ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    20 July 2012, Volume 46 Issue 7 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    On Issues Concerning Socialism Characteristic of the Chinese Style
    TAO Wen-Zhao
    2012, 47 (7):  5-13.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 2321 )   PDF (7613KB) ( 1716 )  
    To take its own path of development, China has to meet two requirements. Objectively China has to be powerful enough; subjectively China must be ideologically mature. As Chinese characteristics mean differently at different times, it is necessary to avoid using this term too extensively. Chinese characteristics should also be complementary with the world vision in order to draw on lessons from international experiences, take international opportunities, and meet international challenges. While persisting in taking economic construction as the central aim, it is equally important to add new connotation of the time to this. A calm and scientific attitude should be adopted towards institutional maturity and stereotype, and simplified or over estimation of them should be avoided. In practice, the relations of institutional construction with reform and opening up should be properly handled. In the basically gradual and steady progress of the reform in China are also radical aspects. In the future, more emphases should be placed on application of comprehensive reform methods. And the theory of socialism characteristic of the Chinese style tends to be fine, systematic, precise, concrete, popularized, and supported by policies with maturity.
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    On Application of Differential Monetary Policies
    in East China and West China
    GONG Xiao-Ying-1, YANG Xiao-Yong-2
    2012, 47 (7):  14-19.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1959 )   PDF (5015KB) ( 1697 )  
    That there exists a large gap between the east and the west parts of China in economic development leads to the fact that the same monetary policy effective in east China does not function as well in west China. In order to carry out the scientific concept of development with the purpose of achieving coordinated regional economic development and establishing a harmonious society, differential monetary policies should be applied with those in west China be relatively more flexible or loose. Application of differential monetary policies is not only feasible, but also of important practical significance. However, the authors suggest, matching measurements should be taken accordingly in order to make the differential monetary policies more scientific more operational, and avoid new problems that may arise in the application of monetary policies.
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    Internationalization of RMB, Changes in International Balance of
    Payments and Adjustment of the Chinese Economic Structure
    HUANG Juan
    2012, 47 (7):  20-27.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1980 )   PDF (6653KB) ( 1929 )  
    The internationalization process of RMB indicates that the Chinese foreign trade has changed from mainly exporting products to mainly exporting capital. In this process, there is the need for a large quantity of RMB output. Thus, China's international balance of payments will develop from double surplus to basically balanced, and then to trade deficit. Generally speaking, surplus represents competitiveness of a country and stands for the cornerstone of its monetary value. This is what we should stick to when the international balance of payments structure is changing, and China should choose to achieve capital deficit in financial projects. .The changes in the international balance of payments structure will cause adjustments in the Chinese import and export policies, opening of the financial market, and the Chinese economic structure as well. Internationalization of RMB will promote transformation of the Chinese economic growth model, making it turn to emphasize domestic needs.
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    Ideology and Visual Culture in Daily Life
    WU Xue-Qin
    2012, 47 (7):  28-35.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 2758 )   PDF (6648KB) ( 1982 )  
    Visual culture is a newly rising cultural pattern and thinking mode. It refers to a highly visualized culture based on “image”and“scenery”. It is also a new media of ideology that induces the audience to have an alternative illusion of the figures in the work. Thus, it becomes a new way of ideological control in daily life. Its internal mechanism is a character of visual culture, that is, “calling the individual interpellation as the principal part”. In other words, while viewing the image, it makes the viewers to indulge into it so much that they change their role as an outsider to that of the subject and become willing to identify with the ideological concepts conveyed through the image.
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    On Stirner Being the Last Opportunity for Marx to
    Construct Historical Materialism
    JIANG Hai-Bo
    2012, 47 (7):  36-41.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 2556 )   PDF (5064KB) ( 1688 )  
    The Ego and His Own by Stirner is of extraordinary significance for Marxs construction of historical materialism. There had been a break when Marx was working on the chapter of San Max in his work The German Ideology, As a result of this break, Marx turned to explain historical materialism directly. This “break” shows that Marx had completely discarded speculative philosophy by resorting to the concept of productive force, and constructed historical materialism through dialectic discussion of productive force.
