ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    20 May 2001, Volume 35 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Expansion of Villager self-government and Related Issues
    JING Yue-jin
    2001, (5):  21-24.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1178 )   PDF (804KB) ( 1650 )  
    Legalization of a policy does not necessarily ensure institutionalization of it. Under circumstances of late development of modernization, the mobilization of policy process in China may lead to widening gaps between special cases and the general circumstances. Therefore, the author points out, very often pharisaism will result in the process of institutionalization because of existing differences in location as well as in potential interest in various regions. Consequently certain characteristics of political operation in China are reflected in individual cases of villager self-government.
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    Analyzing Human Beings and Their Economic Behaviors in the Light of Economics —A Comparative Study of Marxist Economics and New Systemic Economics
    HU Jun, LIU Feng-yi
    2001, (5):  35-41.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1206 )   PDF (1463KB) ( 1685 )  
    The point of departure in studying Marxist economics is always individual persons in real life situations. In the study of the new systemic economics, however, the point of departure is human beings in abstract terms categorized as individual economic man. It is true that Marxist economics recognizes personal material interests, and have the interests scientifically defined. The new systemic economics, the author maintains, only emphasizes abstract analysis of persuasion of maximum personal material interests, while neglects the social aspects of personal material interests in reality. According to Marxist economics, realization of personal interests is not merely through rational selection of individuals, but rather, it is determined by regulation of social production relations instead. The new systemic economics, on the contrary, believes that it is individual rational choice that determines realization of personal interest and in turn leads to social changes.
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    Explanation and Misinterpretation —Evaluating Elaboration on Marxist Philosophy Offered by Theorists from the Second International
    ZHENG Zhao-li
    2001, (5):  42-48.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1245 )   PDF (1532KB) ( 1618 )  
    After Marx and Engels passed away, Marxist philosophy has experienced complicated and repeated processes of revision. Being unquestionably successors of Marxism, theorists from the Second International made efforts to defend Marxism against mentalism and revisionism, generalizing and elaborating on Marxism with philosophical theories. However, due to historical limitations and their misinterpretation of Marxist philosophy these theorists failed to understand the practical nature of Marxist philosophy and the innovation function it played in history of philosophy. They also missed the significant touch of modernity in Marxist philosophy. Thus they regarded Marxist philosophy as a branch of modern philosophy, and hence neglected the distinction between Marxist philosophy and old materialism. In their interpretation of Marxist philosophy, the essential characteristics were ignored and made demonstrative and dogmatic. As a result, development of Marxist philosophy was hindered.
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    New Development in Management Construct Theory of Dealing Cost Economics
    WANG Jian
    2001, (5):  56-61.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1042 )   PDF (519KB) ( 2275 )  
    Management construct theory comes from economics and law in dealing cost economics that explains management mechanism in enterprises. In recent years new development has been achieved in this area. Based on further analysis of the law of contract and organization of enterprises, this theory defines the nature, the characteristics and adaptivity of various kinds of management construct, and explains adaptivity of enterprises in choosing management construct. This article focuses on representative new ideas of management construct theory, namely, the law of contract and management construct, hierarchical system and management construct, adaptivity and management construct, nature of management construct and model of management and so on.
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    Global Governance in the Third Way Theory Proposed by Labor Party of UK
    LIU Ren-sheng
    2001, (5):  62-68.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1114 )   PDF (1137KB) ( 1695 )  
    In the past ten years, the author observes, in UK, U.S.A. and a majority of European countries left-wing Parties have taken the office. The third way theory proposed by Labor Party of UK is just a reflection and theoretical guidance of this reality. The author holds that this phenomenon can be accounted for by adjustment policies made in developed countries in the West in the face of decomposition of the bi-polar world setup. This article is, therefore, meant to introduce theories of global governance in the third way theory, and reveal its nature of hegemony.
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