ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    16 March 2019, Volume 53 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Analysis on the Changes of Chinas Credit Values in the Past 40 Years of Reform and Openingup——Based on the Analysis of CCTV Spring Festival Gala Show
    Feng Xiujun, Yang Zhongying
    2019, 53 (3):  5-13.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (6889KB) ( )  
    Honesty is an important part of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation and the core values of socialism, and it is also the focus of civic moral construction. The CCTV Spring Festival Gala, which grew up with the reform and opening up, is called the “panorama” of Chinas social development. The show of the Spring Festival Gala are not only an art form that the public enjoy, but also a vane of artistic and living display of Chinese values. Based on the analysis of the value of the integrity theme in the performance of the Spring Festival Gala, this paper analyzes the main characteristics of the construction of Chinas integrity values in the past 40 years of reform and opening up, and analyzes the causes of the integrity issues in different periods. On this basis, this paper puts forward an important path to build a credit system based on interest coordination and foster a good social integrity culture in the New Era.
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    The Chinese Road in the Vision of Historical Materialism#br#
    Tang Aijun
    2019, 53 (3):  14-22.  DOI:
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    Explaining the Chinese road is an urgent academic task. Only by standing on the historical materialism can we correctly explain the Chinese road and avoid falling into the trap of “Chinese road, Western discourse.” The review of the historical materialism of the Chinese road involves at least three important themes: First, based on the effective distinction between the “developed socialist view” and the “developing socialist view”, grasping the modernization theme of the Chinese road. Second, based on the social form and the logic of production methods, it is revealed that the Chinese road should follow the modernization law with industrialization and marketization as the core. The third is to explain the unique nature of the new modernity of the Chinese road based on Marxs “Critique of Modernity of Capital” theory. Only in this way can the Chinese road show its “essential height of history.”
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    On the “Nature of Research” of Marxs “Anthropological Notes”
    Lin Feng
    2019, 53 (3):  23-28.  DOI:
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    Clarifying the true relationship between Marxs “Anthropological Notes” and “Anthropology” and correctly defining the“nature of research”of those notes is of great significance for a deep understanding of Marxs academic interest and academic contribution in his later years. In his later years, Marxs academic research in his “Anthropological Notes” should not be characterized as “anthropological research” of empirical science and empirical science, but should be defined as a “historical philosophy study” of historical materialism. The Notes were made in line with Marxs important historical materialism “innovation plan” in his later years. In his later years, Marx tried to use the latest scientific achievements of the worlds anthropology at that time to creatively develop historical materialism and systematically explore and formulate the theories about the primitive society and the origin of civilization. Clarifying this point will help to restore the truth of the history of Marxist thought and refute the views of the Western academic circles on the“two Marx”opposition.
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    Two Interpretation Methods and Reflections on the Theory of Class Struggle in the Communist Manifesto
    Zhang Dang
    2019, 53 (3):  29-37.  DOI:
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    The word “Class”occupies an extremely important position in the Marxist theory. In the Communist Manifesto, Marx explained the basic content of historical materialism through the historical interpretation of class and class struggle, not only promoted the confirmation of the proletariat itself, but also promoted the proletariat in Europe and the world's revolutionary activities. However, Marx and Engels did not make a clear definition on the “class” concept and led to different understanding and interpretation of the concept which fanally came up with two ways of interpretation: one is the Reformism and another is Revolutionism. This has produced profound effect on the development and dissemination of Marxs class theory. At same time it caused confusions for people to understand the core theory of Communist Manifesto .
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    On the“Newness”of the New Political Party System——Comparing the Analysis from the Perspective of Political Parties#br#
    Yang Deshan
    2019, 53 (3):  38-46.  DOI:
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    From the perspective of comparative party system, the“newness” of contemporary Chinese party system is as follows: compared with the political party system of capitalism, it is based on scientific theory and adheres to the “class nature” of the essence of political parties, the“historic” of the basic features and the “inclusiveness” of cultural support. Compared with the political party system of other socialist countries, it is different from the legally competitive “multiparty system” that emerged in Russia after the October Revolution, and it is different from the “multiparty system” in the form of some socialist countries, but a noncompetitive “oneparty leadership, multiparty cooperation” system that plays an important role in real life. Compared with the choice of other political parties in modern Chinese history, the fact that the Western Republics “multiparty system” was copied in the early Republic of China and the Kuomintangs implementation of the “oneparty dictatorship” system failed, only the multiparty cooperation and political consultation system led by the Communist Party of China was the most suitable for Chinas national conditions. This system has been in operation for 70 years and is still alive and well, becoming a new type of party system in the world.
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    The Paradox of Capitalist Social Innovation from the Perspective of Marxist Political Economy
    Hu Lifa
    2019, 53 (3):  47-55.  DOI:
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    Marxist political economy believes that the majority of laborers are the main body of innovation in capitalist society, but the innovation in capitalist society limits the free development of human beings. Innovation has laid the ideological material foundation for the emergence and development of capitalist society and improved the productivity of capitalist society, but innovation is also the foundation of the capitalist social and economic crisis. The innovation of capitalist society has increased the wealth of capitalists, but it has caused the poverty of the working class. Innovation in capitalist society cannot eliminate contradictions in capitalist society, and socialism will replace capitalism. Only the socialist system can eliminate the phenomenon of machine alienation and human alienation in capitalist society, so that workers can truly control the free time created by themselves.
