ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    16 November 2015, Volume 49 Issue 11 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Development of Social Work in the Period of the Economic New Normal:Demand,Challenge and Response
    LI Yingsheng,YUAN Xiao-ping
    2015, 49 (11):  5-13.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 2147 )   PDF (7221KB) ( 2421 )  

    Based on the “first one hundred years” of great revival of the Chinese race as the time node and the “National Medium and Longterm Talent Development Plan 2010-2020” and other related documents,this paper,taking the new changes of current social structure the new demand of deepening reform,as well as the new characteristics of the people s requirement into consideration,analyzes the enormous demand and challenge that social work faces in the New Normal Period The paper also draws lessons from the experience in developed countries,Hong Kong and Taiwan and discusses the main tasks of social work in China in the New Normal Period

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    Interests Negotiation and Social Corporation in the  Period of Reforming Stocked Disadvantages
    WANG Dao-yong
    2015, 49 (11):  14-20.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 2238 )   PDF (5015KB) ( 2299 )  

    China s reform has shown a significant incremental nature since the reform and opening up In addition to the coordination of the interests by the state,the social stratum rarely hold interests negotiations through social cooperation At present,the reform of stocked disadvantages has become increasingly obvious in China s reform and the transfer of interests of different sectors will become normal Specifically,in the process of social cooperation,some basic social cooperation agreement should be reached,the upper parts of the community should participate in the reform instead of becoming the object of reform,the middle level class should be integrated into the mainstream society and the lower level of society should gradually build the consciousness of interests negotiation with interests compromise as the core

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    Welfare Social Construction and Social Governance ——With Additional Discussion on Theoretical Consciousness of Social Policy Study
    HUAN Ping-qing
    2015, 49 (11):  21-29.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 2132 )   PDF (6739KB) ( 2586 )  

    The welfare society construction is the basic requirement and fundamental purpose of socialism,it is the basic way to deal with the current dilemma in social governance of China,and the key to realize the transformation of economic development patterns,it is also a important way to promote social identity,reshape value intercommunity,and lay the solid foundation for the cultural construction and the revival of the Chinese nationIn the current welfare society construction in China,it is urgent to form the social consensus of welfare society construction,to highlight the main role of state and government in the welfare society construction,to eliminate the welfare division and exclusive,to research the theory and policy of welfare social construction and social governance with a high degree of theoretical consciousness

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    Allocation of Labor and Capital: Origin,Fission and Unity ——Based on the Comparison of Marxist Economics and #br# Mainstream Economics
    GONG Xiao-ying,GAN Mei-Xia
    2015, 49 (11):  30-39.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 2348 )   PDF (7292KB) ( 2462 )  

    Allocation of labor and capital is the core issue of political economics.As the two main theoretical system,both Marxist economics and mainstream economics derive their researches of this issue based on classical economics.Specifically speaking,Marxist economics and mainstream economics respectively followed the surplus paradigm and marginal paradigm that David Ricardo used to study this issue.However,the research of allocation of labor and capital in modern economics appeared to be convergent,which is mainly reflected by the accordance of research methods and issues.This kind of convergence has important revelations for the establishment of a unified theoretical framework,it is also inspiring in guiding the practice of labor and capital allocation in China.

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    The Logic and Enlightenment of Regional Development
    CAI Zhi-bing,ZHANG Ke-yun
    2015, 49 (11):  40-47.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5821KB) ( )  

    The lack of spatial attributes in the traditional growth theory makes it unable to fully explain the rise and fall of the region as well as the regional disparity in different regions.Therefore,this paper analyzes the logic of regional development from two dimensions of time and space.The author believes that in the process of entering into the stage of development in the region,the region faces the problem from how to enter the stage of development to how to maintain the development.The power it relies on also turns from the first and second comparative advantages to the third comparative advantage,which is represented by regional initiative.In the process of regional development,the problems of spatial position of the region and its relationship with other regions,such as regional conflicts and cooperation,are the important factors affecting the regional development process.

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    The Conceptual Clue of “History” and  “Liberation” in The German Ideology
    BAO Da-wei
    2015, 49 (11):  48-53.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (4323KB) ( )  

    The criticism made by Karl Marx in the German Ideology towards the German idealist historical vies is an vital expansion of dialectical materialism into social aspects,which signifies a deliberate exploration on basic conceptions of historical materialism.In this process,Marx not only redefines the conception of history via restoring history as a dialectical movement depending on material life and productive relations,but also tries to discuss the inner logics of historical development,which finally leads to the reinvention of the conception of liberation,as well as acknowledges historical materialism as the basic principle and theoretical premise of revolutionary practice.