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    What Makes the Historical Existence of Human Beings Possible
    ——Reflections Based on Marxs Theory of Communism
    HAN Zhi-Wei, Hao-Ji-Song
    2012, 47 (7):  42-47.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 2317 )   PDF (4987KB) ( 1804 )  
    Marxs theory of communism has provided a preliminary answer to the question of what makes the historical existence of human beings possible. In a communist society, the true historical existence of humans against the development of world history is continuously revealed, the new social relations in modern production activities are shaping, and the comprehensive free individuality of humans is gradually realized in the course selfemancipation. But this answer is not so much a solution to the contradictions of modern social life as an approach to more profound understanding of contradictions in modern social life.
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    The Problem of “Trust Deficit” between China and the United States Revisited:
    From the Perspective of American Strategic Layout around China
    WANG Jun-Sheng
    2012, 47 (7):  48-56.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (7640KB) ( )  
    The paper begins with an analysis of the present situation of the “trust deficit” and how the neighboring areas mean differently for China and the United States. Then, from the perspective of the American strategic layout around China, the causes for the “trust deficit” are examined. The author holds that tremendous economic interests are the solid foundation for the US strategic return to Asia. And prevention against the rise of China politically and reinforcement of restraints on China militarily are the major causes for the US return to Asia. Based on this discussion, the author points out that the US politicalization of economy in Chinas neighboring areas and its political security strategy are important sources for Chinas “trust deficit” towards the United States. The roles of the neighboring countries related to the issue of SinoAmerican “trust deficit” are also analyzed. Finally, the paper raises several points that both countries need attend to in order to solve the problem of “trust deficit”.
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    On Development and Transformation of Russian Economy in the Postcrisis Period  
    GUAN Xue-Ling
    2012, 47 (7):  57-64.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (6720KB) ( )  
    At the double blow of the 2008 international financial crisis and the oil price plunge in the international market, the rapid economic growth of Russia which had lasted for ten years was checked, resulting in negative growth of GDP in 2009. Then, much attention was drawn to the issue of Russian economic transformation again because of its resourcebased economic development model that had sustained the Russian economy for ten years running. The paper attempts to discuss major merits of the development and transformation of Russian economy in the postcrisis period, analyze the challenges to Russian economic development and transformation, and study deep level issues in Russian economic development and transformation.
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    Development of Contemporary Collective Action Theory
    from Social Breakdown to Political Process
    GAO Chun-Ya
    2012, 47 (7):  65-72.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (6544KB) ( )  
    In the development course of contemporary collective action theory, changes in methodology are the direct incentives of theoretical innovation. Researchers have brought forward various theories, such as the social breakdown model, the resource mobilization model and the political process model. These theories have examined the constraint structure or resource conditions of collective action from the angles of social psychology, individual rationality and political process respectively. In order to propel further development of collective action theory, synthetic analysis of the interaction among social structure, rationality of actors and cultural identity is necessary. In this way, exchange and dialogue of the results by a variety of research approaches can be achieved.
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    On Value of Civic Culture Theory with Respect to Comparative Politics
    WANG Wei
    2012, 47 (7):  73-80.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (6492KB) ( )  
    The civic culture theory describes a form of political culture. It is an important tool in researches of comparative politics. It not only raises the value objective necessary for comparative studies, but also suggests approaches to studies of historical development process, construction of political system, and process of socialization of politics. The civic culture theory has broad practical values. It can provide analyses and explanations of the deep level political structure of countries at large in their political development.
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    A Literature Review of the History and Present Situation
    of the Non-ideological Trend
    LI Liao-Ning
    2012, 47 (7):  81-86.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5027KB) ( )  
    The nonideological trend took shape in the mid1950s in the west.It has stood criticism from the very start and managed to develop into different forms along with the time.On the surface,the nonideological trend of thought advocates value neutrality and attempts to transcend differences in ideology,but in essence it is to cover up practical contradictions of the capitalist society and argue in favor of the capitalist system.In contemporary China,strengthening studies on the non-ideological trend is of great significance to promote establishment of key values of socialism,protect national ideology security,and enhance the soft power of national culture.
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    An Analysis of Some Basic Concepts of Scientific Socialism
    WANG Jin-Lei-1, LI Xin-Hua-2
    2012, 47 (7):  87-91.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (4148KB) ( )  
    Based on a review of relevant literature, the paper analyzes some basic concepts of scientific socialism. These concepts include the following: working class or proletariat under circumstances of capitalist system and the new working class under circumstances of socialist system; peasantry in the old society that consisted of several classes and the peasant class in the socialist society. Clarification of these basic concepts is of important significance in the study of basic principles of scientific socialism and socialism characteristic of the Chinese style.
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