ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    20 January 2006, Volume 40 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Life Cycle of a Country and the Rise of China
    HU An-gang
    2006, (1):  7-17.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1232 )   PDF (2663KB) ( 1987 )  
    This paper puts forward a theoretical paradigm of the life cycle of a country by drawing on the theory of the life cycle of production,and analyzes the historical process of the rise of some big powers.The author argues that there does exist a life cycle for a country from the perspective of modern economic development in the world.The rise of a country can be prompted by international competitions through inactively to actively responding to competitions,and through imitating to initiating innovation;In the same sense,the fall of a country can be caused by international competitions that lead to declining or even loss of innovation capacity.This theory of life cycle can be applied to historical development of other countries as well as the historical development of China.It can also be applied to explain China’s fall or rise.The author points out that the determinant factor of the life cycle of a country lies in its capacity of innovation.And the driving force behind the rise of a country depends on whether innovation is sustained and encouraged in that country.
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    Objectives of Constructing Socialist New Countryside and Relevant Policies
    ZHENG You-gui
    2006, (1):  18-25.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1272 )   PDF (1389KB) ( 1831 )  
    The paper holds that the issue of "San Nong"(that is,the problems of agriculture,in the countryside,and concerning the peasants) poses a serious potential threat to construction of harmonious society,and that construction of socialist new countryside is set as the goal for policy-making aimed at solving the "San Nong" problems for a period of time,and it will be a point of departure for solving the "San Nong" problems.It is also a strategic selection of policies to actualize simultaneous development of both the urban and rural areas.The paper discusses five aspects concerning the goal for policy-making,namely,development of production,well off life standard,custom and civilization in the countryside,clean and tidy environment of the villages,and democratic administration.The author points out that construction of socialist new countryside demands systematic adjustment of the policies and institutional arrangement,especially breakthroughs in such policies concerning distribution of the income of the citizens,equal opportunities for employment,and fostering industrial organizations.
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    Population Growth and Social Development—— FIFTY YEARS OF DEMOGRAPHY IN NEW CHINA Witnesses Achievements and Lessons in Development of New China
    WU Cang-ping, YUAN Ya-ling
    2006, (1):  26-29.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1115 )   PDF (890KB) ( 1715 )  
    The book analyzes various aspects of the achievements and failures of the Party’s policies concerning the issue of population since the founding of new China.It can be seen as a summary of the Party’s capacity in administration and governing of the country.
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    Philosophical Connotation of "the Chinese Model"
    HAO Li-xin, LU Yan-chang
    2006, (1):  30-35.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (980KB) ( )  
    The concept of "the Chinese model" offers a new perspective for studies of China’s social development.The Chinese model covers not only successful experience in our implementation of modernizations,but also advanced concepts of development raised by the Party.Thus,it contains rich philosophical connotation.From a historical point of view,the Chinese model of development reflects integration of goals and regulations of social development;From a cognitive point of view,the model reflects the basic principles of systematic reasoning in that it stresses comprehensiveness,harmony and sustainable development;From the point of view of values,this human-oriented model reflects integration of the ideal and realization of value care.
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    Marxist Macroeconomics:A Modern Exposition
    YANG Tian-yu
    2006, (1):  36-42.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1125KB) ( )  
    This paper rearranges Marxist ideas of macroeconomics scattered in different works in a logical way and thus establishes a modern frame for analysis.This re-stated system includes an equilibrium condition of social reproduction and three deductions,the internal relation of which can be illustrated by geometry forms.Three deductions are reached in the light of this system:Marxist fiscal policy,money policy and industry policy.Through empirical analysis of the effect of macro adjustments in China,the author concludes that Marxist system is more capable of exposition than that by Keynes.
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    Evolution of Financial Development Policies in Developing Countries
    YU Chun-hai, LEI Da
    2006, (1):  43-48.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (901KB) ( )  
    The author observes that Washington agreement has gradually evolved to post-Washington agreement which emphasizes factors outside the financial system,even outside the economic system.The ultimate criterion for judging whether the financial market maintains advantages in efficiency is whether it leads to increasing savings and capital at home.In an open economy this advantage is reflected by the results of comparison with other countries.To be more specific,it refers to comparison of efficiency by examining both the market aspects and non-market aspects within a country with the equivalent aspects in other countries.Therefore,in the financial development it is natural to emphasize the complementary relation between the government and the market.
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    China’s Self-identity Construction as a Responsible Power in the Post-cold War Era
    Li Bao-jun, Xu Zheng-yuan
    2006, (1):  49-56.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1216KB) ( )  
    Since the 1990s,with the rapid rise of China’s power,China began to construct its own identity as a responsible power in response to the widespread"Chian threat" theory.The self-identity construction is embodied in the level of ideas,such as the promotion of "new security concept" and "cultural diversification",and in the level of diplomatic practice,namely toward the big powers,developing countries and the multilateral international regimes.China’s self-identity construction has won praise worldwide,especially from the neighbors.Meanwhile,however,it also needs to be noticed that the difference in the perception of power and responsibility between China and other counties still exists and China’s identity construction faces a variety of external dilemma and internal constraints.
