ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    16 January 2018, Volume 52 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    “The Belt and Road” Initiative is a Great Innovation of the Sinicization of Marxism
    Yang Zhi, Qin Zhen
    2018, 52 (1):  5-14.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (9686KB) ( )  
    The article reviews and combs the four years progress of “The Belt and Road” initiative since it has been put forward, interprets the era background and paradox of the great discourse effect and practical effect generated by the “initiative” both domestic and international in a short time,  interprets the inner motivation and cooperation mechanism of the transformation of “The Belt and Road” from the initiative proposed by President Xi to the construction of the countries and regions along the line, reveals how the scientific conception of the world characterized by the “Five Development Concept” are translated into scientific methods and innovative practice to propose the Chinese wisdom and China plans for the “world confusion” and “era paradox”. From the perspective of the sinicization of Marxism, the article aims to explain the contributions of “The Belt and Road” initiative and construction in keeping opening up new realms of Marxism.
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    An Analysis of Inclusive Globalization Theory and the Leading Path under the Background of Chinas “The Belt and Road” Initiative#br#
    Gong Xiao-ying, Chen Jian
    2018, 52 (1):  15-22.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (7989KB) ( )  
    The inclusive globalization under the background of “The Belt and Road” initiative, is proposed to deal with the global development imbalances caused by the domination of the traditional Western globalization. At present, both the government and the scholars have realized that the inclusive connotation of “The Belt and Road” initiative can achieve different globalization. But there is still little research on in the academic circles concerning the connotation, the characteristics of globalization and inclusiveness of  “The Belt and Road” initiative leading the inclusive globalization. Based on the theoretical definition of inclusiveness, globalization, mutual benefit, fairness and inclusiveness, this paper analyzes the dilemma of the development of inclusive globalization, such as the lack of trust and the constraints of big powers. This paper expounds that China, through “The Belt and Road” initiative, can promote the multilateral trading system, opening up inclusive E trade era, eliminate trade barriers of the other countries along the belt and road path, which will help promote the development of inclusive globalization.
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    The Analysison “The Belt and Road” Initiative from the Perspective of Resource Interest Disparity
    Wu Jing-jing
    2018, 52 (1):  23-29.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (7165KB) ( )  
    In light of the disparity of resource interests over countries, “The Belt and Road” initiative is designed to realize the mutual resource interests among “The Belt and Road” countries by enhancing their cooperation and collaboration, and making full use of their advantages, rather than enabling China to extract foreign countries resources and selfishly boosting its own resource interest. This paper makes a theoretical analysis on three factors exerting impacts on the disparity of resource interests, namely natural factor, technological factor and institutional factor, and provides suggestions to narrow this disparity and balance resource interest among “The Belt and Road” countries via these three dimensions.
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    On the Relationship between Marxism Study and Marxism Belief
    Liu Jian-jun
    2018, 52 (1):  30-36.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (6452KB) ( )  
    In the construction of the subject of Marxist theory, the study of the relationship between Marxism and the belief in Marxism is becoming more and more prominent. It is an urgent problem to be studied and solved. If we handle it well, we can make research and faith promote and complement each other. Otherwise, the two will be damaged. Because the Marxism belief has a scientific basis and a rational way, also because we have a dialectic and thoughtful thinking, we can unify faith and research in the construction of Marxist theory. In the process, we should play the role of faith as the driving force, guidance and stipulation of research. On the other hand, we should also give full play of the role of research in supporting, deepening and perfecting the belief.
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    On the Theory of Orientation and Chinas Judgment of Globalization and Antiglobalization
    2018, 52 (1):  37-44.  DOI:
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    With the speeding up of globalization and antiglobalization movement also appeared a new dynamic and change, both interdependence, mutual influence, mutual transformation. Their theoretical core is the general contact under globalization. As Chinas national strength increasing, increasing status in the international arena, China in the face of globalization and antiglobalization problems put forward “human destiny community” of China. This not only helps to deal with complex and changeable international situation, realize “Two Centenary Goals”,but also provide the Chinese wisdom to the harmonious development of human society.
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    Text, History and Problems——“Young Marx” from the Perspective of the Development of Marxist Philosophy in 21st Century
    Zhou Jia-xin
    2018, 52 (1):  45-53.  DOI:
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    The question of “Young Marx” constitutes a focus on the development of Marxism in the twentieth century, especially in the study of Marxist philosophy. The discussion of this issue depends on a large number of Marxs unpublished texts, and they are full of ideological differences and even confrontations, and presents different characteristics along with the historical changes of Marxism. Taking “Young Marx” as the breakthrough point, we need to further analyze the different types of texts formed in the process of Marxism formation and development, and to systematically sort out the historical change of the different models of study on “Young Marx”. We should understand the historical evolution of Marxs philosophy in a comprehensive way in the reflection of the interpretation pattern, the reconstruction of the ideological context and the transformation of the problem awareness. These will lay a solid foundation for the development of Marxist philosophy in China in twentyfirst Century.
