ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    20 April 2012, Volume 46 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    On Patriotism in the Era of Economic Globalization
    LIU Jian-Jun
    2012, 47 (4):  5-15.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (8155KB) ( )  
    The powerful force of economic globalization brings about shocking impact on patriotism. This phenomenon is, to a certain extent, both historically inevitable and historically rational with certain degree of blindness and destructive effect. The paper holds that under circumstances of economic globalization patriotism is still justified. Therefore, patriotic education is still of important significance. It bears new characters with new requirements.
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    On Fairness and Justice in Coordinates of Socialist Market Economy
    LIN Jian
    2012, 47 (4):  16-23.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5905KB) ( )  
    Fairness and justice as a defining category express a type of value orientation or requirement. It is the requirement of both the society to individuals and individuals to the society. Pursuit of fairness and justice is an ideal of all human beings. However, fairness and justice is not an eternal truth, as it is historical in social history and is marked by the social class in a class society. In other words, at different historical stages of development, fairness and justice mean differently. Among people belonging to different social classes, the aims of pursuing fairness and justice are different, too. Thus, when discussing the issue of fairness and justice both absolutism and relativism should be avoided. The pursuit of fairness and justice should be in line with the inevitability of historical development. And only in this way can the requirement for fairness and justice be realistic and rational. Fairness and justice under circumstances of socialist market economy cannot be discussed without referring to the basic premise and reference coordinates of socialist market economy. What is pursued should be fairness and justice under socialist market economy and should not be abstract or without restriction of coordinates.
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    Marx´s Social and Historical Timespace Concept Based on His Theory of Practice and the Contemporary Significance
    HU Liu-1, ZHU Li-Ping-2
    2012, 47 (4):  24-31.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5986KB) ( )  
    The traditional time-space concept which is based on materialism understands the social historical time and space and the natural time and space as being heterogeneous. This leads to a series of defects in grasping social historical issues.  Marx´ssocial historical timespace view based on his theory of practice makes an essential distinction between the natural time and space and the social historical time and space.  Marx´sview is of great significance for us to scientifically understand contemporary social and historical problems.
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    Cooperation and Win-win: An Inevitable Approach to
    Establishing Harmonious Labor Relations
    DING Wei-Min
    2012, 47 (4):  32-39.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5999KB) ( )  
    The author observes that labor-capital relations have become an important component of the labor relations in the Chinese enterprises. The labor relations can be classified into two types, the cooperative labor relations and the noncooperative labor relations. Both empirical and theoretical analysis have proved that cooperative labor relations are more conductive to raising productivity, based on which specific mutual benefits of both the employer and the employee can be realized. Since the end of the last century, the proportion of labor income in national income has been steadily declining, and labor relations tend to become tensions. This probably will become a major factor that negatively affects sustainable development of the Chinese economy. The paper concludes that in the period of the twelfth fiveyear plan, much has to be done to achieve labor cooperation for a winwin situation.
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    Industrial Relations and It´s  of Coordination Mechanism in Reformed
    State-owned Enterprises
    ——From the Perspective of Fair Distribution
    KANG Jing-Ping
    2012, 47 (4):  40-46.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5468KB) ( )  
    With the establishment of socialist marketing economic system,
    stateowned enterprises have undergone reforms to the corporate system in line with
    market economy. Consequently, indutrial relations in state-owned enterprises which
    used to be governed by states evolved to mostly by privte contract. The contract-type
    indutrial relations have the following characteristics. The relation between the
    enterprise owners and the workers is that of employment relation; The identity of the
    workers is changing from the “master” to the “laborer”; Owners and workers faced
    more conflicts and share less common benefits. This type of industrial relations would
    cause unfairness in initial distribution. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce polices
    such as perfection of collective negotiation in order to establish a new coordination
    mechanism of indutrial relations. Meanwhile, the specific role of the government
    should be fully performed in establishing harmonious industrial relations. For instance,
    a mandatory minimum wage standard should be enforced on the enterprises.
