ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    20 May 2012, Volume 46 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Re-interpreting Dialectics from the Dimension of Ontology and World Outlook
    QIAO Rong-Sheng-1, LI Xi-Xiang-2
    2012, 47 (5):  5-12.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1968 )   PDF (5461KB) ( 1717 )  
    The traditional Marxist philosophy classifies three paradigms of dialectics, i.e., the epistemological paradigm, the methodological paradigm, and the ontology and word outlook paradigm. However, the third paradigm has been largely neglected. Therefore, re-interpreting dialectics from the dimension of ontology and world outlook is an important task of creative understanding of Marxist philosophy. The essence of dialectics, which is the core and soul of Marxist philosophy, is ontology and world outlook. In this sense, dialectics can be interpreted as an original existence in the world (including the natural world, human society and the spiritual world). It emphasizes the interrelation, change, motion and progress in the world. It regards the world as a congregation of relation and process, as it really is. The paper concludes that we will be able to understand dialectics as epistemology and methodology only when it is understood from this essential dimension.
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    On the Path of Thinking of Marx’s Ecologic Ideas
    CUI Jian-Xia
    2012, 47 (5):  13-17.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1739 )   PDF (3611KB) ( 1566 )  
    Having Marxist philosophy simplified to a type of ecological theory or denying the ecological thought and its value included in Marxism means failure to precisely understand Marxist unique way of thinking. It also means neglect of reflecting on the path of thinking of Marxist ecological idea from the perspective of methodology. The path of thinking of Marxist ecological idea includes the concept of philosophy governed by the practical way of thinking, ontology in the generation process, unity of the subject and object, and interactional historical dialectics. All these aspects are the key to understand Marx's ecological idea.
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    On“Labor Productivity in Direct Proportion to Value Magnitude
    Created in a Time Unit”
    WANG Chao-Ke-1, Guo-Feng-Zhi-2
    2012, 47 (5):  18-26.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1803 )   PDF (6203KB) ( 1581 )  
    That“labor productivity is in direct proportion to value magnitude created in a time unit”(shortened as the theory of in direct proportion) is derived from the classical theory that “labor productivity is inversely proportional to magnitude of unit commodity value” (shortened as the theory of inversely proportional). Ever since the theory of in direct proportion was proposed, it has attracted strong interest and aroused heated debates in the academic circle. Related researches and controversies have lasted for half a century. Since the theory of in direct proportion is derived from the theory of inversely proportional, a standard expression of the latter should be constructed, based on which the former can be studied by extending or changing the hypothesis of inversely proportional so as to reach scientific conclusions.
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    Changes in the Value Quantity of Commodity and Errors in Ideas of
     “In Direct Proportion
    FENG Jin-Hua
    2012, 47 (5):  27-33.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1934 )   PDF (4836KB) ( 1742 )  
    According to Marx’s labor value theory, if the amount of labor is zero, the quantity of production is zero. As the amount of labor increases, the quantity of production will rise first at an increasing rate then at a decreasing rate, and increases side by side with improved labor productivity, while the magnitude of unit commodity value first decreases then increases along with the increasing amount of labor, and decreases with rising labor productivity. The main error of the recent theory that the magnitude of unit commodity value is in direct proportion to labor productivity is that it confuses two sets of concepts: 1the abstract necessary social labor that determines the value quantity and the concrete valid labor that determines the value quantity of use; 2changes in the amount of labor and changes in labor productivity.
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    An Analysis of Some Theoretical Issues about Social Construction
    TONG Xiao
    2012, 47 (5):  34-40.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (4723KB) ( )  
    To strengthen social construction with a focus on improvement of people’s livelihood it is important to acquire a proper understanding of what social construction really means. In terms of the subject of social construction “society” does not refer to civil society. Instead, it refers to society in a neutral sense, that is, a society that “follows the operational principles of common interests, protection and aids through communication among the people”. The principal part of social construction is not merely the government. The Party committee, social organizations and the public all have a share, and the National People’s Congress, CPPCC, democratic parties, workers, young people and women should all take up the responsibility. In terms of the path of social construction, it is not simply a matter of the government passing on its power to the society, quitting the society and leaving the society alone. On the contrary, in many areas or fields the role of the government should be definitely spelt out and reinforced through interference and involvement, responding to people’s complains through institutional or mechanical innovation. As for the emphasis of social construction, it is clear that social construction is aimed at improvement of people’s livelihood rather than aiming at anything else.
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    New Development Trend of Evolutionary Economics after the
    International Financial Crisis
    JIA Gen-Liang
    2012, 47 (5):  41-47.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (4870KB) ( )  
    This paper attempts to discuss the relationship of evolutionary economics with the following economic policies: innovationdriven economy, actual income instead of GDP being the first criterion to measure if a country is rich or poor; restoration of real economy, seizing strategic emerging industry, placing more stress on national economy than on international trade. The paper also presents predictions about four new trends of evolutionary economics. They are: 1.Like liberalism and Keynesianism, evolutionary economics may become a major paradigm of economic policies in the 21st century; 2.A “new consensus” to replace “Washington Consensus” based on evolutionary economics is gradually taking shape; 3.the scope of research on evolutionary economics will be expanded and its theoretical system will be synthesized; 4.Financial issues, especially sovereign credit and how finance can supply lowcost financing for innovative and real economy will become the research focus of evolutionary economics.
