ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    20 December 2004, Volume 38 Issue 12 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Transformational Society and Social Governance Transformation——An Analysis of Function of the Third Sector in Resolution of Social Contradictions
    SUN Hui
    2004, (12):  5-10.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1287 )   PDF (2658KB) ( )  
    At a time of social transformation, certain characteristics of the Chinese society become obvious, such as acceleration of adjusting interest groups and intensified conflicts, especially serious conflicts. However, capacity of the government for resolution of contradictions seems to become weakened. This phenomenon can be accounted for by the facts of multi-division of social interests, the government’s confined access to social resources and inability to count on precautious measures within the system, resulting in inappropriate measures to solve these contradictions. A society in the process of transformation calls for transformation of social governance. An active response to this challenge is to redress the situation by getting the third sector to perform a full function of abridging the government and the society and among different social groups to eliminate social contradictions.
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    Coordinating Social Relation of Interests through Group Negotiation
    GONG Xi-kui
    2004, (12):  11-17.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2789KB) ( )  
    Group negotiation for coordinating between different social groups has been proved a valid means of problem solving in the West. In the course of developing and perfecting socialist market economy coordination of interests and conflicts among different social groups becomes an urgent issue. The traditional moral preaching or resorting to administration can no longer erase conflicts of this nature. Therefore,it is necessary that regulations of group negotiation in line with principles of market economy be introduced. The author emphasizes that this is quite indispensable in the face of the increasingly complicated social relation of interests.
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    Perfecting Social Salvage Mechanism, Promoting Social Harmony
    HONG Da-yong
    2004, (12):  18-23.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2573KB) ( )  
    The major problems in China’s social salvage mechanism are: lack of uniformed arrangement in urban and rural areas, lack of variety in salvage projects, low level of salvage, concept of salvage lagging behind, unreasonable share of salvage funds, and lack of coordination in management of salvage. In order to secure people’s life and reduce social contradictions so as to promote social harmony, it is necessary to perfect the social salvage mechanism in line with our e conomic development. In conclusion, the author offers a solution, that is, establish a guarantee system of minimum life standard as the point of departure, and aim at covering the needed in both the urban and the rural areas.
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    Knowledge as Productive Force: Historical Course and Characteristics
    SUN Xiang-jun
    2004, (12):  24-30.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2764KB) ( )  
    Knowledge as a new type of productive force has taken a long historical course to develop and signals a new stage of development in human society. It is the consequence of a combination of factors such as full development of human material productive force, changes in the structure of needs, limitation of the environment, merchandized knowledge and progress in information technology as well. Knowledge productivity, as the name suggests, means productive force supported by knowledge. It indicates that knowledge functions not only as a primary factor in production and major point of increase, but it is also considered a prerequisite of development of production. The process of knowledge productivity consists of producing, spreading and applying of knowledge with the full-scale development of information as its basis. As a productive force, it is characterized as being global, humane and sustainable.
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    On Philosophical Conception from the Perspective of Transcendence of Philosophy
    SUN Mei-tang, WANG Gui-lou
    2004, (12):  31-36.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2648KB) ( )  
    The authors hold that philosophy is a kind of transcendental wisdom that contains transcendence of knowledge and transcendence of value. This conception of philosophy embraces various types of philosophy to avoid limitations usually found in other philosophical conceptions. It maintains rational orientation of many philosophical issues, and re-examines approaches to development of philosophy.
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    Meditation on Today’s World Pattern
    Xia An-ling, Hou Jie-hui
    2004, (12):  37-43.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2925KB) ( )  
    By reviewing the controversies on today’s World Pattern in the field of international politics, the authors point out that it is difficult to exactly describe today’s reality of world development with the polarity analysis method. Combining the world political reality of continuous development of globalization and increasing interdependence in the post cold-war era, the article proposes a new understanding and judging of today’s international structure. Today’s international structure has shown a solid, complex configuration of one superpower’s primary, multipleunit interdependence and multilevel balance.
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    Latin American Regionalism in the Perspective of Dependency Theory
    Liu Hong-song
    2004, (12):  44-49.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2852KB) ( )  
    Regionalism developed typically in the region of Latin America. Dependency theory mainly put forward by Latin American Scholars is an economical theory which focuses on how the developing countries realize their self-development in the world economical system. From its rising to decline and from its decline to rising again, Latin American regionalism was deeply influenced by various forms of dependency theories. The development of Latin American regionalism was closely related to the historical evolution of dependency theory. To some extent the warning of dependency theory also reveals the problems of the new Latin American regionalism and its challenges.
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    Corporation Reputation and Implicit Claims
    Li Jun-lin
    2004, (12):  50-56.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2837KB) ( )  
    From the perspective of contract theory, the paper explains the relation between corporation and its value. We argue that in selling a product or service or purchasing inputs, companies issue both explicit claims and implicit claims. Implicit claims have a value only if stakeholders will believe the company will honor them. It is in this context that reputation generates value to firms. The paper suggests that corporate reputation should be viewed through the lens of implicit contracts.
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    Duality of Social Custom in Transformation to Modernity during the Period of the Republic of China
    WU Xiao-ma
    2004, (12):  57-62.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2569KB) ( )  
    The transformational features of the Chinese society during the period of the Republic of China inevitably influenced the social custom. Influenced by the continuous transitioning nature of the society, characteristics of duality in modernization of the social custom were incurred. This was indicated in the coexistence of conflicting aspects.
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    An Analysis of a New Trend in Studies of the Party History since the 1990s
    SHEN Chuan-liang
    2004, (12):  70-75.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2659KB) ( )  
    Since the 1990s, there appeared a turning point in the studies of the Party history. Studies of the Party history tend to be more academic, with more empirical evidence, from a variety of perspectives, and using more complicated paradigms. This trend has greatly promoted prosperity of the studies of the history of the Communist Party of China.
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