ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    20 June 2006, Volume 40 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    A Diachronic Study of How CPC Has Developed Her Ruling Capacity and Its Implications
    DING Jun-ping, LI Hua
    2006, (6):  23-30.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1250 )   PDF (1218KB) ( 1693 )  
    The CPC’s course of developing ruling capacity can be divided into five periods.They are the periods of beginning attempt,comprehensive attempt,comprehensive strengthening,further strengthening,and the period of extension and further progress.A diachronic study of this course aimed at summarizing the basic experience in developing the ruling capacity of CPC will shed light on an appropriate approach to further strengthening the Party’s ruling capacity in the new era and to maintain advancement of the Party.
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    Agricultural Subsidy Policy in China:Problems and Countermeasures
    JIANG Shao-min
    2006, (6):  31-37.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 2524 )   PDF (991KB) ( 2326 )  
    Based on a clarification of the definition of agricultural subsidies,this paper analyzes the current situation of agricultural subsidy policy in China and the problems encountered.The author then offers suggestions for establishing an agricultural subsidy system characteristics of the Chinese style:making full use of the restricted amount of allowance set by WTO to increase the intensity of green box;adjust policies in this respect,and promote reform of the economic system in the rural areas.
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    On Discussions about Theories of Five Forms and Three Forms——In Response to Papers Written by Professor DUAN Zhong-qiao and Professor XI Zhao-yong
    ZHAO Jia-xiang
    2006, (6):  38-44.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1292 )   PDF (2037KB) ( 1771 )  
    This paper attempts to make three points.First,Professor DUAN and Professor XI seem to have oversimplified the complicated issue concerning "the various forms before capitalist production" and their disorganization discussed by Marx in his work The Manuscripts;Second,Professor DUAN and Professor XI seem to have been confused about the Asiatic,ancient and feudal modes of production Marx discussed in The Preface with the original forms of Asiatic,ancient and Germanic ownership of land mentioned by Marx in The Manuscripts;Thirdly,Professor XI seems to have misunderstood the relation between the theory of three social forms and the theory of five social forms raised by Marx.
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    Did Marx Put Forward the Theory of "Five Types of Social Formation"?——A Reply to Professor XI Zhao-yong
    DUAN Zhong-qiao
    2006, (6):  45-53.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1286 )   PDF (2425KB) ( 1710 )  
    This paper replies to the questions put forth by Professor XI Zhao-yong in his article"On the Discussion of Five Types Social Formations"one by one,and shows that all of them are not well-founded for lack of textaual evidence.In order to further prove that Marx never put forward the theory of "five types of social formation",but merely the theory of "three great social formations",this paper also offers two brief arguments in terms of the purpose and method of Marx studying social formation.
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    A Theoretical Study of Industrial Amalgamation
    HAN Xiao-ming
    2006, (6):  54-61.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1112 )   PDF (699KB) ( 1719 )  
    Industrial amalgamation occurs on the condition that the industries are clearly defined.So far,studies on industrial amalgamation are still at a preliminary stage both at home and abroad.Based on the findings of existing studies,the paper attempts to analyze such issues as(ident)ification,types and mechanism of industrial amalgamation.
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    Marxs Ecological Argument for Harmonious Development of Human Society and Nature
    LIU Ren-sheng
    2006, (6):  62-67.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1229 )   PDF (1131KB) ( 1807 )  
    The concept of nature,according to Marx,consists of two parts,the natural one and the humanized one.The natural one can be continuously transformed to the humanized one.The capitalist system causes a breaking-up of the normal metabolism of man and nature and within the human society.However,the author remarks,the necessary conditions for restoring and maintaining metabolism are circular economy and sustainable development.And the ultimate key to harmonious relationship within the human society and between man and nature lies in the realization of communism.
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    Strategic Partnership between China and Russia in a Period of Peaceful Development
    FENG Qing-shu
    2006, (6):  68-74.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1151 )   PDF (1120KB) ( 1743 )  
    Under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping theory on peace and development and foreign policies initiated by Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao,the Sino-USSR relationship has transmitted smoothly to Sino-Russia relationship on the basis of normalization of China-Russia relation.The friendship of bordering countries has developed into constructive partnership towards the 21st century,and further upgraded to strategic partnership in the 21st century.Being the tenth anniversary of the establishment of equal and trust worthy strategic partnership and the fifth anniversary of the Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation between China and Russia,2006 witnessed the Russian President Putin visiting China and signing the Sino-Russian Joint Statement with Hu Jintao,which is regarded as a new milestone in the course of developing the China-Russia strategic partnership.An analysis of the formation and growth of this partnership will help anticipate future development of the China-Russia relation.
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    The Third Model:Habermas Theory of Deliberative Politics
    LIU Jian-cheng
    2006, (6):  75-80.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1199 )   PDF (1076KB) ( 1817 )  
    The deep motive for the formation of Habermas theory of deliberative politics lies in the objective tendency of social development towards multipolarity and the loss of legalism of traditional political understanding.Deliberative politics is also a logical consequence of development of the theory of communication action.The so-called deliberative politics refers to the procedure of forming democratic ideas and will aimed at realization of a rational life world and possession of the traditional values and criteria during the process of communication in the civil society and political public fields pushed by rationalization of deliberative politics through the systemized legal medium.The author holds that deliberative politics adds rational and idealistic color to our life world.
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    Structure of International System and International Stability:A Review of Contending Assumptions
    FANG Le-xian
    2006, (6):  81-87.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1098 )   PDF (932KB) ( 2111 )  
    With clarification of definitions of the concept "pole" in the international system,the paper analyzes the meaning and characteristics of different structures of international system and reviews the three major theoretical assumptions on causal relationships of international structures with respect to international stability,namely,the unipolarity stability,bipolarity stability and multipolarity stability.These controversial theories are then evaluated in the light of this review.
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    New Progress in Researches on the Relation between Financial Development and Income Disparity
    ZHANG Li-jun
    2006, (6):  88-94.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1094 )   PDF (1004KB) ( 1821 )  
    A review of relevant literature at home and abroad established the fact that impact of financial development on disparity in distribution of income is realized by three mechanisms:the threshold effect,the effect of reducing poverty,and the effect of non-balance.The paper summarizes findings of existing studies for the purpose of extending our research perspectives.
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