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    Leadership of May 4th Movement: Unity, Divergence and Interaction of the
    Progressive Political Force and the Traditional Social Force
    QIU Tao
    2012, 47 (5):  48-56.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (6000KB) ( )  
    May 4th Movement is an epochmaking historical event in the contemporary Chinese history. It was a national salvation movement that involved various patriotic forces at a time of national crisis. This paper focuses on the leadership of the movement and its approach to realization of social mobility of an unparalleled range. It is proved that May 4th movement was a real mass revolutionary movement that promoted the unity of progressive political force and patriotic social force, combined Marxism and the Chinese working class movement, and reflected the revolutionary, open and advanced nature of Marxist theoretical system through the Chinese revolution. The paper also discusses the significance and value of May 4th movement to the Chinese democratic revolution and defines its nature of epochmaking and progressiveness.
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    On Institutional Hegemony in the New Empire System and Governance Pathway——American Strategies against China from the“Nonneutral” Perspective of International Rules
    GAO Cheng
    2012, 47 (5):  57-65.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5544KB) ( )  
    This paper attempts to analyze the logic and pathway the United States applied to establish a new empire system by referring to nonneutral international rules. The core motive of the American hegemony is maintaining the operation and management of the new empire system in order to gain benefits from hegemony by influencing the international mechanism and rules. The major concern of the American elite about China does not come from worries of a traditional hegemony state in the face of military challenge of an emerging power. Instead, they are worried about whether the rise of China will pose challenge to American authority in the field of institution on which the US relies to maintain its global governance, or, worse still, if China will become its competitor. Therefore, based on the current power of the United States and its development trend, the orientation of its longterm strategies against China is to effectively use and shape international rules and international mechanism to suppress China’s expanding influence with the purpose of downplaying the possibility of China becoming an institutional competitor in critical strategic regions of the United States as much as possible.
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    The Rise of Emerging Countries and Changes in International Setup
    XIA An-Ling, TANG Hui, LIU Lian
    2012, 47 (5):  66-71.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (4189KB) ( )  
    The 2008 global financial crisis brought about quick rising of many emerging countries, most of which are developing countries. These countries show great potential in economic development and are continuously narrowing their gaps with developed countries in economy. They have managed to maintain progress in economic growth in the face of financial and economic crises, making tremendous contributions to world economic development. Emerging countries take an active part in the changing process of international financial and economic order with stronger voice in world political affaires. They have become an important force in promoting development and changes of the international setup through extensive participation in international affairs in more equal status.
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    On the Research Subject and Content Structure of Studies
    of the Basic Principles of Marxism
    WANG Hong-Bo, DUAN Li-Qun, CHEN Jian-Bing
    2012, 47 (5):  72-78.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (4685KB) ( )  
    Holistic understanding of Marxism demands that the point of departure of the study be the research subjects of Marxist basic principles which are the law of development of human society and the science of human liberation. This reflects the characteristics of Marxism, such as unity of truth and value, ideological integrity and advancing with the time, and unity of class nature and social nature. The contents of the basic principles of Marxism cover seven major aspects. They are: Marxist world outlook, Marxist methodology, the general development law of human society, specific law of capitalist society, specific law of socialist society, the law of human development and human liberation, communism and the future of mankind. The major focus throughout the contents of the basic principles of Marxism is the development law of human society.
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    Human Rights and Sovereignty: the Unity of Opposites
    TAO Lin
    2012, 47 (5):  79-84.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (4052KB) ( )  
    Human rights and sovereignty have both experienced an evolution process from idea to system, but their relationship shows complicated forms that reflect both inner oppositions and outer conflicts. The existence of these oppositions and conflicts do not block possibilities of their communication and conjunction. Human rights and sovereignty share a common philosophical basis and serve for the same ultimate aim of human beings, that is, the pursuit of freedom and happiness. Handling the relationship between human rights and sovereignty appropriately helps clarify theoretical misunderstandings, and thus contributes to establishment of healthy and harmonious domestic order and realization of world peace as well.
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    On the Function of Category in Ideological and Political Education
    QIU Bai-Sheng-1, DONG Ya-Hua-2
    2012, 47 (5):  85-91.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (4699KB) ( )  
    In ideological and political education category performs important functions determined by its characteristics. The major characteristics of category include the following: objectivity and subjectivity, particularity and universality, abstract and concrete, and scope and precision. Main functions of the category in ideological and political education are that they are the foundation, the analysis framework, the discourse system and the narrative style of the discipline.
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