ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    16 August 2019, Volume 53 Issue 8 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    The Evolution of UrbanRural Relations in the 70 Years Since the Founding of New China
    Kong Xiangzhi
    2019, 53 (8):  5-14.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (7781KB) ( )  
    In the 70 years since the founding of New China, the urbanrural relationship has undergone a turning point and can be divided into three periods. First, during
    the period of severe deviation before the reform, under the traditional system consisting of the unified purchasing and marketing system, the people's commune system, and the “three pillars” of the household registration system, farmers accumulating funds for the industrialization of the country through the “scissors difference” of agricultural taxes and industrial and agricultural products, resulting in The serious deviation of urbanrural relations and the loss of agricultural and rural selfdevelopment capabilities. The second is from the reform and opening up to the improvement period before the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Due to the implementation of a series of “three rural” policies, the urbanrural relationship has intensified from the “restorative relaxation” in the early stage of reform to the tension in the late 20th century, and then to the “substantial improvement” in the new century due to changes in policies, institutions, and mechanisms. Third, the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed a strategy for rural revitalization, and China's urbanrural relationship entered a period of integrated development. It is expected that when urbanization is basically achieved in 2035, the urbanrural relationship as a whole will reach the level of the current developed counties and cities.
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    The Historical Achievements and Basic Experience of China's Consultative Democracy Construction for 70 Years
    Wang Yongxiang, Lu Weiming
    2019, 53 (8):  15-23.  DOI:
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    Socialist consultative democracy is an endogenous institutional civilization in ChinaSince the CPPCC formally established consultative democracy in 1949, China's consultative democracy has experienced a historical evolution from the establishment and development at the country's macropolitical level to the gradual expansion of the grassroots social field, and then to the institutionalization and systematic comprehensive developmentAfter 70 years of active exploration, socialist consultative democracy has made a series of breakthrough achievements, such as establishing a sound institutional system, innovating the realization form, forming a complete operation system, and realizing the organic combination of consultative democracy and electoral democracyAt the same time, it also provides rich and valuable experience for the future development of consultative democracy, it mainly reflects in the fact that the leadership of the CPC provides a fundamental guarantee to consultative democracy, the mass line and consultative democracy are mutually complementary with a dialectic unification relationship, the construction of legal system, legal mechanism and legal culture is basic guarantee, consultative democracy is the prominent advantages of Chinas democracyAt this new historical juncture, it is necessary to further promote the institutionalization, standardization and procedural development of consultative democracy, emphatically strengthening the legalization of consultative democracy, vigorously building a scientific and complete procedural mechanism, actively cultivating the culture of consultative democracy, and effectively enhancing the institutional confidence of consultative democracy
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    Review and Reflection on the CenturyOld Interpretation Process of Materialism and Empirical Criticism
    Chai Linli, Liu Huaiyu
    2019, 53 (8):  24-32.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (7362KB) ( )  
    Lenin's philosophical thought is an important field in the study of Marxist thought. Materialism and Empirical Criticism is a theoretical work on the study of
    Lenin's thoughts. Over the past century, scholars at home and abroad have diversified their interpretation of the idea of Materialism and Empirical Criticism. In Materialism and Empirical Criticism, did Lenin defend and rigidly deal with the second international theory, or did he start to awaken and carry out theoretical innovation in the face of philosophical crisis? Is Lenin's philosophical thinking a straightline understanding of teleology, or is it a heterogeneous understanding of fracture theory or a historical analysis of it? Is the question of the principle of philosophy's party nature outdated? These are the key issues that scholars focus on when studying “approval”. This paper tries to analyze and reflect on the 100year interpretation process of Materialism and Empirical Criticism by analyzing the existing research results of scholars at home and abroad, and bring new enlightenment and theoretical selfconfidence to the study of Marxist philosophy with Chinese characteristics in the 21st century.
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    Political Economy of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics:Concept Analysis  and Discourse Construction
    Zhou Wen, Li Chao
    2019, 53 (8):  33-45.  DOI:
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    Since the founding of New China 70 years ago, China's economic development has made great achievements and created a miracle of economic development that has attracted worldwide attention. However, some scholars are unconsciously influenced by Western discourse when they refine and summarize the great successful practices and experiences of China's economic development. Some important economic concepts are misused and mixed in academia. Based on this, this paper analyzes four related concepts that are more important and seemingly the same in the current Chinese economic development practice. This paper emphasizes that marketoriented reform is not equal to privatization reform. Government regulation is not equal to government intervention. Economic system reform is not equal to economic system transition, and China's road is not equal to China's model. This paper believes that only by clearly distinguishing and clearly distinguishing these concepts can we better describe the vivid experiences and experiences of China's economic development, so as to better construct the theoretical system and discourse system of socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics.
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    Breaking Through the Key Core Technologies of Manufacturing:Innovation Subject, Social Conditions and Main Direction
    Xie Fusheng, Wang Song
    2019, 53 (8):  46-56.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (8872KB) ( )  
    To promote the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and economic and social development, we must adhere to the enterprise as the main
    body, face the needs of the society, and promote the key core technological innovation of the manufacturing industry. The innovation process is uncertain, cumulative and collective. It requires enterprises to adapt to the characteristics of innovation and social conditions, always adhere to the innovation strategy, ensure the continued investment of funds, and organize and coordinate human resources. Enterprises should seize the focus of contemporary manufacturing technology innovation, focus on key core component innovations, and establish key core component development platforms. Enterprises must cultivate a talent team that meets the requirements of innovation and development, and effectively improve their technological innovation capabilities, thereby breaking through key core technologies, promoting highquality development of manufacturing industries, and truly achieving innovationdriven development.
