ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    16 March 2015, Volume 49 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    How Is the NeoListian Economics Set Up as a School?
    JIA Gen-Liang
    2015, 49 (3):  6-17.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 2333 )   PDF (8328KB) ( 1570 )  
    Because the List Economics did not correspond the changes for a long period of time in the 20th century, there are limitations in modern schools of economics which inherit some traditions of List. It is an inevitable trend of history for us to create a New List School. This paper, based on the existing research outcome, respectively from the three aspects of the expanding, the revision and breakthrough of Lists economics,proposed ten theories of New List School which need indepth study and creative development. These theories include: market protection, human capital advantage of China, asymmetrical globalization theory,  highend protection of the value chain, the developed country industry protection, balance of the national economy and planned management, real wages in poor countries and rich countries, sovereign credit and selffinancing of national economy, the theory of capital informationintelligent productivity and the balanced regional development of highend value chains. The development of these new theories will create a New List School which aims at solving Chinese  problems.
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    The Research Tradition of the Developmental State Theory
    and the  Management of NeoListian Economics
    SONG Lei
    2015, 49 (3):  18-25.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5935KB) ( )  
    The prospect of NeoListian Economics lies in its base of economics and management. However, the researchers of this school have so far mainly focused on the former and neglected the latter. This paper discusses the two research traditions of the developmental state theory which has academic relations with the NeoListian Economics through the reinterpretation of its early literature. Starting from the two research traditions of the developmental state theory and the systematic sorting of the studies on the effect of industrial policy, this paper points out two kinds of method to strengthen the management of NeoListian Economics.
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    The NeoListian Interpretation of the National Government
    Policy from Protectionism to  Free Trade
    YAN Peng
    2015, 49 (3):  26-34.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (6761KB) ( )  
    The Nanjing National Government,influenced by List's economy theory in its early stage,implemented protectionist economic policies.During the AntiJapanese War,the natural protection of war allowed the rapid development of strategic industry in Kuomintangruled area and the government had taken some measures to support it.After the war,the National Government was forced to turn to the policy of free trade under the pressure of USA.This made China become one of the earliest free trade country but it resulted in the industry slump and damaged the regime.So history shows that the protectionism is necessary for developing countries and the choice of leading economic theory has a profound impact on the fate of the country.  
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    Ecological Environment Is also Productive Forces
    ——On Xi Jinpings Thoughts of the Construction of Ecological Civilization
    GONG Wan-Da-1,LIU Zu-Yun-2
    2015, 49 (3):  35-43.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (6771KB) ( )  
    Xi Jinping pointed out that the protection of the ecological environment is to protect the productive forces, improve the ecological environment is to develop productive forces.This is important development for productive forces theory, means that ecological environment also has the attribute of productive forces.“Conquest theory”is the onesided understanding of Marxs theory of productive forces,the classical writer never put the natural ecological environment is excluded from the elements of the  social productive forces.Through interpreting the ecological environment problems with the political economics and analyzing the restriction of the natural ecological environment,with the law of value as an economic development oriented, regardless of the law natural resources production and reproduction is a major source of ecological environment problem.Building an ecological government is the key link of  strengthening the construction of ecological civilization.
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    Marxs Spatial Thought of Grundrisse
    WANG Zhi-Gang
    2015, 49 (3):  44-51.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5835KB) ( )  
    From an overall perspective, the Grundrisse clarifies the real individual“ is not only a social or historical existence, but also the spatial existence. The three major social and historical form of individual development continue to break the boundaries of space, by spatial transformation process from“the regional existence”to“ the world historical existence”. Behind this spatial change flicker is the capital of the phantom of the opera. Marx launched spatial criticism to capital with “time shrinks space” and other classical proposition, and saw the hope of liberation from the “creative destruction” logical of the capital and the spatial contradiction of “liquidity” and “self immobilized”, put forward the revolutionary slogans uniting the workers of the world. But compared to the “space”, “history” is undoubtedly more fundamental dimensions of Marx’s theory. In the postcrisis era “space” was more to give the independent forces today, how to correctly handle the relationship between time and space, the dialectics of production and the spatial dialectics, historical liberation and the liberation of the space, how to construct a spatial theory based on historical materialism, for the response to western radical leftist  theory appeal, interpretation of contemporary capitalist survival and enhanced the Marxist interpretation to realistic problems has positive significance.
