ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    20 June 2012, Volume 46 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Strategic Considerations for China's Comprehensive National Disaster Prevention and
    Mitigation: Background, Goals and Action Programs
    ZHENG Gong-Cheng
    2012, 47 (6):  5-14.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1814 )   PDF (2154KB) ( 1572 )  
    China is a disasterprone country. A variety of disasters, especially catastrophes, are the major risk factors which endanger people's livelihood and the country's development. In the face of increasingly severe disasters, natural disasters should be regarded as an integral part of national conditions and considered at the national strategic level. Likewise, nationwide disaster reduction should be extended to disaster prevention and mitigation as an important indication of our comprehensive national strength. National disaster prevention and mitigation actions should be guided by strategic considerations, and the goal, the strategic steps and key measures should be directed to minimizing disastrous losses. With 30 to 40 years of efforts, China shall change from a disasterprone country to a safe and modernized powerful country, and make contributions to global disaster governance.
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    Institutional Barriers and Reform Orientation of Comprehensive
    National Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
    YING Song-Nian, LIN Hong-Chao
    2012, 47 (6):  15-21.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1443KB) ( )  
    Since 2003, Chinas disaster prevention and mitigation system has adopted a series of reform measures. But this has not been done thoroughly. At the present stage, this system is still in need of further reform. The key to this reform is promoting effective integration of resources for and competence of disaster prevention and mitigation, and realizing consistency of the governments duties and powers in disaster prevention and mitigation. The article argues that relationships among the government, the market and the society should be restructured in order to set up a diversified organization system of disaster prevention and mitigation. In this way, problems caused by the so-called “tiaokuai relation (barrier relation)”among public sectors can be solved, and both inter and intra relations within the government can be straightened out. A standing management organization should be established to attend to regular affairs of disaster prevention and mitigation, and a rational division of the jobs of emergency response decision command structure and the field command structure should be realized.
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    Strategic Orientation and Development of Insurance in National Disaster
    Prevention and Reduction
    XU Fei-Qiong
    2012, 47 (6):  22-29.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1488KB) ( )  
    The insurance industry is a professional department for risk management and compensation for loss. In developed countries, it occupies an extremely important position. The insurance industry in China has lagged far behind with defects of gross inadequacy, improper structure and insufficiency of function. Under the circumstances of increasingly severe disasters, it is suggested that the insurance industry be included into the national disaster prevention and reduction system. It should be developed to a major force in the national disaster prevention and reduction system through clarified strategic orientation and supporting policies.
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    The Controversy between Engels and Historical Materialist System after Publication of the New MEGA
    ——An Analysis Based on “On Historical Materialism”(MEGA②I/32)Written by Engels in 1892
    ZHANG Xiu-Qin
    2012, 47 (6):  30-37.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1626KB) ( )  
    In 2010, Engelswork “On Historical Materialism”which appeared in the magazine “Die Neue Zeit”in 1892 was included for the first time in the newly published 2010 version of MEGA②I/32. This will arouse a new round of discussions among international researchers of Marx and Engels. As we know, it was Engels who defined Marxist theoretical system as historical materialism. Being the only work so far directly entitled “On Historical Materialism”by a founder and coauthor (Engels), its inclusion into the collection of Marx and Engels not only concerns a new definition of the origin of the wording “historical materialism”, but is also closely related to Engelsnew contribution to historical materialism in his late years, and thus imposes heavy influence on Marxist discourse structure throughout the 20th century. Therefore, further discussion of the origin and spread of“On Historical Materialism”based on the relevant background information new MEGA provides will help us deepen our understanding of the significance of Engelsnew contribution to historical materialism in his late years and its influence on development of Marxist theoretical system.
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    On Engels'Logic of Criticism in “On Feuerbach”
    CHEN Xiang-Yi
    2012, 47 (6):  38-42.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (996KB) ( )  
    The direct purpose for Engels to write “On Feuerbach” was to criticize Shi Dakes understanding of Feuerbachs ideas. In that work, Engels discussed “Hegels philosophy”and “basic issues of philosophy” before he started his formal analysis of Feuerbachs philosophy, The reason for this arrangement is that Engels meant to clarify and explain a premise at two levels through discussion of these two issues. The first one is the premise for deep criticism, that is, why Feuerbach should need protection from Shi Dake, and how did Shi Dake managed to achieve his protection purpose by means of defining “idealism”. The second one is the direct premise of criticism. In other words, since Shi Dake had resorted to “idealism” to protect Feuerbach, then what Shi Dake had meant by “idealism”, and what the true connotations of idealism and materialism were. These two theoretical premises can help us understand Engelslogic of criticism in “On Feuerbach”.
