Teaching and Research ›› 2021, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (7): 46-54.
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Abstract: The new model of partytoparty relations originates from the thoughts on interparty relations of Marx, Engels, Lenin, and the Communist Party of China. It is an innovative development of the Marxist theory of interparty relations in the new era, in which seeking common grounds while shelving differences is the prerequisite, mutual respect is the key, and mutual learning is the goal. These three elements complement one another and together constitute the main content of the new model of partytoparty relations. The new model of partytoparty relations actively responds to changes in China and the world, provides scientific theories that keep pace with the times for the communications of political parties in the world, and is of important contemporary significance. It provides theoretical guidance for China to handle relations with foreign political parties in the new era, offers basic guidelines for promoting the construction of a new type of international relations, provides a Chinese solution for political parties around the world to properly handle interparty relations, and reveals the responsibility assumed by a great political party of a great country.
Key words: new model of partytoparty relations, seeking common grounds while shelving differences, mutual respect, mutual learning, community with a shared future for mankind
摘要: 新型政党关系源自马克思恩格斯、列宁以及中国共产党成立以来的党际关系思想,是马克思主义党际关系理论在新时代的创新性发展。其中,求同存异是前提,相互尊重是关键,互学互鉴是目的,三者相辅相成,共同构成了新型政党关系的主要内容。新型政党关系主动因应中国和世界的变化,为世界政党交往提供了与时俱进的科学理论,具有重要的当代价值。它为新时代中国处理对外党际关系提供了理论指导,为推动构建新型国际关系提供了基本遵循,为世界各国政党妥善处理党际关系提供了中国方案,体现了大国大党的责任与担当。
关键词: 新型政党关系, 求同存异, 相互尊重, 互学互鉴, 人类命运共同体
Zhu Xu, Jin Di. The Theoretical Origin, Basic Connotation and Contemporary Value of the New Model of PartytoParty Relations[J]. Teaching and Research, 2021, 55(7): 46-54.
朱旭, 金迪. 新型政党关系的理论渊源、基本内涵与当代价值[J]. 教学与研究, 2021, 55(7): 46-54.
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