ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    20 March 2005, Volume 39 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Historical Materialism and Problems in Modern China
    LIU Ben
    2005, (3):  5-11.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1048 )   PDF (1055KB) ( 1707 )  
    Problems of a time, very often expressed by its maxims, indicate the call of the time. The pre requisite of finding solutions to these problems lies in the right perspective of posing the problems. Likewise, localization of Marxism in China has been the result of appropriately presenting and dealing with the problems of China. In the capitalist mode of production, growth of production is at the expense of human development. But in socialist China, the author emphasizes, growth of production and human development are integrated with distribution of welfare in accordance with distribution of labor, which stands as an essential distinction between China and capitalist countries.
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    The Power and Management System of the Enterprise ——A Marxist Dynamic Macro analysis Framework
    LIU Yuan-chun
    2005, (3):  12-19.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1110 )   PDF (1392KB) ( 1738 )  
    This article presents a theoretical framework of analyzing the right and management of enterprises in the light of Marxist historical materialism and Marxist theories of enterprise. The article also discusses the links and differences between the analysis framework of Marxist theories on the right and management system of the enterprise and the neo institutional economic theories on the right of the enterprise. The article holds that it is the dynamic and multi-faceted social productive system that decides the arrangement of enterprise management system, and that it is not good practice to apply one particular theory of modern enterprise system to guide the reform of enterprise system in developing countries.
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    Regression of Values in Human-oriented Government Administration and Its Chosen Model
    WANG Da-hai, TANG De-long
    2005, (3):  20-26.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1071 )   PDF (1552KB) ( 1728 )  
    The idea of human oriented government administration originated in our understanding of economy, politics, society, nature and development of mankind. It is reflected in such ideas as divinity-oriented, monarch-oriented, officer-oriented, material-oriented, human-oriented, individual-human being-oriented, human-centeredness, and evolution of these values. At the cross point in the dual course of development “from the officers to ordinary people” and “from the materials to human beings”, values of modern government administration finally rests on the human oriented ideas. Based on this, a sustainable and manageable model of modern government administration came into being. As a completely new value with its methodology and chosen model of government administration, it poses new motives for gradual reform.
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    Volunteer Service and Guarantee of the Rights of the Unprivileged
    LI Ying-sheng
    2005, (3):  27-32.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1086 )   PDF (851KB) ( 1761 )  
    The author holds that in a society where the government and the social security system do not exercise sufficient power to ensure guarantee of the rights of the unprivileged, it is of significant importance to resort to organizations of young volunteers whose volunteer services can perform the role, as a compensation, of protecting the basic rights of the unprivileged and, in turn, promote social justice and harmony. Considering the nature and demands of volunteer service for the unprivileged as being perpetual, complicated and highly professional, certain service as offered by the young volunteers is still in need of improvement.
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    Post-Marxism and Marxism
    CHEN Bing-hui
    2005, (3):  33-38.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1154 )   PDF (780KB) ( 1825 )  
    Post Marxism, a new school of theory in the west, is a branch of post modernism that criticizes capitalism. It adheres to the values and objectives of Marxism, especially the tradition of criticism against capitalism, and endeavors new attempts to analyze the nature of capitalism. Yet post Marxism advocates deconstruction of the key categories of Marxism and rejects the basic Marxist theories. It aims to activate the tradition of Marxism by means of such deconstruction.
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    Beyond the Debates between Political Liberalism and Communitairanism ——Interpretation of Mouffe’s View of Post-Marxist Political Philosophy
    FU Wen-zhong
    2005, (3):  39-44.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1264 )   PDF (1110KB) ( 1826 )  
    Mouffe, a prominent representative of post-Marxism, joined in the debates of contemporary political philosophy in the west between political liberalism and communitarianism. She extended the proposition of “the primacy of politics over society” in the work “Hegemony and Socialist Strategy”, emphasizing that the essential characteristics of modern politics are conflicts and antagonism. Post-Marxism maintains that the pluralist radical democracy is both a socialist strategy in late capitalism, and a political project that goes beyond the debates between political liberalism and communitarianism.
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    On Foundation of Communication and Dialogue in New Institutional Politics
    HE Jun-zhi
    2005, (3):  45-51.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1169 )   PDF (823KB) ( 1687 )  
    Up till now new institutionalism is at a developmental stage where varieties with similarities and differences give rise to the issue of communication and dialogue among themselves. For one thing, new institutionalists do not agree on the possibility of potential communication and dialogue among the three approaches to analysis. For another, there is extensive evidence to show overlapping among the three. The empirical overlapping makes the original criteria for classification implicit. Therefore, it is necessary that a new mode of communication and dialogue be established. In order to achieve this end, the author holds, a new research agenda should be set up to include the sofar neglected school of thoughts into the dialogue in order to turn new institutionalism to be more capable of interpretation with higher adaptability.