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    On the New Concept of Political Development and Going beyond Global Governance Dilemma
    CAI Tuo-1, CAO Ya-Bin-2
    2012, 47 (4):  47-55.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (6687KB) ( )  
    The global governance dilemma has been caused, to a large extent, by the concept of “state centrism” sovereignty states maintain. This concept makes sovereignty states tend to take isolated measures or actions that draw on the advantages and avoid disadvantages in dealing with affairs of global governance, resulting in participation deficits and responsibility deficits. By analyzing changes in the concept of national political development it is not difficult to find that the traditional concept of political development defines the world as being “mine” or “others” based on the concepts of sovereignty and territory, reflecting “state centrism”. Thus, the prevalence of state centrism is attributed to the worldwide spread of the traditional political development concept. In order to solve problems in global governance we must go beyond “state centrism”. From the perspective of political development, the states should be rid of the traditional concept guided by “state centrism”. Instead, an open and responsible political development concept should be adopted.
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    The Feature and Trend of Security Relations among Big Powers after the Cold War
    LU Jing
    2012, 47 (4):  56-63.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5992KB) ( )  
    In the field of international security, world war and peace are determined by the relations among big powers. Since the end of the cold war, under the circumstances of the changing strategic structure of the world and an increase in common interests, competitive cooperation becomes the main feature and trend of international relations among big powers. However, differences in strategic aims and the remains of the cold war mentality make the preventive strategies among big powers apparent. With the development of the philosophy of global governance and the rise of emerging powers, construction of new patterns of security relations will become the common consensus and responsibility of big powers.
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    An Analysis of Lukacs´ Idea of Totality
    2012, 47 (4):  64-71.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5985KB) ( )  
    How to adhere to the critical nature of Marxist theories by defining and advocating its philosophical nature? This question has functioned as a motive that pushes the development and evolution of contemporary Marxist theories abroad. And this is exactly how the basic theoretical tendency of the socalled “western Marxism” is formed. That is, interpreting and perfecting Marxist philosophical methodology and its historical dialectics by referring to the idea of totality. It is just because Lukacs is the initiator of this theoretical trend that he is considered the originator of western Marxism. The paper holds that Lukacs totality idea has deepened the philosophical dimension of Marxism and reinforced Marxist principle of subjectivity, which aroused the subsequent controversies over Marxist totality idea. In a sense, Lukacs totality idea is not only the major theoretical  source of western Marxism, but it is also an important theoretical source of contemporary development of Marxism.
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    A Discussion of Some Concepts of Income Distribution
    ZHANG Jun-Shan
    2012, 47 (4):  72-80.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (6669KB) ( )  
    Income distribution is a process composed of several phases.  Income
    distribution starts from the formation of income, which is the logical starting point,
    then,through initial distribution and redistribution, national income is distributed
    among members of the society. During the phases of initial distribution and
    redistribution, income is created, realized, allocated and transferred within members
    of the society under various relations in the production and circulation procedures and
    social procedures. Under the influence of these relations, wealth is transformed from
    the initial simple and abstract form into various concrete income categories. Finally, it
    appears as the final form of the occupation and allocation of the social in front of the
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    An Analysis of Rational Choice Institutionalism in European Integration
    FANG Le-Xian
    2012, 47 (4):  81-87.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5302KB) ( )  
    As an important branch of new institutionalism, rational choice institutionalism is characterized by its connotation of institution and core assumptions. Since it was applied to academic studies of European Community/European Union in the late 1980s, new progress has been continuously achieved. A particular contribution of rational choice institutionalism is its provision of an precise understanding of the reason why European integration is institutionalized and how this is realized. Naturally it has gained much attention from the academia. This paper attempts to summarize the general features and core assumptions of rational choice institutionalism, and clarify its classical interpretation of the EU institutionalized operation. Discussions of and reflections on the theoretical advantages and limitations of this approach are also presented..
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    On Innovative Approaches to Education of National Spirit
    since the 16th CPC National Congress
    WEN Jing, WANG Shu-Yin
    2012, 47 (4):  88-94.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5306KB) ( )  
    In order to strengthen the education of national spirit the Communist Party of China actively explores into effective educational approaches. Firstly, innovative approach is emphasized, the humanoriented educational idea is stressed, and guiding principles of innovative approaches are offered. Secondly, the subject position of the people is respected so as to activate the fundamental force of innovation in the approaches to education of national spirit. Thirdly, institutionalization of innovation in educational method is reinforced in order to achieve lasting effects. Fourthly, new media frontiers are opened for propaganda purposes as a new means of innovation in educational approach.
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