ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    20 October 2000, Volume 34 Issue 10 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    A Study of Strategies and Measurements for Restructure of Township Enterprises and Development of Rural Market
    MA Xiao-he, JIANG Chang-yun
    2000, (10):  5-11.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1076 )   PDF (1081KB) ( 1639 )  
    The township enterprises are now faced with the task of restructure,which is of great significance for construction of the rural market and development of the national economy.To fulfill this task under circumstances of modern market economy new ideas are in demand.These new ideas,the author points out,should cover the following points:rural development in line with the general development of the national economy,adhering to the principle of integration of the urban and rural areas,seeking new advantages in competition,fostering a large number of entrepreneurs,establishing unified labor market,quickening the development of towns and promoting service industry in the rural areas.
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    Theories of Balanced and Unbalanced Regional Economic Development
    CHEN Xiu-shan, SHI Bi-hua
    2000, (10):  12-18.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 2429 )   PDF (793KB) ( 2526 )  
    Balance and unbalance are the alternative themes in the course of regional economic development.Together they stimulate development of the regional economic system,pushing it to achieve a higher level of accomplishment.Ever since the policies of reform and open up went into effect,China has adapted the strategy of unbalanced development in favor of the east and south along the coastline.Once the market economic system is established,however,development of the west becomes inevitable.Again the strategy of unbalanced development is suitable where particular areas are addressed first and emphases are put on different levels of development at different times.
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    A Survery of Studies in Marxist “Transformation of Values” by Scholars in the West
    XIE Fu-sheng
    2000, (10):  19-26.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1086 )   PDF (1508KB) ( 1976 )  
    Debates among Western scholars over Marxist theory of “transformation form the values the prices of production”have been going on for almost a hundred years.Looking back into the history one can find out that the debates have actually undergone three stages.The period between the late 19th century and early 20th century is the first stage.At this stage the debate revolves around whether Volumes 1 and 3 of CAPITAL contain conflicting ideas.From the first half of the 20th century to 1980s is the second stage.During this period the theme is whether the data Marx cited to support his theory are sufficient enough.Actually this topic is a question of transformation in the narrow sense.The question of transformation in a broad sense is raised at the third stage which starts from the 1960,when the scholars are engaged in the debate over whether the theory of value production cost transformation founded by Marx is necessary at all.
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    Another Kind of Transcental Philosophy ——On Karl-Otto Apel’s Philosophy
    Li Hong
    2000, (10):  27-33.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1464 )   PDF (789KB) ( 1643 )  
    The German philosopher Karl-Otto Apel attempted to reform Kant’s transcendental philosophy.He aimed at founding another kind of transcendental philosophy named transcendental philosophy which can bridge the hermeneutics and the analytic philosophy.The core of transcendental semiotics lies in the priori nature of language supported by language communication community.In this way,Apel’s transcendental philosophy offers a dialectic mediation by semiotization of Kant’s philosophy so as to link explanation and understanding on the basis of linguistic analytic philosophy.
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    Functionalism in Theory of European Integration
    FANG Le-xian
    2000, (10):  34-38.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1366 )   PDF (552KB) ( 2288 )  
    Functionalism is one of the major theories to understanding European integration after the World War Two.It holds the idea of restricting national states to achieve the objective of peace as a starting point,and proposes setting up functional world organizations whose structures are in line with the functions.Functionalists believe that cooperation may automatically expand,that is,successful cooperation in one area may stimulate cooperation in other areas.To a large extent it is functionalism that has influenced and shaped the process of European integration.Nevertheless,the functionalist theory is not without limitations because of such defects as insufficient theoretical assumptions,rigid classification of “technical” and “political”functions,and the tendency of over emphasizing the wisdom of technical experts,etc.
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    Analyzing the Trend of Thought of Scientism in Modern China
    YAN Run-yu
    2000, (10):  39-45.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1237 )   PDF (1173KB) ( 1695 )  
    Modern science was born in the West with but instrumental rationalist significance.After being introduced to China,however,it was made to be mingled up with beliefs by the intellectuals.By the time the May 4th movement started the features of science as a form of knowledge had become obscure,and science,in turn,took up an ideological role of restructure the society.This misinterpretation of science inevitably led to a overflow of the thought of scientism.Consequently,instead of enlihtening people’s mind,the “theory of universal scientific method”came to restrict the mind.
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