ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    20 February 2006, Volume 40 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Pondering on Further Studies on Naturalization of Marxism in China
    CHEN Jin-long
    2006, (2):  5-11.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1205 )   PDF (1444KB) ( 1852 )  
    The author points out that it is a requirement for development of Marxist theories as a discipline and for promoting naturalization of Marxism in China that we should carry out further studies on naturalization of Marxism in China with wider perspectives of research.This paper offers an analysis of the current situation of this research area.Innovation of methods to promote further research with wider perspectives in this area is also discussed.
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    Realization of Justice in the Process of Constructing Harmonious Society
    ZHANG Kang-zhi
    2006, (2):  12-18.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1153 )   PDF (910KB) ( 1612 )  
    The history of mankind is actually a history of pursuing social justice.But social justice is a historical category with different connotation and forms at different stage of historical development.The author points out that it is impossible to realize full social justice either in a agricultural society with class structure or in the situation of modern society where divergence exists in political and economic domains and in public and private domains.In fact,the crucial point of social justice lies in the interest-related human relations,and social justice is realized only in the course of changing these relations.Human history is now moving towards the post-industrialized society with a completely new formation of interest relation,in the course of which a cooperative human relation is manifested.With this,a system of cooperation will evolve and social justice will be realized.
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    Marxist Justice Theory and Principle of Justice in Socialist Market Economy
    ZHANG Yu
    2006, (2):  19-25.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1133 )   PDF (933KB) ( 1912 )  
    Marx and Engels hold that social justice is not abstract,absolute or eternal.It is concrete,relative and historical.In the course of constructing socialist market economic system it is imperative that we regard justice as the essential feature and core value,and thus place emphasis on the rich connotation of justice and the link between justice and efficiency.At the same time,we should not underestimate the importance of social justice.The author concludes that while we insist on the basic idea of historical materialism that gives priority to productivity,we should also be aware that the basic objective of socialism is integrity in human development.
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    A Discussion of the Theory on Five Types of Social Formations——A Critical Review of the Paper Questioning the Major Evidence of "Five Types of Social Formations"
    XI Zhao-yong
    2006, (2):  26-32.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2331KB) ( )  
    This paper holds a different idea from the one expressed in Questioning the Major Evidence of /Five Types of Social,Formations by Professor Duan Zhongqiao.The author points out that Duan’s paper regarded Grundrisse as the basis of /The Preface.This showed that Duan actually failed to make a distinction between Grundrisse and the officially published A Contribution to the Critique Political Economy(Book Ⅰ).Moreover,Duan’s interpretation of some arguments in Grundrisse is also questionable.Therefore,Duan’s refutation of /five types of social formations is not well justified.
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    Practice Directed to Human Existence and the Life World:Philosophy of Values——Summary of the Innovative System of Marxist Philosophy
    YUAN Zu-she
    2006, (2):  33-41.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2358KB) ( )  
    Since the 1980s,scholars at home have raised many suggestions aimed at systemic innovation of Marxist philosophy.Their new theories and ideas can be roughly classified as three sets of conflicting ideas.The first set of conflicting ideas concerns the system of Marxist philosophy.The second involves different interpretations of the principal ideas of Marxist philosophy,namely,the philosophical concept of Marxism and the true spirit of Marxist philosophy;The third refers to the research approaches or research models expressed by transcendence and reflection respectively.Of the two,one advocates reflective construction in the form of rational explanation,while the other advocates critical construction in the form of practical explanation.
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    A Review of Researches on Harmonious Society
    LIU Dong-jian
    2006, (2):  42-47.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1159KB) ( )  
    A lot of studies have been carried out on the theory of harmonious society,and a series of discussions have been conducted,reaching agreement to a large extent over its background,concept,connotation and construct among researchers of this area.The author points out that further researches are called on to concentrate on such topics as harmonious philosophy,harmonious thinking,harmonious world and harmonious mechanism.
