ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    16 January 2015, Volume 49 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    A Study on the Evolution of Mode of Industrial Structure And
    Economic Development in China in the Perspective of Big Powers
    XIAO Xiang-1,WU Li-2
    2015, 49 (1):  5-15.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1832 )   PDF (2442KB) ( 1551 )  
    The new China industrial structure has witnessed “the stage of heavy industry priority development”, “the stage of balanced industrial development” and “the stage of heavy industry restart development”. With the evolution of the industrial structure, the path of Chinese economic development in different stages are different and experienced profound changes. In 2013 Chinese GDP per capita reached $6800, which means China has entered into the rank of middle income countries. Depending on the traditional development path of heavy chemical industry mode, China is facing the challenges of cost increase, benefit reduction and more difficulties to sustain its economic development. China needs to overcome the negative factors including the shortage of per capita resources, fragile environment on the one hand, and should give full play of the advantages of its economic development. China should also complete the transformation of the mode of economic development and industrial structure optimization and upgrading as soon as possible.
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    A Study on the Integrated Mechanisms of CPC at Grassroots Governance
    SUN Bai-Ying,DENG Shun-Ping
    2015, 49 (1):  16-25.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1855 )   PDF (2158KB) ( 1471 )  
    With the process of reform and opendoor policies since 1978, series of great transitions in the economic, political, and social fields brought great changes to traditional governing structure at the grassroot in China. As one of the significant governing body of the structure, the CPC organization at grassroot faces to some challenges, such as disorganized, weakness, even lack of organizational functions, lose of leadership, and its influences etc.,which threatens CPC’s foundation of  legitimacy and authorities. To enforce power and its dominance of CPC organization at grassroot, reconstruction of organizational system became the important task at this time. In recent years, CPC organization employs multiple policy instruments or mechanisms to innovate its governing modes and to increase its capacity of responsiveness, and adaptation. In this paper, authors discuss three integrative mechanisms(organizational embededness, political mobilization, and leadership by valuedriven) of CPC organization at grassroot to push forward to its governance capacities, in the meantime, auhors try to construct an analytic framework to give some explanation of CPC’s actions at the grassroot.  
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    Swedish Unemployment Security Policy: History, present situation and Review
    YANG Wei-Guo,LI Guang-Yao,LI Xin
    2015, 49 (1):  26-34.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1909 )   PDF (1860KB) ( 1497 )  
    As a representative of the high welfare states, Swedens economic development has become a powerful support to its high welfare. Under the high welfare system Swedish unemployment insurance coverage is wide and high. The trade union has played an important role in the operation of the unemployment insurance system. Swedens reforms on unemployment insurance are mostly to adjust the level of subsidies. The allowance will go down along with the downturn of the economy and the allowance will recover when the economy recovers. The results of multipal studies have confirmed  that the reduction of the subsidy level will lead to the decrease of the unemployment duration and the increase of job search. There exists great differences with regard of the effect for different genders and different unemployment time.
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    Changes, Present Situation And Influence of Unemployment
    Insurance Policy in Canada
    ZHAO Zhong,WANG Shui-Lian,MA Zhe
    2015, 49 (1):  35-43.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1661 )   PDF (1696KB) ( )  
    Canada is a typical state of high income and high welfare state. On the one hand, it is vast in territory, where seasonal industry is very popular, there are great differences between the different regions in the unemployment rate. On the other hand, the power of the government is more dispersed, and the population is mainly composed of immigrants. Compared with other countries, Canada has obvious characteristics in its labor market. Study on the unemployment insurance policy in Canada have important reference significance for many countries . This paper tries to analyze the present  situation and the impact of the changes of unemployment policy inCanada. From the perspective of the changes of Canadian unemployment policy we can see that it is an inevitable trend for Chinas unemployment security policy to transform from passivity into initiative. It is more valuable to help temporarily unemployed get reemployed than to provide shortterm economic aid.  
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     The Functions of Unemployment Security Policy in South Korea:
    Analysis Based on Matrix Model of Employment Policy
    DAI Mao
    2015, 49 (1):  44-52.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1737KB) ( )  
    This paper analyzes the unemployment security policy in South Korea based on the three aspects of matrix model of employment policy. From the perspective of strategic employment policy, the South Korean government attaches great attention to the community cooperation, increases financial support, emphasizes the policy coordination and the implementation of tax reform. From the market viewpoint of unemployment policy, the South Korean government expands the coverage of  occupation training project, builds marketoriented career development system; perfects the service agencies for public employment and improves the service functions of online employment. From the perspective of protection of unemployment policy, the South Korean government guarantees peoples basic life after they are unemployed through the issuance of a variety of allowance, welfare and relief, while promoting the development of selfsupport project.
