ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    20 May 2006, Volume 40 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    The Chinese Communist Party’s Views on and Practice of Transforming Modes of Economic Growth
    WU Li
    2006, (5):  5-12.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1225 )   PDF (1489KB) ( )  
    The formation and continuance of the Chinese mode of economic growth has been heavily influenced by the fact that China has to support a large population with low capital per person and scarce resources during her 50 years of industrialization.Facing the large quantity of migrant peasants swarming into the cities and serious problem of unemployment,the Party and the government were compelled to choose a mode of economic growth that aimed at high speed and extensive development.This paper attempts to analyze the historical course of transforming the mode of economic growth and the reasons why the transformation has not yet been realized from the perspective of the theoretical ground of the Chinese Communist Party and the three stages of industrialization.Prospects of this transformation are discussed accordingly.
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    On the Relationship between Construction of Harmonious Society and Development of Democratic Politics
    WANG Xu-tian
    2006, (5):  13-18.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (888KB) ( )  
    The author maintains that the meaning of constructing harmonious society includestwo points :a peaceful,harmonious and friendly relation and regulationfor this relation,and theprocess andresults of creating or adding newsystems.Construction of harmonious society sets upthe basic prerequisite for developing democratic politics whichincludes harmony of social relation,identification of and respect for members of the political society,acknowledgement of and respectfor members of non-political society,establishment of the principles of solidarity and the rule ofthe majority,security of the rights of the special andthe underprivileged groups.Construction ofharmonious society provides material,cultural and legal ground and stable conditions for the de-velopment of democratic politics.
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    Creativity-oriented Theories of Management by the Enterprise
    QIU Hai-ping, YANG Yang
    2006, (5):  19-24.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1567KB) ( )  
    Introduction and application of the mainstream theory of management by the enterprise in China started in the early 1990s,but its development process afterwards does not seem to be satisfactory,for the Chinese economists have neglected reflections on its fundamental idea-the theory of enterprise contract.This paper attempts to introduce a creativity-oriented theory of enterprise management by referring to the developmental strategy of the state and emphasizing importance of creativity in the production process.A more profound interpretation of management by the enterprise in state-owned companies is offered.The authors suggest that more attention be directed to creativity-oriented theories of enterprise management in researches on reform of state-owned companies in China.
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    On the Position and Function of Ecological Civilization in the Civilization System
    ZHANG Yun-fei
    2006, (5):  25-30.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (715KB) ( )  
    The ecologic structure is meant to provide safeguard within the social structure for normal operation of the social system and normal existence and evolution of human beings.It is the "material crust" of the social organism.Ecological civilization is the accumulation and manifestation of the positive aspects in the progress of human activities in the ecological struture.The civilization system of a society is composed of material civilization,political civilization,spiritual civilization and ecologic civilization.While ecologic civilization is a form of civilization independent of the material civilization,political civilization and spiritual civilization,it exerts heavy influence on them.Ecologic civilization has its own value system,practice mode,theoretical frame and political form.
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    On Transformation of the Historical Forms of Globalization
    ZHAO Yan, LI Jin-qi
    2006, (5):  31-36.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (894KB) ( )  
    As a tendency in social progress,globalization has experienced three different historical forms,that is,globalization as communication for survival purposes,globalization for expansion of the capital,and globalization in amalgamation of cultures.The authors point out that globalization does not mean capitalization,while expansion of the capital is but one of its forms.In the era of the new globalization,the developed and developing countries have to coordinate and make active and positive use of the favorite conditions and opportunities for development as well as channels for communication to strive for mutual benefits and harmonious coexistence.This is the way to promote further development and progress of human society.
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    A Review of Research on Modernity from the Perspective of Marxist Philosophy
    BAI Gang, ZHANG Rong-yan
    2006, (5):  37-45.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1608KB) ( )  
    There exists different understanding on the essence of modernity.From the perspective of Marxist philosophy,modernity is,in essence,linked with expansion of "logic of the capital",which is,after all,an issue of the relation between the capital and the free development of human beings.It determines the dialectic viewpoint of "modernity of anti-modernity" by Marx in dealing with modernity.The author holds that this view is of great and far-reaching significance for construction of modernity in China today.
