ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    20 May 1997, Volume 31 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    From Mao Zedong to Deng Xiaoping:Historical Development in China s Policy Concerning Hong Kong
    Qi Peng-fei
    1997, (6):  5-11,64.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2316KB) ( )  
    The historical changes in China's policy concerning Hong Kong has undergone two eras,that is,the Era of Mao Zedong and the Era of Deng Xiaoping.Mao Zedong represents the first generation of Party Leaders who,at the dawn of liberation,decided on and carried out a policy of leaving Hong Kong as it is for a relatively long period of time,and taking advantage of that situation.After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Party Conference Deng Xiaoping,who represents the second generation of Pary Leaders,prompted an approach of one country with two systems to the problem of Hong Kong and put it into operation.The essence of this policyis that while China remains asocialist country forever Hong Kong will maintain capitalist system for 50 years after it is returned to China,The procedure of returning Hong Kong to China is actualy the process of putting Deng Xiaoping s'scientifi cproposal into practice.
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    Rearrangement of Debts in State-Owned Enterprises and Optimization of Capital Stucture
    Yang Rui-long
    1997, (6):  12-17,64.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (893KB) ( )  
    As far as an enterprise is concerned,being heavily indebt does not always mean owing too much debt.There are other aspects to be taken into considerat ion too,namely prospect of development,prof it making ability,and the ability to repay capital withint erest.Evidence shows that being too heavily indebt and with too poor ability to repay have become serious obstacles to further reform in state-owned enterprises.The main cause for this lies in the inappropriate capital structure.Therefore,while rearranging debts in state-ownedent erprises,we must take pains to iron out systems that may lead to too much debt,improve the capital structure,avoid over use of bankrupt,and properly balance the interests of the state finance,the bank and the enterprise.
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    On Criticism from Western Marxism against Soviet Marxism
    Chen Zhen-ming
    1997, (6):  24-29,63,64.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1668KB) ( )  
    The article holds that criticism against Soviet Marxism from Western Marxists such as Lukacs、Korsch、Gramsci have comm itted serious mistakes.They assumed that there were confilcing ideas among Marx,Engels and Lenin.They also gave up the theoretical basis of nature as the noumenon of historical materialism,and fell into the trap of historical relativity or historical idealism.They cut off the links between repudiation and revolution that were actually nature of Marxism,belittle or even deny Lenins great cont ributions in insisting and developing Marxism.On the other hand,they have certain theoretical support while criticizing that the Soviet Marxism to have turned Marxism to dogmatism and pragmatism.Some of their ideas are worthwhile,too.
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    Evolution and Tendency of Modern Conception of Development
    Ren Ping, Chen Zhong
    1997, (6):  43-48,64.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1281KB) ( )  
    The conception of development as the premise and essence of the development theory and development science has undergone a series of changes.The first stage of changes is from development theory of objectivity to development theory of subjectivity.At this stage development is cat egorized as development of things other than humans.That is,from considering economic increase and accumulation of fortune as measurement of development to conception considering modernization of humans as motivation of development and principal criterion of development conception.The second stage refers to the correlation theory.It contains the center-edget heoryor dependence theory,along with Parus development subjectivity,cultural values,and theories of structure of international association as well.The third stage displays a change from civilization conflict given rise by the theory of passive multiple association to a pattern of multiple subjectivity that reflects a theory of globalized development.
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    On the Comncerning Chinas Strategic Position in the World Today
    Xu Cheng-fang
    1997, (6):  49-53,64.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1159KB) ( )  
    Ideas concerning China strategic position in the world at home and abroad can be classified as three groups.1,thet heory of China descending strategic position.It denies the historicalf act sthat the strategic position of new China in the world has been on the rise,and miscalculates her trend of development under the circumstances of world wide multilevel and integrative progress.2,the theory of imperil from China.This is the product of the West centered concept and the Cold War.It is meant to threaten and to contain China.3,the theory of anunavoidable powerful China.Regarding China as a big power,this theory emphasizes that China a development should be restrained within limits.For this end it maintains that ameasure of half contacting and half suppressing is the right strategy.None of these theories offers an objective and appropriate estimate of China's strategic position in the world.The only one that does is the one level concept charact eristic of the Chinese style.
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