ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

教学与研究 ›› 2021, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (5): 51-64.

• 中国特色社会主义政治经济学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国人民大学经济学院
  • 出版日期:2021-05-16 发布日期:2021-05-07
  • 作者简介:孙咏梅,中国人民大学经济学院副教授(北京100872)。
  • 基金资助:

A Solution to the “Easterly Tragedy” in Antipoverty Efforts: The “Chinese Wisdom” in Poverty Alleviation

  1. School of Economics, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China
  • Online:2021-05-16 Published:2021-05-07

摘要: 当今世界仍有数亿人挣扎在饥饿与贫困的泥潭。西方新自由主义理论体系的逻辑缺陷以及西方国家反贫困过程中暴露的制度本身的内在矛盾,表明这些国家难以从根本上克服贫困。对于西方私有制国家来说,“伊斯特利悲剧”式反贫困难题在理论上是无解的,在现实中亦如此。与此形成鲜明对比的是,中国经过数十年努力,创造了在现行贫困标准下,使8亿多人口摆脱绝对贫困的世界性奇迹,在理论上破解了西方国家“伊斯特利悲剧”式反贫困难题,在实践上摒弃了新自由主义的逻辑缺陷,为世界展现了脱贫攻坚的中国优势与“中国智慧”。“中国智慧”的理论逻辑起点是马克思主义反贫困思想,其理论价值在于以中国特色社会主义经济理论为指导,并在反贫困实践中获得了成功的验证,其实践价值在于不但展现了社会主义国家不断完善的反贫困制度基础和科学的经济运行机制,同时,也向世界各国倡导了以合作促减贫,共同构建一个没有贫困的人类命运共同体。

关键词: 伊斯特利悲剧, 减贫优势, 合作共赢

Abstract: Hundreds of millions of poor people in the world are still struggling against hunger and poverty. Given the logical defects of the Western neoliberal theoretical system and the inherent institutional problems revealed in the antipoverty efforts of Western countries, it is difficult for these countries to fundamentally eliminate poverty. For Western countries with private ownership, there is no solution to the “Easterly tragedy”, either in theory or in reality. In contrast, with decades of efforts, China has created a world miracle in poverty alleviation: more than 800 million people have been lifted out of absolute poverty based on the current poverty standard. This provides, in theory, a solution to the “Easterly tragedy” in Western countries, abandons in practice the logical problems of neoliberalism, and shows the world the Chinese advantage and the “Chinese wisdom” in poverty alleviation. Theoretically, the “Chinese wisdom” starts from the Marxist antipoverty thoughts. Its theoretical value rests upon the guiding role of the socialist economic theory with Chinese characteristics, which has been successfully verified in the antipoverty practice. Its practical value lies in that it not only manifests the continuously improved institutional foundation of antipoverty efforts and the scientific mechanism of economic operation in socialist countries, but also advocates to the world an approach of reducing poverty through cooperation in order to build a povertyfree community with a shared future for mankind.

Key words: Easterly tragedy, advantages in poverty alleviation, winwin cooperation