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    China’s Strategic Culture:A Research Program
    MEN Hong-hua
    2006, (1):  57-63.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1400KB) ( )  
    In interpreting China’s strategic culture,Chinese and Western Scholars have different and somehow contracting views.In Chinese views,"Ren"(Benevolence),"Li"(Rites),"De"(Virtues),"He"(Harmony) are the foundations of China’s strategic culture,realism,morality and anti-war principle are its ideological foundations.A great transformation took place in the mid-19th Century,and China’s strategic culture undertook a great change accordingly.Since then,a trend of conflicting culture began to take shape,and martial spirit became a main characteristic of China’s strategic culture.Since 1978,China began to cast aside the out-dated strategic judgments such as the strategic framework of war and revolution,and accepted a new framework of peace and development.In conclusion,how to construct a mature framework of cooperative strategic culture based on realism and moral principle is a key precondition of China’s grand strategy.
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    Contribution and Misconception of Olson’s Collective Action Theory—— An Interpretation of New Institutionism
    YANG Guang-bin
    2006, (1):  64-71.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1410KB) ( )  
    The author holds that Olson’s contribution lies in his findings about the difficulties of unorganized large group collective actions.His hypothesis of "free-rider" can also explain the once-and-for-all game for interests.But there are serious limitations in Olson’s theory.They are as follows:applying the logic of collective action of large groups to analyze that of small groups;using the result of one attempt to explain the complicated situation of the rise and fall of a country and the consequences of many rounds of interest plays;his denial of the traditional group theory,the traditional pluralist theory and the traditional theory of the state violated the fundamental historical facts of institutional evolution;being a Hobesist he completely ignored the institutional and moral restrictions;and the interest group which Olson regarded as a decisive factor is but of sub-political system.His academic position finally changed from rational choice to institutional economics.
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    Existentialism and Marxism—— On Sartre’s Theoretical Integration
    OUYANG Qian
    2006, (1):  72-79.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2131KB) ( )  
    Sartre’s attempt of integration between Marxism and existentialism leaves to us precious ideological resources.In order to discover "the truth about man",existentialism emphasizes the consciousness while Marxism emphasizes historical practice.The former is supported by ontology in phenomenology while the latter is based on evidence from material dialectics.As a result,the former discovered "absolute liberty" of individuals,while the latter discovered the class oppression in the society.Sartre introduced the concepts of "individual practice","practico-inert","scarcity","holistic" with the intention to establish an active and historical framework.Nevertheless, deep in his thought he stuck to phenomenology and existentialism.Consequently his thought was not stable marked by hesitations over ambiguous ideas.
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    Society of Consumption and Marxism—— On Baudrillard’s Theory of Code Consumption
    GAO Ya-chun
    2006, (1):  80-84.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (792KB) ( )  
    Marx held that spiritual consumption itself had become a tool of the ruling class and a means for them to carry out their ideology.Baudrillard’s theory of semiotic consumption is meant to analyze the economic structure of modern society,the class division and the social mentality in the light of sociology.Thus,semiotic consumption performs the functions of promoting social structure and reinforcing division of social classes.In addition,it may result in mobility and conformity of social classes.However,as both spiritual consumption and semiotic consumption are restricted by material production,the concept of "spiritual consumption" raised by Marx and the "semiotic consumption" proposed by Baudrillard are closely related.
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    Summary of Studies on Chinese Modern Nationalism since the 1990s
    JI Ai-min
    2006, (1):  85-91.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1422KB) ( )  
    The author points out that considerable achievements have been obtained in the studies of Chinese modern nationalism in recent years.This paper,then,offers a brief summary of the studies since the 1990s in terms of the theoretical origin of the Chinese modern nationalism,the causes for its rise,the coverage,progress and types of the Chinese modern nationalism,and its relation with modernization of China and cultural nationalism.Limitations of these studies are also discussed in order to promote further studies in this area.
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    On relationships between Social development and Social Progress
    QIU Geng-tian
    2006, (1):  92-96.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1104KB) ( )  
    This paper maintains that social development is not equal to social progress.While "social progress" is included in "social development",the latter covers a larger area.In addition,social development is practical,procedural,regional and costly."Social progress",on the other hand,represents the mainstream,essential and inevitable trend in the course of social development.Thus,it is holistic,directional,advancing in nature,and shows the end product of social development.Of course social development and social progress are also related and share something in common.An elaborate discussion of their differences and transformation between the two is offered in the light of philosophy of theoretical development,developmental ethics and developmental aesthetics.
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