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    The Shape and Construction of Contemporary Chinese Spirit in the Perspective of the Chinese Dream
    Wen Jing
    2018, 52 (1):  54-61.  DOI:
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    The contemporary Chinese spirit is the latest form of the Chinese spirit. It is not only the powerful spiritual force to realize the Chinese dream, but also the construction of contents, structures, characteristics and values in the historical process of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The Chinese dream provides historical heritage, realistic foundation and international reference standard, and creates a Chinese spirit content rooted in tradition, based on reality and facing the world. The Chinese dream is characterized by affinity among people, politics and inclusiveness. It shows the spirit of the Chinese people characterized by the dormination of the people, political identity and openness and inclusiveness. The Chinese dream, with realistic concern, direction leading and hardship process, promotes the Chinese spirit to achieve the value of cohesion, motivation and support.
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    Das Kapital and Contemporary Critique of Political Economy——Taking “American Contemporary Humanistic Dialectics School” as Example
    Zhang Xiu-qin
    2018, 52 (1):  62-70.  DOI:
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    Over the past 30 years, there is an obvious transformation of American researches on Marxism in the New Left Period; related researches begin to emphasize on philosophy (especially on dialectics) instead of empirical analysis. This transformation is also particularly evident in peoples critique of contemporary political economy based on interpretations of Das Kapital. If the American dialectics school of this period is divided into two major schools of scientism and humanism. This article mainly elaborates on theories of the latter whose main representatives are Postone, Ollman, Jameson and Harvey. Theories of this school make dialectics (one core category of Marxism) become one of the hottest topics of researches on Marxism. Besides, dialectics has become an unavoidable tendency of paradigm in the field of political economy, where American scholars make special contributions.
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    The Exploration of Harveys 21st Century “Capital Contradiction Theory”
    Ping Cheng-tao
    2018, 52 (1):  71-78.  DOI:
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    In his latest masterpiece Seventeen Contradictions and the End of Capitalism, Harvey analyzed the various contradictions of the contemporary capital society and completed a “Capital Contradiction Theory” of the 21st century. Harvey drew on the dialectical method of Marxs analysis of contradictions, and continued the the fetishism illness of the Capital Society diagnosed in Marxs Das Kapital, and then analyzed its symbiotic relationship with the capital circulation and accumulation in the fundamental contradictions. In the contradictory system of the capital society examined by Harvey, the exchange value becomes the dominant, the monetary form becomes the goal, the capital multiplication becomes the social general logic,these three aspects hit the intrinsic mechanism and the core essence of fetishism as the axis principle, and then becomes three dimensions to grasps the 21st century capital social contradictions system.
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    Cooperation and Development: The Choice of African Development and the Demonstration Effect of SinoAfrican Cooperation
    Liu Qing-jian
    2018, 52 (1):  79-87.  DOI:
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    African countries have adopted various development strategies or development policies actively or passively since their independence, and have implemented various development plans, but none of them have been successful. As a whole, Africa has vast land resources, abundant human resources, rich natural resources, diverse plant resources and other resources. But the 54 African countries are still mostly small and weak, they have not yet shown their regional characteristics in Africa. Over the past years since the twentyfirst Century, the major powers and country groups of the world have established various platforms and mechanisms for cooperation with Africa. Chinas cooperation with some African countries has achieved complementary advantages and winwin results, and has a demonstration effect on the choice of cooperation and development for African countries. Under this background, African countries need to choose the way of cooperation and development according to their own national conditions under the overall plannings, so as to achieve their own development by means of international cooperation.
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    The Changing Patterns and Governance of International Cyber Conflicts
    Liu Yang-yue
    2018, 52 (1):  88-96.  DOI:
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    International cyber conflicts have entered into a new phase, featured by an emerging nexus between cyberspace and geopolitics, strategic and physical orientation of cyber conflicts, and professionalization of cyber conflict agents. With a deep integration of cyber and traditional conflicts, cyber offense and defense have been given more strategic meanings. The strategic deterrence system has also faced new challenges. Against this backdrop, it is urgent for the international society to constrain the risks of cyber conflicts.
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    On the Connotation, Characteristics and Contemporary Value of Red Culture
    Shen Cheng-fei, Lian Wen-mei
    2018, 52 (1):  97-104.  DOI:
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    In terms of its concept core, Red Culture refers to the red legacy and red spirit that the Chinese Communist Party formed in the process of revolution, construction and reform and opening up with the sinicization of Marxism as the core. As far as the extension of its concept is concerned, Red Culture is the spiritual condensation of the revolutionary genes and the revival of the Chinese nation in modern times. As far as its value kernel is concerned, Red Culture embodies the Chinese revolutionary spirit and the socialist value system which is integrated into the traditional Chinese culture. As far as its value extension is concerned, it condenses the common human value of the world communist movement. It has the characteristics of diversity, revolution and openness. In todays China, Red Culture has an indispensable position to resist historical nihilism, enhance cultural selfconfidence, identify Chinese characteristics and enhance national identity.
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    “Ideological Consultative Business” Promotes the “Sense of Gain” in Ideological and Political Education#br#
    Wang Xi-sheng
    2018, 52 (1):  105-110.  DOI:
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    The sense of gain is the subjective feeling produced after the acquisition. There are both “material gain” and “ideological gain”. The “sense of gain” of ideological and political education mainly comes from “ideological acquisition”, and it is the subjective feeling of educational objects in the process of ideological and political education to meet their needs in growth and development. Thought Counseling is an ideological care which helps students digest their thought crux, relieve their mental distress through psychological activities. Taking Marxism, Chinese excellent traditional culture and western advanced culture as ideological resources, our ideological and consultative activities can help ideological and political education objects to solve their puzzles and help enhance their sense of gain in our ideological and political education.
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