ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    20 September 2011, Volume 45 Issue 9 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    The 1911 Revolution and the Initial Step of a Modern Chinese Nation State
    ZHENG Da-hua
    2011, (9):  5-12.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2008KB) ( )  
    Modern nationalism in the west developed in a historical course from pre-modern "imperial state" to modern "nation state".The core idea was to found a "nation state".Influenced by this idea,the Chinese nationalists before the 1911 Revolution also set their goal at founding a modern "nation state".However,the revolutionaries led by Sun Yetsen and the constitutionalists represented by Liang Qichao held different ideas about what the nation state should be like.The consequent heated debates resulted in a consensus that a united democratic multi-nation republic was to be found.Thus,the founding of the Chinese Republic signaled an initial step towards the founding of a modern Chinese nation state.
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    A Review of the Studies on the 1911 Revolution over the Past Decade
    YAN Run-yu, JIANG Ling-bao
    2011, (9):  13-22.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2393KB) ( )  
    Over the past decade,studies on the 1911 Revolution have gained remarkable achievements around the issues that best reflect the essential contents of the 1911 Revolution.Cases in point include the new deal in the late Qing Dynasty,the revolutionaries,the constitutionalists,the South-North peace negotiation and its relevance to the 1911 Revolution.These studies show significant academic characters such as the extension of the themes,increasingly varied methodology,avoidance of oversimplified comments and analyses and so on.Meanwhile,limitations in these studies are also discussed.For instance,the studies tend to contain more narration then evaluation,and there is a slightly fragmented tendency in academic research,to name only a few.The authors suggest that studies of the faction relationship,regional studies,and of social classes will be the major concerns in the academic circle.
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    On Civil Rights and Polarization between the Rich and the Poor with Reference to the Fundamental Ideas of Political Civilization in Contemporary China
    YAN Meng-wei
    2011, (9):  23-30.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1023KB) ( )  
    The political civilization of contemporary China is defined as "political emancipation aimed at human liberation".This is not only a theoretical definition,but also the needs of the development of practical social life.The issue of basic civil rights is an internal aspect of the market economy system.To protect the basic civil rights means to maintain the integrity and perfection of the marketing economic system.This is exactly the core idea of political emancipation under circumstances of a basic system of socialism.The problem of polarization between the rich and the poor is highly correlated to the operation of marketing mechanism.The solution to this problem is closely related to the fundamental nature of socialist society and its ultimate value.This is the crucial difference between socialist political civilization and capitalist political civilization.
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    On the Regulation Dilemma Resulting from the Special Endowment of the Chinese System and Reconstruction of the Regulatory Governance Structure
    ZHANG Hong-feng, SONG Min
    2011, (9):  31-39.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (971KB) ( )  
    Government regulation as a type of governance and systemic arrangement is restricted by the particular systemic endowment of the country in question.The paper starts with an analysis of the systemic endowment that restricts the Chinese governmental regulation from the perspectives of economy,politics and law.That is,the Chinese economic system in a transitional period,the political and legal systems that need to be perfected,and an underdeveloped civil society.Then,the paper discusses the regulation dilemma of the government under circumstances of the special endowment of the Chinese system.Based on this discussion,a theoretical view of multi-central management is introduced to reconstruct regulatory governance structure with the purpose of resolving the regulation dilemma and raising the effectiveness of regulation.
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    The Theoretical Development Course and Practice Benchmark of Marxism in Contemporary China
    KANG Yu-sheng
    2011, (9):  40-46.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1471KB) ( )  
    The transcendence of scientific socialism over Utopian socialism is first of all reflected in its philosophical characters instead of its practical characters.It is because of the theoretical contribution of the founder of Marxism that socialism realized its transcendence from Utopian to scientific.Thanks to the guidance of Marxist theories,scientific socialism evolved from theory to practical movement.We should apply the scientific socialist theory to the practical socialist reality before we can grasp its scientific meaning in the context of "socialism in practice".The theoretical system of socialism characteristic of the Chinese style is the highest theoretical accomplishment of Marxism in contemporary China.It is the guiding idea of construction of socialism characteristic of the Chinese style as well.Generalizing the basic idea of the theoretical system of socialism characteristic of the Chinese style and clarify the basic trend of socialist development in contemporary China and we will be able to draw a theoretical course that integrates aspects of economy,politics,culture and society.