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    From“A League on Paper”to“A League in Action”:New Development inthe Japan-US Relations Concerning Security after the Cold War
    HUANG Da-hui
    2006, (5):  51-57.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2080KB) ( )  
    The Japan-US league,which was formed in the early 1950s,has been a product ofthe Cold War between the United States andthe Soviet Union.Its nature as a militaryleague be-came more obvious after the Japan-US New Security Treaty was signedin 1960.With the end ofthe Cold War andthe disaggregation of the Soviet Union,justificationfor existence of this leaguewas shattered andit then met withtremendous challenges.The Joint Declaration of Japan andtheUnited States of America signedin 1996 signaled that relations between these two countries hadreturned to the original orientation of security.With a series of adjust ments and reinforcements,their military relation changed froma league of defense to a league concerning“regional affairs”.Consequently,the scope of their cooperation,the roles played by each party,and the contents ofcooperation have all undergone great changes.I mplementation of the Japanese strategy“to bor-row boat to sail”after the“9·11”incidence turned the original Japan-USleague which was sub-ject to the constitution of peace as“a league on paper”to an aggressive“league in action”.It hasdirectedincreasing attention to China as China gradually arises.Therefore,how we should dealwithits negative effect becomes ani mportant strategic issue.
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    On the Reform of Financial System in Republic of Korea and Its Implications
    FANG Fang
    2006, (5):  58-64.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (767KB) ( )  
    Modern economic theories support the idea that the financial system is an important means for a country to distribute its resources. In this sense,continuous reform and innovation of the financial system is a decisive factor for an industrialized country to upgrade its industry and achieve sustainable development.The author points out that the reform of financial system in the Republic of Korea offers several implications relevant to our own situations.First,privatization of the banks does not simply mean self-discipline; Second,free finance in an immature market demands that measurements for preventing risks within the enterprises be strengthened,while excessive protection from the government will only weaken the capacity of self-discipline in the enterprises and make them lose the spirit of creativity;Third,the principle of financial monitoring should change from "control and protection" to that of "self-discipline and competition".
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    What Makes New Institutionalism New
    SHI Kai, HU Wei
    2006, (5):  65-69.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1053KB) ( )  
    What makes new institutionalism new is a basic proposition no researcher of new institutionalism could avoid.This is also what people in other fields want to know the most about it.The paper starts with a brief review of the rise of new institutionalism in political studies.On the basis of an explanation of the "institution" and "institutionalism",the authors dwell on what’s new about institutionalism.
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    On the Internal Logic and Implications of the Development of Government Regulation Theory in the West
    ZHANG Hong-feng
    2006, (5):  70-77.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1426KB) ( )  
    The government regulation theory in the west has undergone a development process of regulation-releasing regulation-coexistence of regulation and releasing regulation again.Within this dynamic framework,the government regulation theory has experienced four thematic changes,namely,"disfunction of the market and redressing measurement by the government,verification of the effect of regulation policies,seeking the political reasons of regulation policies,and incentives to regulation".In line with this process,the theory has undergone four changes:from the theory of regulation by public interests,to the theory of regulation by interest groups,then the incentive regulation theory,followed by the theory on competition within the frame of regulation.
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    Nicholas Spykman’s Rimland Theory and Its Strategic Implications
    WU Zheng-yu
    2006, (5):  78-83.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (948KB) ( )  
    This paper explores Nicholas Spykman’s geographic strategic concept and its significance in the present time.The author holds that Spykman’s theory is completely different from that of Mackinder’s in that Spykman places more stress on the strategic position of rimland,and in his selectiveness as to which regions he accords importance when emphasizing "rimland".While many researchers tend to attribute the strategy of containment and its drawbacks to Spykman’s frame,this strategy is actually a reflection of Mackinder’rather than Spykman’s viewpoints.In fact,Spykman’s idea is not manifested in the strategy of containment in the US foreign policies.A discussion on the significance of Spykman’s theory in the post-Cold War era is offered at the end of the paper.
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    Did Engels Actually Propose the "Roman Model" as an Origin of State?——An Analysis Based on Interpretation of "the Origin of Family,Private Ownership and State"
    LIN Feng
    2006, (5):  84-89.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2289KB) ( )  
    A general consensus has been reached among scholars at home and abroad that by means of studying the origin of three states,that is,Athens,Rome and Germany,Engels put forward three models of the origin of states,namely,the "Athens model",the "Roman model" and the "Germanic model".The paper claims that this viewpoint is not in line with Engels’ idea and there is sufficient evidence to prove that Engels did not consider the origin of Roman state a separate or a second model different from that of the Athenian state.The so-called "Roman model" did not exist.It has resulted from misunderstanding of relevant thoughts of Engels.
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