ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    20 February 2002, Volume 36 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Historic Position of Marx’ Theory on Value of Labor and Its Current Significance in China
    GU Hai-liang
    2002, (2):  13-20.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1390 )   PDF (1695KB) ( 1862 )  
    Marx’ theory on the value of labor holds such an important position in Marxism that all attempts of development or innovation should be based on a profound understanding of its formation in history, its scientific method and its theoretical system. To promote further studies of this theory, it is necessary that the following areas be explored. 1. substance of value and the conective laborer; 2. material and non material outcomes of labor; 3. formation of value and creation of wealth; 4. living labor and accumulate labor; and 5. values in the international scene.
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    Intensifying Exploration of Approaches to Research in Theory on Value of Labor
    BAI Bao-li
    2002, (2):  21-26.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1063 )   PDF (888KB) ( 1589 )  
    This article intends to discuss means of intensifying the theory on value of labor. The issue is approached from the point of view of methodology by referring to developments in natural sciences. The author attempts to clarify three elements of the concept of value from the perspective of connotation identified as three research objects. From the perspective of denotation of the value theory, on the other hand, the author advocates a theoretical transition from the specific to the general. Ideas of all modern schools of value theories are integrated with an intention of establishing a substance oriented six level system of theories on value.
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    Theory on Service Products and Its Practical Implications
    LI Jiang-fan
    2002, (2):  27-32.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1129 )   PDF (782KB) ( 1710 )  
    Under circumstances of the rise of the third industry, traditional theories on value of labor are faced with the severe challenge of a narrowing scope of application. In response to this challenge, the author explores possible ways to extend the application area to the third industry. Non-material products, non material use value, and theories on value of service are discussed. Thus, the category of social products is expanded to include service products, the category of use value is enlarged to embrace non materialized use value, and the category of value of labor is extended so that the third industry can also be addressed.
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