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    The Hidden Thread of the Historical Theorization of Biopolitics
    WU Guan-Jun
    2015, 49 (1):  53-62.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2162KB) ( )  
    Biopolitics has become in last two decades one of the key words of political thought, and it is even said that there is already a “biopolitical turn” in continental thought. The theorization of biopolitics is very often traced back to the French thinker Michel Foucault. Opposing that view, this paper goes back to the 1920s, aiming at uncovering a hidden thread in the intellectual history of biopolitics. Though Foucault and the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben are viewed two key thinkers of biopolitics, their theorizations of biopolitics are, far from being a simple succession, radically  incompatible, if not antagonistic. It is thus, argued by this research, only the tracing-back to the origin of “biopolitical thought” that can unearth an inner logic embedded in the theoretical development of biopolitics.
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    The Transformation from“Spread” to “Accept” of
    Marxism Sinicization Research Paradigm
    JIANG Xi-Yong
    2015, 49 (1):  63-69.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1517KB) ( )  
    Spread as a modern enlightenment form of science, has not adapted to postmodern symptoms completely in today’s society. It is a trend that the transformation from the words of "spread" to "accept". So the problems of Marxism’s acceptance is equally important with spread in China or even more. It’s a fundamental problem which we should research more carefully.it requires a more reasonable innovation and follows up on research’s methods and logical. The basic theory of domain about Accept research paradigm of Marxism sinicization includes: the study of the relationship between  reception theory and Marxismsinicization, the study of the accept history of Marxism in China, the study of the historical experience and the regularity of Marxism in china, the micro research on the typical characters, events, and text of the Marxism’s accept history, and the comparative study between China and Russia in accepting Marxism.
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    A Study on the Imbalance And Countermeasures in the Ideological Field in China
    REN Zhi-Feng-1,ZHENG Yong-Ting-2
    2015, 49 (1):  70-75.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1342KB) ( )  
    There exist the phenomena of structural imbalance, functional imbalance, transmission imbalance in the ideological field in China. These phenomena are rooted in the special contradiction between the universal spiritual crisis in the modern civilization form and Chinas economic and social development, and are also rooted in the penetration of Western cultural values as well as the erroneous tendency in the ideology building. To overcome these phenomena we should build modern ideology, strengthen the construction of mainstream ideology and turning the achievements in economic and social development into advantages in ideological construction.
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    The Contemporary Value of Virtues in Chinese Traditional Culture ——On the New Understanding Chinese traditional Culture of the Communist Party of China
    KONG Xian-Feng
    2015, 49 (1):  76-83.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1665KB) ( )  
    The CPC General Secretary Xi Jinping has talked about Chinese excellent traditional culture on many occasions, which he sorts out and sums up his main thoughts in this regard. These thoughts includes: Based on Chinese excellent traditional culture background; contemporary value of Chinese traditional culture; emphasizing the connotation of excellent Chinese traditional culture; pointing out the realistic strategy of the excellent Chinese traditional culture. Xi Jinping organically integrates the national cultural soft power, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation namely "China dream", the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the socialist core values and the Chinese traditional virtue, which has systematically formed his concept of traditional culture.
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    Individual Formation in the Perspective of Cultural Identity
    LI Na
    2015, 49 (1):  84-88.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1044KB) ( )  
    In the globalization times, multiculture is forming, crosscultural interaction is increasingly frequent, and civilization dialogue is increasingly important. How the individuals strengthen the national culture identity and belongingness in the modern cross multicultural world, is not only related to the individuals own socialization and development, but also related to the inheritance and innovation of our national culture. Therefore, it is of great significance in theory and practice for us to study the challenges and opportunities of the contemporary individual formation in the perspective of the cultural identity  
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    On the Resourcism,Welfarism and Capabilities Approach of Equality
    GAO Jing-Zhu
    2015, 49 (1):  89-97.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1785KB) ( )  
    Welfarism approach of equality,resourcism approach of equality and capabilities approach of equality are important approaches of the theory of equality in contemporary western political philosophyWelfarism approach of equality and resourcism of equality approaches don’t successfully integrate responsibility with equalityIn order to beyond resourcism and welfarism approach of equality,Amartya Sen constructs a theory of equality named “equality of capabilities”However,Amartya Sen’s equality of capabilities is too open,and there are many insurmountable predicamentsNevertheless,contemporary theories of equality are concerned about the relationship between equality and luck,and luck egalitarianism is one of the focuses of debate in contemporary equality  
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    Alignment, Unwinding Alliance and Realignment of Different Ways of Life ——Wildavsky on Political Cultural Shifts in America
    YANG Hui-Rong
    2015, 49 (1):  98-105.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1712KB) ( )  
    As an entity with cultural diversity, the characteristics of American political culture did not stay the same all the time, but altered as the social relationship and institutions had changed The diversities in political culture among countries or different historical stages within one country were the result of permutations among various ways of life according to varying proportions Pure single way of life could not live alone, so it would ally with other ways of life, or break this alliance,or even choose to ally again In Wildavskys opinion, in America, as the rise of radical egalitarianism, the ‘individualisticegalitarian’ coalition (also be called ‘American individualism’ by him) turning to ‘individualistichierarchical’ coalition was just following those logics in political cultural shifts  
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