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    On the Moral Philosophy Dimension of a Better Life
    Yan Hui
    2019, 53 (8):  57-66.  DOI:
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    Good life as a descriptive proposition is essentially a value judgment. Like happiness and happiness, it is difficult to quantify, and more difficult to achieve
    scientific consensus. But this does not preclude people from reaching a consensus on understanding the good life and creating a sense of commonality. According to the understanding of moral philosophy, good life is related to three kinds of good, namely the goodness of the body, the external goodness and the goodness of the soul. In the specific way to achieve a better life, there are two paths from the outside to the inside and from the inside to the outside. The good life of moral philosophy focuses on the goodness between the subject and the goodness of the subject itself. The lack of or the lack of goodness is good, and the good life is primary and incomplete.
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    Cultural Relativism in Contemporary Cultural Philosophy
    Yuan Xin
    2019, 53 (8):  67-75.  DOI:
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    Cultural relativism is a relatively extreme trend of cultural philosophy derived from cultural pluralism. However, cultural pluralism is not equal to cultural
    relativism, or acknowledging the relativity of culture does not necessarily lead to cultural relativism. The basic ideological characteristics of cultural relativism are to emphasize the uniqueness and difference of national culture, to deny the monistic view of cultural evolution and historical progress, to deny the universal general rules and laws of the development of human culture, and to deny the universal measure of value among different national cultures. Therefore, it holds that there are incomparability and incommensurability among different national cultures. Cultural relativism has its positive theoretical value, and at the same time it has its own inherent contradictions and limitations that cannot be overcome by itself.
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    On the Triple Logic of Integrating Revolutionary Culture into College Ideological and Political Theory Courses
    He Husheng,Zhao Wenxin
    2019, 53 (8):  76-83.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (6235KB) ( )  
    The ideological and political theory course of colleges is the main approach for ideological and political education for college students, shouldering the
    fundamental tasks of enhancing morality and fostering talentsThe revolutionary culture is an important carrier for the ideological and political theory class to achieve this missionHow to make the revolutionary culture better integrate into the ideological and political theory courses in colleges and play its unique role in educating people, it is necessary to correctly understand and accurately grasp the three logic of value, problem and practiceFirst of all, fully understand the ‘three in one’ significance played by the revolutionary cultureSecondly, gradually clarify the existing obstacles of the revolutionary culture reflected in the table of knowledge, methods and valuesFinally, implement the effective path of “four in one” in which teachers and students are collaborated, hardware and software are matched, history and reality are unified, and theory and practice are echoed
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    On the Affinity of Ideological and Political Education and Its Improvement
    Wang Xingang
    2019, 53 (8):  84-91.  DOI:
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    The affinity of ideological and political education as a kind of cultural power is the state of mutual attraction and closeness between the educational content
    of ideological and political educators and the ideological concepts of educational objects. For the study of the improvement of the affinity of ideological and political education, there are mainly three perspectives of “education process”, “course element” and “affinity factor”. Jumping out of the research paradigm of affinity from the perspective of ideological and political education process theory, and exploring the theoretical and practical issues of “how to improve”, we must not only reflect the realistic view of theoretical research, but also enhance the theoretical abstraction of educational activities. We need to study the basic theoretical issues such as “impossible”, “why should it be necessary” and “why is it realistic” in the affinity of ideological and political education, and we need to delve into the specific countermeasures such as “language expression”, “humor sense” and “gamification”. Only in this way can we create a high degree, temperature and depth of ideological and political education.
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    Theoretical Debate and Reflection on the Representative Mechanism in Deliberative Democracy
    Zhou Jieling, Tan Huosheng
    2019, 53 (8):  92-102.  DOI:
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    The representative mechanism is an important element in the construction of deliberative democracy, and it deal with the problem of “who is involved in
    deliberate”. In the past half century, the study of representative theory has gone through a process of change from “standard account” to “multiple interpretation”. The deliberative democrats gradually realized the necessity of the representative, and in the practice of deliberative democracy they also found the mechanism of deliberative representative, which is different from the electoral model. On the theoretical level, scholars have debated the legitimacy of deliberative representatives from the formal and substantive dimensions. On the practical level, scholars have explained the new pattern of representative mechanism in the minipublic, and explored the connection between deliberative representative and elected representative. Based on systematically literature review, in this paper we put forward some preliminary thoughts for the future research of deliberative democracy representative.
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    Economic Picture and Theoretical Construction:From Schumpeter to the Monopoly Capital School
    Zhang Xueqin
    2019, 53 (8):  103-112.  DOI:
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    The monopoly capital school is an important genre of contemporary Western Marxist economics and has had a major impact on American radical political economy. The school is based on the basic contradiction between the production of surplus value and the realization of surplus value. With the economic stagnation as the basic economic picture, the monopoly capital theory is constructed on the basis of critically absorbing the extensive discussion of Keynes and Veblen. Although Schumpeter appreciated Sweezy, the founder of the monopoly capital school, the monopoly capital school largely rejected Schumpeter's thoughts compared to the schools massive absorption of Keynesian and Veblen's ideas. Based on this, this paper intends to examine Schumpeters theoretical dilemma from the perspective of economic landscape and theoretical model construction, analyze the reasons for such a huge contrast, and explore the impact of the monopoly capital schools rejection on the construction of monopoly capital theory.
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