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    From Time Paradigm and Space Paradigm to Spacetime Overall Paradigm
    ——The Contemporary Review to Marxist Theories of Imperialism
    LIU Sheng-Xiang,DAI Wei-Hua
    2015, 49 (3):  52-59.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (6269KB) ( )  
    Marxist theories of imperialism implies that two paradigms of time and space. The time paradigm imperialism theories place emphasis on analyzing the capitalism and the longitudinal historical process of its economic form. The analysis of space paradigm imperialism theory bases on the lateral geospatial extending which capitalism need for the survival and development. The two imperialism theories all have theoretical defects: the former uses the grasp of imperialism general trends to mask the  study of its complexity structure; the later uses the special expansion which the general nature of imperialism to replace the characteristic analysis of capitalist monopoly stage. Facing to the increasingly complex and subtle imperialist hegemony, we should observe imperialism from a holistic perspective, build the spacetime overall paradigm of time analysis and spatial analysis. Only this, we can grasp and understand imperialism scientifically.
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    The Space Politics and Strategy: The Space Politics
    Thought of Western Contemporary Marxism
    WANG Gui-Lou
    2015, 49 (3):  60-67.  DOI:
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    Different from the political theory of modernity which dominated by time and history, the political theory of postmodernity is more and more focused on space and geography, especially in western contemporary Marxism. On the platform of space domination and politicization, France new Marxist H.Lefebvre use his theory of production of space, completed the excavation for the first time for the space of political value; based on this America contemporary Marxist D.Harvey completed for the  space of political value again sublimation by his historicalgeographical materialism. Both hands reflecteach other, common presents the core picture of western contemporary Marxism space viewpoint of political thought.
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    The Economic Diplomacy and Its Enlightenment
    During the Rise of the United States
    BAI Yun-Zhen
    2015, 49 (3):  68-74.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5303KB) ( )  
    With the economic rise in 1890s, the United States gradually expanded its influence in Latin America, the Pacific and even in Europe with trade, financial and other economic tools or means.The historical experience of the rise of United States shows that trade diplomacy is mainly manifested in bilateral trade agreements, most favored nation treatment and initiative for multilateral tariff alliance, while financial diplomacy is mainly manifested in the internationalization of the US dollar. China should pay more attention to initiating the multilateral trade and financial arrangements, promoting trade, investment and financial diplomacy, strengthening the education and training of traders, banker and diplomats,  and using economic power strategically in Asia and other regions.
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    The Ideological and Political Education with
    Social Network Groups as Objects
    LA Jiang
    2015, 49 (3):  75-81.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5083KB) ( )  
    The study on the ideological and political education in the past assumed that the educational activities are in one to one mode between the educators and the educatee. But this pattern almost does not exist in reality. On the contrary, the real object of ideological and political education is mainly in group forms. Now that the objects of ideological and political education have transformed into social network groups, we need to further introduce social network analysis method in the education. Under the  guidance of the social network analysis method, the theory system of ideological and political education will radiate new vitality.  
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    The Social Construction and Social Identity at the
    Beginning of New China (1949—1956)
    ——A Discussion with Beijing Municipality as the Center
    SONG Xue-Qin
    2015, 49 (3):  88-94.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5054KB) ( )  
    At the beginning period the New China,there was no“social construction” in official documents but this does not mean that there was no practice of social construction. The help to the unemployed carried out by the government demonstrated the characteristics of social construction in this period. Beijing municipality, in its process of treatment of the the unemployed, paid attention to the care of the people in grassroots and achieved good social effects. The important task of social construction is to open a major path of social identity through the design and operation of a variety of social system, the construction of a stable social order and relying on the promotion of the living standard of the ordinary people. The successful construction of social identity in the early period of New China has provided positive enlightenment to the current practice of social construction.
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    The Formation of American Social Core Values:Puritanism Tradition and the Spirit of Freedom
    PANG Jin-You,LV Yi
    2015, 49 (3):  95-101.  DOI:
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    Puritanism tradition has effected deeply on American political thought, especially the development of liberalism. In terms of logic or the emotion, Puritanism tradition does not automatically generate the spirit of freedom, which contains a belief even against liberalism. But in the special colonial political environment, under the influence of the Britain political theory and practice, the ideas of North American Puritanism changed sadly, especially for the identity to contract concept, the affirmation of democracy and rule of law, the respect for individualism and the constraints to individual rights. These changes have agreement with the spirit of modern liberalism, which building a solid foundation to the formation of American liberalism, the establishment of democratic ideals, the construction of modern state.
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    Dworkins Criticism on the Theory of Welfare Equality
    LI Jie
    2015, 49 (3):  102-108.  DOI:
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    Ronald Dworkin, as one of the three major contemporary philosophers in the United States, sparked a debate on the distribution justice by his study on equality problems. His equality theory has aroused extensive discussion with both agrees and criticism. Dworkin takes radical criticism and opposition to hobbies for luxury as two important arguments and thoroughly negates and criticizes the welfare equality. Therefore, there exists widespread misunderstanding about Dworkins criticism on equality theory.
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