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    Origin of Marx’s Theory on the Dual Nature of Labor
    LIU Nai-yong
    2011, (9):  47-52.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (933KB) ( )  
    Marx especially emphasized the theory on the dual nature of labor,considering that it was "where comprehensive understanding of the facts was based".Two crucial premises in the history of ideas had led to the formation of this theory and served as its theoretical origin.One is the idea that labor produces value;the other is differentiation of general labor and specific labor.These ideas were raised by classical economics and Hegel respectively.But due to philosophical limitations,both classical economics and Hegel failed to further develop them.Drawing on these ideas Marx fulfilled his cardinal philosophical transcendence and thus put forward the theory on the dual nature of labor.The author remarks that the theory on the dual nature of labor initiated a fundamental revolution in economics and pointed to a new type of philosophy.
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    Re-examination of the Pro-cyclical Effects of Finance in the Post-Crisis Period
    FANG Fang, LIU Peng
    2011, (9):  53-59.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (789KB) ( )  
    The pro-cyclical nature of finance is mainly shown in the reinforcing and exaggerating function of the effect of financial variables and behaviors of the financial subject on the economic cyclical fluctuation.It deepens the economic decline and postpones the economic revival.Finance cycle widely exists in the financial markets,varying with the financial subject,the economic period,the country and the region.While the pro-cyclical nature of finance originates from the behaviors of the financial subject,the external financial regulation further increases the scale of the fluctuation.Therefore,valid policies should be made to release the effect of financial cycle.Cautious regulation and market transparency should be enforced to better serve for the steady and healthy development of the financial system and the real economy.
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    Influence of Human Capital Structure on the Income Gap of Residents
    JIAO Bin-long
    2011, (9):  60-65.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (594KB) ( )  
    Human capital is an important affective factor that influences the income gap of residents.The distribution of human capital in different populations influences the distribution of the residents’ income.And the complementary effects and substitution effect of different types of human capital investment consists of the residents’ ability to obtain income.Moreover,it is the system that decides whether the value of residents’ human capital is realized and how much income they can obtain.The effect of human capital distribution structure,the effect of investment structure and the effect of the system working together decide the influence of structural effect of human capital structure on the income gap of residents.
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    Environmental NGOs and UN Climate Negotiations
    TANG Hong
    2011, (9):  66-72.  DOI:
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    In recent years,environmental NGOs have made rapid development worldwide and contributed greatly to global environmental protection.By referring to the "Climate Action Partnership",a famous environmental NGO,the paper attempts to analyze the function of environmental NGOs in UN climate negotiations.The author holds that the drawbacks of formal international cooperation system in tackling global environmental problems and the specific advantages of environmental NGOs allow them much room for development.Their active involvement will help make the UN climate negotiations more open,transparent,democratic and fair.
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    Construction of Northeast Asian Security Mechanism from the Perspective of Security Cooperation
    GONG Yu-tao
    2011, (9):  73-78.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1041KB) ( )  
    Northeast Asia is one of the regions in the world where security is a severe problem.It is the common desire of countries concerned to construct effective security mechanism and to maintain regional peace and stability.The paper discusses the necessity and possibility of constructing security mechanism in Northeast Asia through security cooperation.Conclusions are reached that security cooperation is an option that will satisfy the security interests of all the countries,though it will meet with much resistance and many obstacles.
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    An Analysis of the American Model of International Crisis Management
    ZHUFU Xiao-fei
    2011, (9):  79-84.  DOI:
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    The United States of America is the only super power in the world today.It is also the main source of pressure for China’s peaceful development.Behind many international crises against China is the presence of American promotion,both visible and invisible.The United States has experienced many crises in its progress from a small country to a super power,.a history that offers rich experiences of dealing with crises.Therefore,scientifically understanding the features of American crisis management and profoundly recognizing the characters of the American model of crisis management may help us observe the nature of international crises,learn from the American experience,and avoid possible strategic conflicts among big powers.This is of important theoretical and practical significance for China to smoothly realize peaceful development.
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    The Method of Comparative Analysis in Teaching Courses of "Political Economics" and "Western Economics"
    SHI Jing-ying
    2011, (9):  85-90.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (876KB) ( )  
    "Marxist Political Economics" and "Western Economics" are two key basic academic courses in universities of finance and economics.However,these two courses have long been separated in terms of their contents and teaching methods.The problem is so serious that it interferes with the process of learning the contents of the two courses with accurate understanding.To solve this problem,the method of comparative analysis can be used in these two courses to help the students grasp different economic theories,and raise the credibility of political economics in the students’ mind.
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