Teaching and Research ›› 2021, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (7): 77-86.
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Abstract: During a short period of tenplus years since it was introduced in China, deliberative democracy has undergone a transition from the creative treason of translation to the creative rebirth in practice. The creative treason of translation is mainly revealed in the attempts of using the existing political terminology in China to translate and connect with the theory of deliberative democracy from the West, in an expectation to develop the “deliberation” resources in the Chinese political discourses and practice to give rise to a new situation of deliberative democracy with Chinese characteristics. Nevertheless, such attempts are still trapped in a mode of thinking that simply embeds a model into a different space, ie. applying the Western concepts and theories as standards to the Chinese reality. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the deliberative democracy research has shown a new style, with the Chinese theories and discourses being consciously adopted by the academia to summarize and prove the features and advantages of deliberative democracy in China. The creative rebirth in practice is demonstrated in the Chinese deliberative democracy in the new era in three dimensions: the relations between the theory and practice of deliberative democracy, the driving forces in the practice of deliberative democracy, and the domains of the deliberative democracy practice.
Key words: deliberative democracy, creative treason of translation, creative rebirth in practice
摘要: 协商民主在中国发展的短短十几年时间里,经历了从翻译的创造性叛逆到实践的创造性再生的过程。翻译的创造性叛逆主要表现在尝试用中国既有政治词汇来译介和对接西方的Deliberative Democracy理论,期望通过西方协商民主理论来对接中国政治话语和实践中的“协商”资源以开出中国特色的协商民主新局面。但是,这种尝试依然没有摆脱将西方的概念和理论作为标准直接运用于中国实践的“模式嵌套”思维。党的十八大以来,协商民主研究出现了新的局势,学术界开始自觉地以中国理论话语来总结和证明自身协商民主实践的特色和优势。新时期中国协商民主在协商民主理论与实践的关系、协商民主实践的推动力量、协商民主的实践领域等三个层面呈现出实践创造性再生的特色。
关键词: 协商民主, 翻译的创造性叛逆, 实践的创造性再生
Yan Feifei. Deliberative Democracy in the Chinese Contexts: From Creative Treason of Translation to Creative Rebirth in Practice[J]. Teaching and Research, 2021, 55(7): 77-86.
闫飞飞. 中国语境下的协商民主:从翻译的创造性叛逆到实践的创造性再生[J]. 教学与研究, 2021, 55(7): 77-86.
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