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    Dialogue and Popularization: A New Perspective of Understanding the History of
    Early Spread of Marxism in China
    SHEN Cheng-Fei
    2012, 47 (6):  43-50.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1790KB) ( )  
    While the nature of the debate over “problems and doctrines”in the early 20th century was both political and theoretical, it should be considered to be mainly academic discussions, political debates being second to academic discussions. These debates to a large extent promoted popularization of Marxism. However, contrary to the traditional idea that these debates mean breaking up of political consciousness and in turn promoted popularization of Marxism, this paper holds that the theoretical nature of these debates and the open, free and inclusive atmosphere during the debates are the most important causes for popularization of Marxism. This shows the scientific nature of Marxism, and proves that Marxism could be more easily accepted and popularized through open debates.
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    The Historical Implication of Marx and Engels'Concept of Tragedy
    JIANG Wei-Wei
    2012, 47 (6):  51-56.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1289KB) ( )  
    Marx and Engels'criticism of “Ji JinGen”by La Salle marked a turning point in the literature in theoretical development of tragedy. They inherited and developed existing tragedy theories in a critical way, raising the idea of “modern tragedy”and proposing historical and aesthetic requirements for this type of tragedy. They claimed that there was no such thing as theoretical tragedy. The tragedy occurring in the real world situation was caused by social historical contradiction and conflicts. Therefore, social and historical changes were the true source and true contents of tragedy. The inner maxim for judging tragedy was whether historical changes agreed with the law of social historical development, or, if they agreed with historical rationality. Meanwhile, Marx and Engels proposed the aesthetic requirement for realistic plays and other literary works. That is, tragedy or works of literature should follow the principles of integrating historical truth and artistic truth, and integrating historical rationality and aesthetic rationality.
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    On the Operation Mechanism of FOCAC and Its Relation with African Integration
    LI An-Shan, LIU Hai-Fang
    2012, 47 (6):  57-65.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1865KB) ( )  
    The operation mechanism of FOCAC is characterized as being bilateral, multidimensional and interactive promoted by both sides, and in several aspects African countries have made contributions to the forum. FOCAC maintains an interactive relation with African integration. African Union participates in the forum as observers and has made their own contributions too. Proper emphases are given to aspects of African integration in designing certain agenda and cooperation projects. Some enterprises attend to the regional aspects in setting projects. The completion of the African Union Building reflects the attitude of strengthening the position and function of African Union in FOCAC. Presently, the decisionmaking process of the forum gradually becomes scientific with characters of capitalization on the trend and continuous adjustments. This means that with the changing attitude of African countries towards this kind of collective coordination mechanism, FOCAC will show more signs of multilateral tendency. Suggestions for maintaining sustainability of FOCAC are also proposed.
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    On Sino-US Competition and Cooperation in Africa
    ZHANG Chun
    2012, 47 (6):  66-74.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1982KB) ( )  
    In recent years, U.S. criticism on ChinaAfrica relations has become more and more systematic, conceptualized and officialized. So, Africa has gradually turned to be a new arena of SinoUS bilateral relations. The interaction between China and the U.S. in Africa is complicated. While competitions take a dominant position, there is still room for coordination and cooperation. With the approaching of the 5th FOCAC Ministerial Meeting in 2012, both tendencies are becoming more obvious. Since the US has not reached any domestic consensus with regard to trilateral cooperation with China in Africa, China should take the initiative in making trilateral cooperation projects prospectively and strategically.
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    An Examination of Modernity of Education and Teaching of Ideological
    and Political Theories
    SUN Qi-Ang-1, WANG Su-Ling-2
    2012, 47 (6):  75-80.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1339KB) ( )  
    In terms of caring for and reflections on the society and human beings. However, in higher education the effectiveness of these courses does not match their importance. Therefore, a reexamination of the education and teaching of these courses from the perspective of modernity is necessary. The root of demands for modernity should be highlighted, the lack and austerity of their inner tension should be analyzed, and their inability in developing towards the realm of practice should be discussed. The authors maintain that several causes have led to all these problems. They include the inflation of social standard and absence of the subject standard, control of technical rationality and digestion of value rationality, dominance of “theoryled method of teaching”and dissociation of “factled method of teaching”. Salvation recipes for solving these problems point to transcendence over modernity in the conceptual dimension, vision dimension and practice dimension.
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    Problems and Solutions in Teaching the Course “An Introduction to Basic
    Principles of Marxism”
    CHEN Shi-Zhen
    2012, 47 (6):  81-85.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1012KB) ( )  
    There exist a few common problems in teaching the course “An Introduction to Basic Principles of Marxism”. They are as follows: contradictions between the contents of teaching and the time allocated to the course; inconsistency of the teaching contents with the forum focuses; incompatibility of the studentsreading habit and the writing style of the textbook, and deviation of the textbook contents from the studentsinterests. Based on teaching practice the author suggests solutions to these problems.
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