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    On the Choice of Period of Strategic Opportunity for Political Development from the Perspective of New Institutionalism
    WANG Hong-qiang
    2006, (2):  48-54.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1010KB) ( )  
    The author maintains that the crucial point in understanding social development lies in the institution and change of the institution.The political development that leads to changes in power structure is affected by economic and social situations of the country.On the other hand,the innovation of the institution will also influence the historical course of a country. The choice of the period of strategic opportunity for political development is related to the consume of supportive factors of social development.A farseeing political enterpriser plays a decisive role in assessing the profits and risks of institutional innovation and making a rational choice accordingly.Theoretically speaking,methodology of the new institutionalism and modern political theories can offer insights for better understanding of strategic issues of political development.
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    Advances in Researches on Labor Supply
    ZHOU Ye-an, ZHANG Quan
    2006, (2):  55-61.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (939KB) ( )  
    This paper attempts to offer a systematic analysis of theoretical advances in researches on labor supply during the past decades.Based on an introduction to the typical neoclassical model of individual labor supply,the paper discusses intertemporal selection,participation of the labor market,and wage endogenesis.The author observes that major development in this research area is found in empirical studies.Representative works in this respect are cited.The author also points out that the labor supply theory is directed to a new domain proposed by behavioral economics.The author then elaborated on the behavioral labor supply theory and the differences between this theory and the neoclassical model.At the end of this paper,future tendency of this theory and suggestions for future research are presented.
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    A Study of the Electors,the Party and Social Welfare
    SUN Jie
    2006, (2):  62-68.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1020KB) ( )  
    As social welfare has become an important function of capitalist government,policies concerning social welfare have become an indispensable component of the political system.The development of voting system,the spread of general election,along with the rise of various practices of "direct democratic" or "indirect democratic" voting point to the fact that citizens now enjoy wider range of social rights.As a consequence,more active participation of the electors in policy-making concerning social welfare is more effectively guaranteed,which is a sure sign of social progress.The paper concludes that coexistence of social welfare and political parties can in effect ensure fairness and justice,promote economic efficiency and thus steady the social foundation of the ruling party.
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    Patterns of Capitalistic welfare System——A Comparative Analysis from the Perspective of Citizenship
    LI Yan-xia
    2006, (2):  69-74.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (807KB) ( )  
    As a system that bears the responsibility for social security,the welfare systems of many countries have much in common,at the same time,demonstrate some differences in terms of basic values.These differences can be accounted for by varied types of citizenship in different countries.This paper attempts to establish an analysis frame of the relation among social spheres-types of citizenship and patterns of welfare systems-from the perspective of citizenship.In the light of this frame,characteristics of liberalist citizenship,traditional citizenship and social democratic citizenship in capitalist countries and relevant welfare systems are discussed.
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    A Review of Studies of the Chinese Modern History of Economics since the 1990s
    ZHENG Qi-dong
    2006, (2):  75-82.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1923KB) ( )  
    In the past decade much progress has been accomplished in the studies of modern Chinese economic history.Several characteristics of these studies can be identified.1,there is a tendency of integrating studies of modern economic history and social history;2,in-depth theoretical discussions have been carried out;3,cross-disciplinary research is on the rise;4,research on modernization has become a hot issue.Limitations of these studies are also observed.The author then suggests three aspects that are in need of more attention for improvement:application of economic theory and methodology,awareness of problems and sense of innovation,and combination of empirical analysis and theoretical reasoning.
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    On Ideological and Political Education of University Students from Cultural and Economic Perspectives
    LI Li
    2006, (2):  83-86.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (501KB) ( )  
    Ideological and political education of university students is marked by the time.In order to achieve results of this education,it is necessary to scrutinize the existing problems and their causes so as to analyze them against the present cultural and economic background.The author emphasizes that ideological and political education of university students should be systematic,dynamic and energetic.One way to make improvement is to avoid discussing ideological and political education for its own sake,but to try out new approaches from the cultural and economic perspectives.
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