ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

Teaching and Research ›› 2023, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (9): 61-75.

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Motives and Logic of the Evolution of World Politics: Thoughts on the System of Principles of World Politics


  1. School of International Studies, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China
  • Online:2023-09-16 Published:2023-09-13



  1. 中国人民大学国际关系学院
  • 作者简介:杨光斌,中国人民大学国际关系学院教授(北京 100872)。

Abstract: Existing theories of international relations cannot explain major international issues such as how Chinas rise has changed the world order. The Chinese studies of world politics has provided substantial inspiration, so it is urgent to build a discipline of world politics. The research finds that the world market, which contains technology and capital, and the political thoughts generated by the world market, have connected isolated countries or regions and formed an interactive institutionalized network. Therefore, the units of analysis of world politics should be the world market and political thoughts, which are also the driving force of world political changes. The logic of the evolution of world politics is that social history has led to competitive and antagonistic resource allocation, which in turn has given birth to the world market, while the dominant and the dominated in the world market construct their own political ideas and thoughts, which has changed the political systems and brought about changes in the relations between great powers and in the world order. World politics is a contradictory body, and confrontation has been a constant feature of the history of world politics. Nevertheless, China, a country brought forth by the political history, has entered into the world arena, and its approach to development and its worldview will certainly contribute to the formation of a new form of human civilization.

Key words: world politics, world markets, political thought, a new form of human civilization

摘要: 现有的国际关系理论均不能解释中国崛起何以改变了世界秩序这等重大的国际问题,而具有中国传统的世界政治研究则给予实质性启发,因此亟待建设一门世界政治学。研究发现,包含了技术和资本的世界市场和产生于世界市场的政治思潮将隔离性国家或地区联结起来而形成互动的制度化网络,因此世界政治学的研究单元应该是世界市场和政治思潮,它们也是推动世界政治变迁的动力。世界政治演变的逻辑则是社会史导致竞争性、对抗性资源分配并由此催生了世界市场,而在世界市场中的支配者和被支配者则分别构建了属于自己的政治观念和政治思潮,政治思潮改变着政治制度并带来大国关系和世界秩序的变革。世界政治是一个矛盾体,对抗性伴随着世界政治史。但是,诞生于政治史的中国进入世界舞台,其发展方式和世界观必将有助于形成人类文明新形态。

关键词: 世界政治学, 世界市场, 政治思潮, 人类文明新形态