Teaching and Research ›› 2021, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (7): 55-66.
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Abstract: The capacity of a political party does not come naturally. It is resulted from the combined effect of multiple factors, including the representativeness of the political partys interests, the effectiveness of its theory, its practical reason, and its innovativeness. The capacity of the Communist Party of China (CPC) reflects a combination of both the soft and the hard power. It has the soft power in spiritual, value, and cultural dimensions, as well as the hard power in terms of organization, mobilization, and implementation. Overall, the capacity of the CPC mainly involves the following four aspects. First, in terms of “partypolitics”, the CPC enjoys super strong political leadership: it can achieve centralized and unified leadership, and maintain orderly state governance. Second, in terms of “partytheory”, the CPC plays a prominent role in ideological guidance: it is able to create and maintain a practical consensus between party members and the masses in ideological and ideational dimensions, and unify the will to act. Third, in terms of “partymass”, the CPC has a strong grassroots mobilization ability, enabling it to effectively marshal the power of the masses and achieve strong cohesion within the party and across the country. Fourth, in terms of “partysociety”, the CPC maintains a strong social appeal and can mobilize the broadest social forces to commit themselves to the undertaking of socialist construction. The CPC has the courage to promote selfrevolution, and unceasingly strengthens its exceeding political party capacity. This political party capacity provides guidance for and fundamental support to the state capacity, and serves the overall arrangement of building a socialist modern country in an allround way.
Key words: Communist Party of China, political party capacity, state governance, political party governance, spiritual motivation
摘要: 对于一个政党而言,政党能力并不是天然生成的,而是在政党的利益代表性、理论武装程度、实践理性、创新品格等多重要素共同作用下生成的。中国共产党的政党能力是硬实力与软实力的复合体现,既体现出精神、价值、文化维度上的软力量,也体现出组织、动员、执行层面上的硬实力。从整体上看,中国共产党的政党能力主要体现在四个层面:一是在“政党—政治”方面,中国共产党具有超强的政治领导力,实现党的集中统一领导,使国家治理保持井然有序的状态;二是在“政党—理论”方面,中国共产党具有超强的思想引领力,从思想、观念层面维系党员与群众的实践共识,统一行动的意志;三是在“政党—群众”方面,中国共产党具有超强的群众组织力,能够有效把群众“组织起来”,使政党内部与国家内部具备高度的凝聚力;四是在“政党—社会”方面,中国共产党具有超强的社会号召力,能够动员起最广大的社会力量投入到社会主义建设的事业当中。中国共产党勇于推进自我革命,不断铸就超强的政党能力,而政党能力又牵引着国家能力,为国家能力提供根本支撑,服务于全面建设社会主义现代化国家的整体布局。
关键词: 中国共产党, 政党能力, 国家治理, 政党治理, 精神动力
Xiang Jingyao. On the Capacity of the Communist Party of China[J]. Teaching and Research, 2021, 55(7): 55-66.
项敬尧. 论中国共产党政党能力[J]. 教学与研究, 2021, 55(7): 55-66.
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