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    Grasping the Fundamental Dimension of Marxism as a Whole:The Practice Dimension
    MA Wen-bao
    2015, 49 (11):  54.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (3780KB) ( )  

    From the subject dimension,historical dimension and the dimension of the practice ontology,the study of Marxism has made Marxist thought subjectoriented,opposite and fragmented,which made Marxism integrity become the practical and urgent problems to be resolved To grasp Marxism integrity from the perspective of subject,it can only be regarded as a subject But it is in fact not a subject To grasp Marxism integrity from the perspective of history dimension,It is only judged to be a historical process or a unified integrity but not a proved historical process or a unified integrity The dimension of practice explains Marxism on the basis of practice,which is the basic dimension to grasp Marxism as a whole

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    China s Strategic Capacity under the Condition of Open Economy
    LEI Jian-feng
    2015, 49 (11):  59-66.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5839KB) ( )  

    State strategic capacity bases on national strengthIt refers to the quality and strength of the central government of nation sate using all kinds of resources to initiate and to implement its policiesState strategic capacity reflects the quality and ability of nationstate central governmentControl capacity and extraction capacity are two basic factors of state strategic capacityNational strength focuses on one country resources endowment and the social structure and it reflects the national comparative advantage,but state strategic capacity is for the effective use of the strength of a country which embodies the national competitive advantageState strategic capacity is not necessarily synchronous enhanced with the country strength growth and it reflects the competitive advantage of one countryState strategic strategic capacity requires conscious planning and cultivating and nation state with same strength often shows very different capacityState capacity can be showed only through the interaction with other nation state and international systemUnder the condition of open economy of globalization,Chinas strtegic capacity must be cultivated both at home and abroad as a whole and mobilize all kinds of favorable factors,meanwhile overcomes resource imbalance development of country strength and the bottleneck caused by the asymmetric external dependence

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    On the Virtual Organization Structure and Its Influence on the  Governance of the Bureaucratic Hierarchy in the Cyberspace
    YANG Rong-jun
    2015, 49 (11):  67.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (8440KB) ( )  

    In essence,the seemingly atomization of individual existence supported by the microelectronics technology,network technology and information technology in physical space,presents as various virtual communities in the virtual cyberspace,in which people communicate and interact each other using the information through the networkThe organizational structure in the virtual cyberspace is a decentralized network structure,which is supported by microelectronic technology,network technology and information technologyAnd,this structure determines the decentralized structure of interpersonal relation in the virtual cyberspace,which has both differentiation and integration infuences on the bureaucratic hierarchy presented as twoway inverse dynamic movement in the physical spaceAs a result,in order to adapt to the change of external environment,the government bureaucracy must use modern technology to build a virtual government to make up the defects of bureaucratic political system

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    How the Foreign Scholars of Marxist Studies See the  Crisis of Globalization
    HE Ping,LUO Zhong-feng
    2015, 49 (11):  78-88.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (7966KB) ( )  

    Since 2009 foreign Marxists criticism on capitalism has concentrated on the global financial crisis triggered by the US subprime mortgage crisis in the autumn of 2007 From the point of time,these studies have the same time with such studies of the nonMarxist economists and political scientists From the piont of theory,foreign Marxist inherited Marxs philosophy of criticism and made unique explanations on the origin of contemporary finance and the changes of the structure of capitalism,as well as the inherent relevance of the financial crisis and the capitalist system,which has important theoretical value

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    Inheritance or Fracture ——An Investigation of Academic Relationship between Lukacs and the Budapest School
    YAN Yan
    2015, 49 (11):  89-95.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5209KB) ( )  

    The Budapest school is a new Marxist School of philosophy in east EU,which is composed of Lukacss students The school insisted on checking Lukacss thoughts from the perspective of unity of continuity and discontinuity The intention of the School is to restore the coherence of Lukacss thoughts and to link the early and later thoughts of Lukacs with aesthetics as the clue The School inherits the ideological legacy of Lukacs,but excludes the Marxist components in the thought The review and interpretation of the development of Lukacs thoughts help us to rethink the spiritual heritage of Lukacs,introspect the lack of the traditional theory of Marxism and develop Marxism

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    On the Entrance of the “Soul” into the  Basic Category of Ideological and Political Education
    LI Zhong-jun
    2015, 49 (11):  96-102.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5016KB) ( )  

    The “soul” in this paper refers to the soul of materialism,which is the social consciousness ofself purpose In the sense of ideological and political education,it takes faith,value and spirit as the core Its dominant position in the field of the spirit makes it special significant to the ideological and political educationAt present the basic task of ideological and political education and its key links need the “soul” to enter the ideological and political education system and become its basic category This change will bring about new vitality and form a new pattern in the ideological and political education

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    The Political Pursuits and KnowingandDoing  Mode of China s Struggle since the 1910s
    CHEN Zong-hai
    2015, 49 (11):  103-105.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5115KB) ( )  

    Who is China? What does China want? And how does China do? These issues are something interesting to many people in China and abroad as wellFrom 1910s to 2049 and thereafter,three main goals comprising national independence,peaceful development,and national prosperity could be summed up as the political pursuits of Chinas struggleIn order to realize these goals,China has been constructing and persisting in the knowinganddoing mode consisting of thoughts updating,systems renewing,sciences and technologies innovating,and at least one hundred years of continuous progressTo generalize the three political pursuits of Chinas struggle,and to persist in the fourfactorsinonebody knowinganddoing mode,that could positively answer such enquiries as what China wants and how China does,could properly safeguard Chinas strategic interests,and could clearly locate the relations between China and the world

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