ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    20 October 2001, Volume 35 Issue 10 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Knowledge Economy and Tendency of Mean Rate of Profits in Capitalist Society
    WANG Yong
    2001, (10):  16-22.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1121 )   PDF (1328KB) ( 1658 )  
    The declining tendency of mean rate profits in capitalist countries pointed out by Marx revealed the nature of capitalist industrial economy. However, the author observes, it does not seem to be the case under knowledge economy. This phenomenon can be accounted for by several factors. For one thing the capital of knowledge is relatively independent, and gradually gains a decisive position in the economy. For another, the intension and values of the labor force have changed. As a result the growth of changeable capital is no longer slower than that of the unchangeable capital. In fact, under knowledge economy the changeable capital actually grows faster than the unchangeable capital. Thus, a decreasing tendency of the organic composition of the capital becomes apparent, with the mean rate of profits on the rise. Nevertheless, the author maintains, this tendency will not change the general principle and tendency of accumulation of capital in capitalist society.
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    Changes and Influence of the Setup of Parties in West Europe after the Cold War
    DING Ru-jian, TANG Hai-jun
    2001, (10):  29-33.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1146 )   PDF (647KB) ( 1654 )  
    Certain changes have taken place in the setup of political parties in West Europe since the 1980s. And, the author points out, the situation tends to become more polarized. These changes have resulted from a series of factors such as the influence of post Cold War, changes in social and economic situations, in politics and the make up of the constituencies in various countries. Changes in the setup of political parties in West Europe will insert profound impact on the developmental tendency of politics in West Europe in the future.
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    US Scramble for Central Asia and Its Effects on Secure Environment around China
    LI Qing-si, XIAO Xian
    2001, (10):  34-40.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1407 )   PDF (803KB) ( 1837 )  
    The end of the Cold War and the disaggregation of USSR inevitably made Central Asia a strategically important region because of its rich resources of oil and gas big powers long to seize. Although Russia still considers Central Asia her strategic backyard, this region has actually become temporarily a “power vacuum” because Russia can no longer maintain its traditional hold there. Thus a chance for the United States to lay a hand on Central Asia is presented. A strategy of Central Asia is therefore designed to suit the global strategies of the United States in response to the eastward expansion of NATO and the needs to reinforce the US military treaty with Japan. The author concludes that the United States has strengthened its political, economic and military involvement in Central Asia, expecting to become the sole judge for affairs in that region.
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    Institutions, Institutional Evolution and Game Equilibrium
    LI Jun-lin, LI Shi-yin
    2001, (10):  44-50.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1118 )   PDF (728KB) ( 2272 )  
    The author points out that evolutionary game theory has inserted significant influence on the new systemic economics ever since it was introduced into this study area. It has offered a different interpretation of the transition of systems, though. Three methods of analysis are prominent today. They are a theory of the evolutionary emergence of social conventions, a theory of exchange or contract, and a bargaining theory. These theories are inter complementary to a certain degree. Therefore, integration of the three seems to be the only way to reach satisfactory solutions to problems.
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    Trade, Technology and Economic Growth
    WU Han-hong, WANG Qiang
    2001, (10):  51-56.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1013 )   PDF (531KB) ( 1577 )  
    According to the theory of internal growth the crucial aspect that determines long term economic growth is technology. Technology functions in two respects. The first one is accumulation of the capital of personnel, and the second one is progress in technology. These, in turn, are heavily influenced by trade. So long as appropriate policies of trade are carried out by the government the capital of personnel will be accumulated and progress in technology will be ensured.
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    Comment on Market Socialism Thought in the West in 1990s
    WANG Wei, NING Shao-lin
    2001, (10):  63-68.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1089 )   PDF (1011KB) ( 1805 )  
    Theories of market socialism prevailing in the West in the 1990s was an attempt of the leftist theorists to reach the goal of socialism under circumstances of the present capitalist system. It was meant to work out an alternative model with the intention to realize integration of efficiency and equity. Analyzing the background of the rise of this thought, its theoretical frame and its basic ideas in the light of Marxist theory can offer insight into economic reform and construction of socialist market economy in China.
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