ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    15 November 2013, Volume 47 Issue 11 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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        The Philosophic  Revelation and Elaboration of the Relationship
     between the two Major Theoretical Achievements ——On the Value of Maos Philosophical Thoughts in Modern Times
    YANG Rui-Sen
    2013, 47 (11):  5-18.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2734KB) ( )  
    The Relationship between Mao Zedong thought and the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is an important theoretical issue in the research of sinicization of Marxism Deng Xiaoping and related CPC resolution on history has scientifically defined and expounded the historic status of Mao Zedong Thoughts, which  provides the premise and basis for us to correctly realize and handle the relationship between the two major achievements From the theoretical and logical relationship the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics comes down in one continuous line with Marxism, Leninism and Mao Zedong thought and keeps pace with the times We should correctly understand the relationship between the two great theoretical achievements combining the 30 more years history, theory and the reality of reform and opening up, clarify the creative application and development of Mao Zedong thought in the new era of reform and opening up We must make comprehensive and indepth study on the form of a historical starting point on the scientific connotation and theoretical arguments of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics by the 17th CPC National Congress We should pay close attention to and study the  new views of the CPC Central Committee and Comrade Xi Jinping in understanding and expounding the relationship between the two major theoretical achievements since the 18th CPC National Congress  
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    On the System Confidence of  Mao Zedong
    CHEN Jin-Long
    2013, 47 (11):  19-25.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1330KB) ( )  
     The basic framework of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics was founded in the 1950s Mao Zedong demonstrated full confidence for New Chinas state system and political system, the multiparty cooperation and political consultation system, the system of regional ethnic autonomy and public ownership The good performance of the system itself, peoples recognition of the system, multidimensional comparison, the positive appraisal from the international community were key to the formation of Mao Zedong system confidence Mao Zedong had a clear understanding on the problems of New Chinas system and tried to  improve system based on productivity development and emphasized the system improvement is a process, which reflects the scientific attitude of Mao Zedong system confidence  
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    The Compiling, Starting up, Development and Evolution of the
    Textbooks of Marxist Philosophy in China (1922—1949)
    HU Wei-Xiong
    2013, 47 (11):  26-35.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2040KB) ( )  
     From the 1920s to 1940s, the compiling the Chinese textbook of Marxism philosophy has witnessed the period of transplanting, reference, comprehensive and creative writing The quality of these textbooks had been improved constantly, but they also experienced the age from diversification to the Soviet textbooks as the model From the historical process of Chinese scholars compiling textbooks of Marxist philosophy the early 1920s was the initial stage, 1930s saw the peak of compiling, the late 1930s began turning to the paradigm of the Soviet style textbooks of Marxism  philosophy And in 1940s, Soviet style textbooks of Marxism became the trend Qu Qiubai, Li Da, Jian Bozan, Chen Weishis works, can be regarded as the starting samples of development and evolution of Marxism philosophy textbooks in China from 1923 to 1949 Li Da, Wu Liping, Ai Siqi, Hou Wailu, Luo Ketings works can be regarded as individual cases in the evolution of the Soviet style Marxism philosophy textbooks  
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    The Staging and Delimitation of the Paradigm
    of Chinese Textbooks on Marxist Philosophy
    CAO Dian-Shun
    2013, 47 (11):  36-44.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1737KB) ( )  
    The birth of Chinas Marxist philosophy textbook marks the formation of the paradigm of traditional Marxist philosophy textbooks The traditional paradigm of Marxist philosophy textbook Marx formed, is the development and innovation of traditional textbook paradigm of Marxs Philosophy This means that  there are no clear boundaries nor different stages for each period of Chinese textbook paradigm of Marxist philosophy Namely “there is something of each in the other” It is because of the theoretical difficulties in their division and delimitation, Chinese academic circles obviously do not pay enough attention to the important issue of paradigm of Chinese textbooks of Marxist philosophy To make a comprehensive and indepth study on the history of the development of textbook paradigm, is not only beneficial to the deep awareness of problems of finding a textbook paradigm behind, but also to find the right way to study contemporary Chinese Marxist philosophy
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    The  Tactic Choice of Reform of Social Regulation in China
    ——on the Basis of Characteristics of Reform and Practice
    ZHANG Ying, ZHANG Hong-Feng
    2013, 47 (11):  45-52.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1643KB) ( )  
    The reform of social regulation in China is the endowment based on Chinese special systems,which is limited and influenced by chinas economic and social developmentSince the founding of New China in 1949,Chinas  social regulation has experienced four phases of reform and development,and has obtained certain effectBut the total surplus and deficiency of regulations,the asymmetric problems of regulation structure still exist,which has weakened the effect of reform of social regulation and reduced the overall system performanceTo improve Chinas social regulation performance,we need to seek the strategy of reform of Chinas social regulation perfrmance,we need to seek the strategy of reform of Chinas social regulation from the four aspects of the regulation of the main structure,legislation,regulation target,regulation method and tools  
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    An Introduction to the History of Crisis Theories(Ⅱ)
    Anwar Shaikh
    2013, 47 (11):  53-63.  DOI:
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    The object of this paper is to present and analyze the basic positions which have historically emerged on the question of capitalist crises In so doing, the author have tried to present not only what a particular type of theory says, but also why it makes that argument, how the arguments develops historically, and what political positions have been associated with it at various times The author believes that the analysis of reproduction and the analysis of crisis are inseparable, and there are three basic lines of analysis about capitalist reproduction The first notion is that capitalism is capable of automatic selfreproduction The laissezfaire tradition and the (right) Keynesian tradition hold this notion In the business theory of the former, crisis remains outside the normal process of capitalist production, while the latter attributes crisis to a series of errors in “policy” The second position argues that restricted by insufficient effective demand, capitalist system is incapable of selfexpansion: it requires some external source of effective demand The conservative and radical underconsumption theories, as well as Marxian underconsumption and disproportionality theories hold this notion Lastly, there is the position that, though capitalism is capable of selfexpansion, the accumulation process deepens the internal contradictions on which it is based, until they erupt in a crisis: the limits to capitalism are internal to it This line is almost exclusively Marxist, and includes both “falling rate of profit” and “profit squeeze” explanations of crisis At the end of this paper, the author focuses on three lessons which are implicit in the history of crisis theories The first lesson has to do with the relation between theory and politics Each theory has political implications for the practice based upon it, but there are no simplistic connections between them The second important lesson has to do with theory and the “facts” It would be a terrible loss to abandon a correct theory because it does not correspond to “facts” which are based on entirely different categories The third lesson highlights the necessity of studying the history of crisis theories After all, it has often been said that those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it  
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     Rethinking of   Marx’s  Theory of  Surplus Value
    and Constructing of  Harmonious  Society
    YANG Xiao-Ling
    2013, 47 (11):  64-71.  DOI:
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     The paper thinks that Marxs theory of surplus value  has done deep research on  the economic relationships of capitalism from two aspects: one is  a study of  relationship of  inequality and opposition both capital and labor, another is a study of  labor cooperation  and harmonious labor relationship  Marxs theory of surplus value  has brought  up  many profound and instructive ideas such as    economic power; respecting labor;labor  accumulating of human capital by accepting education and training; equilibrium and harmonic development of  productive forces; intensive mode of production ,and so onFrom this point of view, it can be said that Marxs theory of surplus value is  a kind of  theory of surplus value in broad sense
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     On the “Cultural Productivity” and Its Innovation and
    Development of Historical Materialism
    WU Feng, Zhao-Ying-Huan
    2013, 47 (11):  72-78.  DOI:
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    The ability of the cultural productivity is the production of cultural products, to provide cultural services, concise the value rationality, and enhance prosperity of culture industry in the cultural and economic context Cultural productivity theory is the innovation and development of historical materialism, in todays world of “culturalized economy” and “economized culture” circumstances The dichotomy method of material productive force and spiritual productive forces have been unable to explain the emerging cultural industries Development of cultural industry vitality makes it an urgent need for perfecting Marxs productivity theory “Cultural productivity” category has enriched and expanded the connotation and extension of historical materialism and the concept of productivity, which enables us to get more inspiration in the thorough understanding of “the overall appearance of the productivity of family” “Cultural productivity” framework for understanding and historical materialism not only can be compatible but also can be in the same direction The cultural productivity is not only the practical need for the building of value rationality in Chinas social transition period, but also the fulcrum for Chinese to realize the national rejuvenation and China dream
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     On Sustainable Development and the Construction
     of Chinas Public Diplomacy Discourse
    HUANG Zhong-1, TANG Xiao-Song-2
    2013, 47 (11):  79-85.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1574KB) ( )  
    Chinas public diplomacys discourse power faces three challenges, the discourse power deficiency of Chinese civilization revitalization under the differences between Eastern and Western cultural values; the discourse power vulnerableness of the development path to socialism with Chinese characteristics under the background of ideological competition; the discourse power dilemma of Chinas peaceful rise under the adversarial thinking of power politicsSustainable development is of great benefit to Chinas public diplomacys discourse power, and China should set up the public diplomacys discourse power for sustainable development, put forward a more general idea of inclusive sustainable development and elucidate the world meanings of Chinas development
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    A Review of the Contemporary China Research of Western Scholars
    SHEN Cheng-Fei
    2013, 47 (11):  86-94.  DOI:
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    China, which is facing the new opportunities of development and many uncertain factors in the new era, has attracted the attention of Western society The western scholars put forward different views of China in all aspects of social development These discussions include changes in Chinese society and political situation, democratic reform, the power supervision, ideological and cultural strategy, and Chinas challenge and response in the era of globalization, etc The views of the majority of Western scholars are relatively neutral and objective and these views are the interpretation from Western perspective and unique culture, which provides the reference for the Chinese government and Chinese scholars
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    The Evolution of British IR Theories:
    School Tradition and Diverse Development
    LIU Xing-Hua
    2013, 47 (11):  95-104.  DOI:
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    Since the 1930s, British international relations (IR) theories have undergone a gradual evolution, and have formed a theoretical pattern in which the English School serves as the mainstay, with the coexistence of other diverse theories, occupying an important position in the IR theoretical pedigree The English School lays stress on inheriting the school tradition, and carries on theoretical construction and innovation based on the core concept of “international society” The emergence of diverse theories is a theoretical reflection of globalization reality British scholars have made many groundbreaking achievements in the fields of international political economy theory, security theory, globalization and global governance theory, regionalization and regionalism, and critical theory The British IR community has responded critically to the development of American mainstream IR theories, and has insisted on their own constant and unique research styles With regard to the research methodology, British scholars prefer historical study and normal study, and emphasize the multidisciplinary synthesis
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