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    Historical Materialism,Community of Shared Future for Mankind and the Global Commons Governance
    Yang Hao
    2019, 53 (3):  56-65.  DOI:
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    The material transformation between human and nature is the historical driving force for human society to explore and develop the global commons. It is the reflection of the general law of Marxs historical materialism in the surface space of the earth. The existing global public domain governance mechanism is the result of the compromise of the state under the limits of productivity and the structural pressure brought about by the globalization of capitalism, driven by the capitalist expansion instinct. In the implementation of the superstructure of the global destiny, we must consider the transformation of production methods and material foundations in the global sphere, and promote the common interests of human society and sustainable development practice space by emphasizing the value of shared use.
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    Traditional Chinese Culture and the Construction of Chinas Diplomatic Discourse System: The Case of Early Stage of China s Reform and Openingup
    He Wei
    2019, 53 (3):  66-74.  DOI:
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    Culture relates closely to diplomacy. Traditional Chinese culture serves as the philosophical foundation for Chinese diplomatic thoughts and actions. China s  diplomatic thoughts and discourse construction during the initial period of Reform and Openingup are influenced deeply by the traditional Chinese culture, which is manifested in three aspects——the chosen way and the independent foreign policy of peace, the way of dealing with the outside and the policy of Taoguangyanghui and Yousuozuowei (avoid limelight, never take the lead, and accomplish something), the way of exchanges and the five principles of peaceful coexistence. Discussing the logical linkages between traditional Chinese culture and the diplomatic discourse system in the initial era of Reform and Openingup can help us to further tap the richness of traditional culture, better our diplomatic discourse system, construct a better narrative of Chinas new diplomatic concepts and practices, and promote a diversified development of the world discourse in the New Era.
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    The Modern Money Theory s View of Fiscal Deficit and the Fallacies of Western Mainstream Economics
    Jia Genliang,Lan Wushuang
    2019, 53 (3):  75-85.  DOI:
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    With the great financial crisis breaking out, fiscal stimulus around the world have brought a huge scale of government deficit and debt, and the current wave against fiscal deficit hold by the western politic elites and mainstream macroeconomics relies on their heavily defective theory and conservative ideologyThis paper reexamined some central perspectives on government deficit of western mainstream macroeconomics by a monetary theory of public finance, and refuted some fallacies regarding GBC, crowding out effect and inflationary effect of debt monetizationAnd we hold the ideas that there is no budget constraint on central government under a state monetary systems, deficit spending crowds in private investment and is not necessarily related to inflation,and helps to promote national income and reduce the attachment to foreign economyWe conclude that China needs to simply reject neoliberalism policy prescriptions, and form the view of fiscal deficit fitting in with modern economy and our national interests under the public purpose of our government
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    The Breakout and Achievement of the Dilemma of Public Interest Interpretation
    Zhang Fanghua
    2019, 53 (3):  86-94.  DOI:
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    The public interest in the Western context usually has four interpretation methods: ethics, nothingness, process theory and consensus. This is actually a direct or indirect reflection of the three major schools of liberalism, communitarianism and republicanism. Liberalism emphasizes private interests, communityism advocates public interest, and modern constitutional republicanism is somewhere in between, seeking a balance between the two. The ideal constitutional system and the rule of law require both safeguarding the public interest as a common good and ensuring the private interests of citizens. Democracy, the rule of law and virtue constitute the three major elements of constitutional republicanism. The three support each other and unite with each other to present a complete picture of constitutional republic. To a large extent, it will be the the conclusion of public interest interpretation dilemma.
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    A Discuss on the Issue of Using International MOOC to Enhance International Discourse Power
    Zhao Ziyu
    2019, 53 (3):  95-104.  DOI:
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    In recent years, the rise of MOOCs in the world has provided a new invisible field for countries to shape the right to speak internationally. At present, several universities in China have launched more than 70 humanities and social science courses that help to enhance Chinas international voice on the international platform, including courses on Chinese traditional culture and values, and ideological and political theory courses and Chinese teaching. These courses have become an important carrier for telling Chinese stories and conveying Chinese voices. However, these courses face the challenges of internal congenital insufficiency and external Western strong discourse. We need to take effective measures from a strategic perspective and give full play to the positive role of international MOOCs in enhancing Chinas international voice.
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    Totality as Concrete——Raymond Williamss Reinterpretation of the Concept of Hegemony#br#
    Liu Juan
    2019, 53 (3):  105-112.  DOI:
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    In the late stage, British cultural Marxist Raymond Williams is committed to a paradigm transition to western Marxism by reinterpreting Gramscis concept of hegemony. This article argues that, this reinterpretation mainly includes two aspects: first, both covering and transcending culture and ideology, the term hegemony is concerned to depict the production of meaning and value which always connected with power; Second, any kind of hegemony in existence is a concrete totality, that is a complex composed of multiple forces, and also takes on a tendency of totalization because the different articulation of contradictory relationship.
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