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    The Study of International Institutions: From Old Institutionalism to New Institutionalism
    TIAN Ye
    2005, (3):  52-58.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1326 )   PDF (1318KB) ( 2503 )  
    The early study of international institutions had the obvious features of the formal or legal institutional analysis with the title of old institutionalism. The revolution of behavioralism and the concept of international regimes provided academic background for replacement of the new institutionalism for the old institutionalism. At least, the new institutionalism has been divided into three different types of new institutionalism: rational choice institutionalism, sociological institutionalism and historical institutionalism. As far as the basic logic of action is concerned, the rational choice institutionalism can be ascribed to the logic of expected consequences, and sociological institutionalism can be attributed to the logic of appropriateness. However, rational choice institutionalism and sociological institutionalism share the same concept of efficient histories. On the contrary, the historical institutionalists insist that histories are often inefficient and thus bring history back in their institutional approach.
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    Summary of Recent Studies in Social and Cultural History of Contemporary China
    ZUO Yu-he, LI Wen-ping
    2005, (3):  59-67.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1145 )   PDF (1367KB) ( 1791 )  
    The social and cultural history, a new cross-disciplinary study area at home and abroad that combines the studies of history in sociology and in culture, is gaining increasing recognition in the academic circle. This is a promising discipline with some noticeable achievement, though still at a preliminary stage with scattered interests and without established theoretical frame or research methods. It is now becoming a new focus in the study of history. Themes like history of the life of the populace, history of cultural mood and beliefs, interaction between the state, the society and the people have drawn intensified concerns from researchers.
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    “Agreeing to Disagree”: Comment on the New Idea of Chinese Diplomacy
    JIN Zheng-kun, LI Yan
    2005, (3):  68-73.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1274 )   PDF (1689KB) ( 1732 )  
    Agreeing to disagree” is the new Chinese diplomatic idea advocated by comrade Jiang Zemin and one of the organic components of the diplomatic theory of the Important Thoughts of Three Representatives. It stems from the ancient Chinese philosophical thoughts and has some similarity with the thoughts of many western thinkers. The essence of the new idea is respecting the diversity of the world, advocating the world to be harmony while not stereotyped, different while not contradicted. The harmony is fit for the co-existence and co growth, while the difference can be interdependence. Under the influence of the new diplomatic idea, some adjustments have already been made to the Chinese diplomacy.
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    Capital Structure and Managerial Incentives: A Review
    Zhi Xiao-qiang
    2005, (3):  74-78.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1025 )   PDF (468KB) ( 1718 )  
    There are two views during the literature that study capital structure and managerial incentives. Some researchers look managerial incentives as one of determinants of capital structure, and other researchers view capital structure as one of mechanisms to control manager. This paper gives a brief review.
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    An Introduction to the Parisian Regulation School
    HU Hai-feng
    2005, (3):  79-84.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1127 )   PDF (769KB) ( 2107 )  
    The Parisian Regulation School, which rose during the 1970s, offers a new theory to explain capitalist social development. As a school of Marxist economics in the west, this school exercises great influence on the studies of various social sciences and policy-making in many European countries. The article attempts to discuss the analysis methods and major theories of the school and offers comments on relevant issues.
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    Innovative Quality Education of Natural Science for University Students Majoring in Humanities and Social Sciences
    TANG Xiao-chun
    2005, (3):  85-88.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1196 )   PDF (430KB) ( 1725 )  
    Quality education of natural science for university students majoring in humanities and social sciences is a systematic and innovative project. This paper intends to analyze the characteristics of quality education for contemporary university students majoring in humanities and social sciences on the basis of a research at Renmin University of China. Connotation, content and methods of quality education of natural science are explained, and innovation in the curriculum, the approaches, teaching methods and means of testing are discussed along with exploration of administrative aspects and the means of course evaluation.
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    Theoretical Analysis of Definitions of Intermediately Developed Countries
    WANG Feng-jie
    2005, (3):  89-92.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1421 )   PDF (564KB) ( 1670 )  
    There are three main interpretations of intermediately developed countries.One refers to developed countries at the intermediate level of development,another refers to all the countries in the world that are at the intermediate level of economic and social development,and the third refers to countries with the average income at a high or intermediate level according to the index of world bank.The author holds that the first one aims too high and is definitely beyond our reach;the second aim is too low so that it does not mean much;the only one that seems to be appropriate is the third one.It is possible to be achieved with efforts which is in line with what Deng Xiaoping advocated.The author maintains that this definition is applicable to our present situation.However,there are limit ations in its criteria,which need further improvement.
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