and internationalism inside Marxism with E.P.Thompson, his alert against dogmatism and nihilism, and his research on the themes of times and theoretical breakthrough points about historical materialism, make him unique among many foreign Marxists and British Marxists by his distinct theoretical standpoints, which provides us the important enlightenments and mirrors in our efforts to build Chinese discourses during the course of sinicization of Marxism nowadays.
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    Spatial Structure of Capital Global Production——An Analysis of the Critical Theory of New Marxist Urban Space of the Geography School
    Liu Li
    2016, 50 (11):  105-112.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 2033 )   PDF (5942KB) ( 1787 )  
    The New Marxism City Scholars of the Geography School, such as Harvey, Sawyer, Sassen etc, discussed the global production spatial restructuring and global spatial competition, global labor market differentiation which have caused the changes of the metropolitan spatial structure, landscape and space terrain in the developed capitalist countries. They also criticized the new changes in the capitalist society which were brought about by the fine differentiation of the economic space, the spread of the production network, and the diversification of the living space in the global capitalism period. These ideas have developed the classic  capitalism critical theory of Marxism, and provided an analytical dimension and theoretical resources for the analysis of the urban spatial changes in the Chinese society.
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